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Translated Texts for Historians 

300-800 AD is the time of late antiquity and the early middle ages: the 
transformation of the classical world, the beginnings of Europe and of Islam, 
and the evolution of Byzantium. TTH makes available sources translated 
from Greek, Latin, Syriac, Coptic, Arabic, Georgian, Gothic and Armenian. 
Each volume provides an expert scholarly translation, with an introduction 
setting texts and authors in context, and with notes on content, interpretation 
and debates. 

Editorial Committee 

Sebastian Brock, Oriental Institute, University of Oxford 

Averil Cameron, Keble College, Oxford 

Marios Costambeys, University of Liverpool 

Carlotta Dionisotti, King’s College, London 

Peter Heather, King’s College, London 

Robert Hoyland, University of Oxford 

William E. Klingshirn, The Catholic University of America 

Michael Lapidge, Clare College, Cambridge 

John Matthews, Yale University 

Neil McLynn, Corpus Christi College, Oxford 

Richard Price, Heythrop College, University of London 

Claudia Rapp, Institut fiir Byzantinistik und Neograzistik, Universitat Wien 

Judith Ryder, University of Oxford 

Raymond Van Dam, University of Michigan 

Michael Whitby, University of Birmingham 

Ian Wood, University of Leeds 

General Editors 

Gillian Clark, University of Bristol 
Mark Humphries, Swansea University 
Mary Whitby, University of Oxford 

Front cover drawing: A group of bishops as depicted in the codice Emilanense, Biblioteca de 
El Escorial, Madrid (drawn by Gail Heather) 

A full list of published titles in the Translated Texts for Historians 
series is available on request. The most recently published are 
shown below. 

Bede: On Genesis 

Translated with introduction and notes by CALVIN B. KENDALL 

Volume 48: 371pp., 2008, ISBN 978-1-84631-088-1 

Nemesius: On the Nature of Man 

Translated with introduction and notes by R. W. SHARPLES and P. J. VAN DER EIJK 

Volume 49: 283pp., 2008, ISBN 978-1-84631-132-1 

Sources for the History of the School of Nisibis 

Translated with introduction and notes by ADAM H. BECKER 

Volume 50: 217pp., 2008, ISBN 978-1-84631-161-1 

Acts of the Council of Constantinople of 553: 
with related texts on the Three Chapters Controversy 

Translated with an introduction and notes by RICHARD PRICE 

Volume 51, 2 vols, 384pp + 360pp, 2009, ISBN 9781846311789 

Three Political Voices from the Age of Justinian: Agapetus - Advice to the Emperor, 
Dialogue on Political Science, Paul the Silentiary - Description of Hagia Sophia 

Translated with notes and an introduction by PETER N. BELL 

Volume 52: 249pp, ISBN 978-1-84631-209-0 

History and Hagiography from the Late Antique Sinai 


Volume 53: 346pp, ISBN 978-1-84631-216-8 

Orosius: Seven Books of History against the Pagans 

Translated with introduction and notes by A. T. FEAR 

Volume 54: 456pp., 2010; ISBN 978-1-84631-473-5 cased, 978-1-84631-239-7 limp 

The Chronicle of Pseudo-Zachariah Rhetor: Church and War in Late Antiquity 

introductory material by SEBASTIAN BROCK and WITOLD WITAKOWSKI 

Volume 55: forthcoming 2010; ISBN 978-1-84631-493-3 cased, 978-1-84631-494-0 limp 

Bede: On the Nature of Things and On Times 

Translated with introduction and notes by CALVIN B. KENDALL and FAITH WALLIS 

Volume 56: 371pp., 2010, ISBN 978-1-84631-495-7 

For full details of Translated Texts for Historians, including prices and 
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Translated Texts for Historians 
Volume 26 

Lives of the 
Visigothic Fathers 

Translated and edited by 




First published 1997 
Liverpool University Press 
4 Cambridge Street 
Liverpool, L69 7ZU 

Copyright © 1997, 2011 A. T. Fear 

This edition 2011 

The author’s rights have been asserted in accordance with 
the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988 

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A British Library CIP Record is available. 

ISBN 978-0-85323-582-8 limp 

Set in Times by 
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Translator’s Notes 



Life and Martyrdom of Saint Desiderius 



The Life of St Aemilian the Confessor, called the hooded 



The Lives of the Fathers of Merida 



On the Lives of Famous Men 



The Life of St Fructuosus of Braga 







I would like to thank the participants of the Mediber internet group, members 
of the Department of Classics at the University of Keele, Gillian Clark and 
Roger Wright of the University of Liverpool, Peter Heather of University 
College, London, and Georgina Olivetto of the University of Buenos Aires 
for their generous help in the creation of this book. The errors which remain 
are, of course, entirely my own responsibility. 



Analecta Bollandiana 


Archivo espanol de Arqueologia 


Boletin de la Real Academia de la Historia 




The Lives of Famous Men 


The Glory of the Confessors 


The Glory of the Martyrs 


History of the Franks 


History of the Goths 


Inscripciones cristianas de la Espana romana y visigoda 
(ed. J. Vives, Barcelona 1942) 


Inscripciones hebraicas de Espana (eds F. Cantera Burgos and 
J. M. Millas Vallicrosa, Madrid 1956) 


Leges Visigothorum (ed. K. Zeumer, Hannover 1902) 


Patrologia Latina 


Patrologia Latina Supplementum 


Revista de Estudios extremenos 


Settimane di studio del Centro Italiano di studi sull’Alto 


Life of the Fathers 


Life of the Meridan Fathers 


Life of St Aemilian 


Life of St Fructuosus 


Life of St Martin 

Church councils and their numbers have been italicised with any canons 
referred to left in Roman type thus: 3 Toledo 4 

Map of Spain showing places mentioned in the text 


An Arab chronicler tells us that when Musa ibn-Nusayr, the conqueror 
of Visigothic Spain, returned to Damascus and was asked by the Caliph 
what had struck him most about the country he had subjugated he 
replied, ‘The effeminacy of the princes’. This picture of the Visigothic 
domination of the Iberian peninsula as a period of barbarism and 
decadence intervening between the glories of Roman Spain and 
Caliphate of Cordoba has long coloured the histories of the period. 1 
Recently however there has been a greater appreciation of the 
achievements of the Visigoths. These were considerable not only in 
terms of the intellectual achievements of the period, but also the 
creation of a political system whose stability is all the more apparent if 
it is contrasted with the kingdom’s northern neighbour, Merovingian 

The architect of Visigothic Spain as it was known in the times the 
texts translated here were written was King Leovigild. Leovigild was 
made joint ruler of the Visigothic kingdom by his brother Liuva in AD 
568 and became sole ruler in AD 572. He did not come to the throne 
in a prosperous hour. His realm had been racked by a civil war between 
Liuva’s predecessor, Athanagild, and the king from whom he had seized 
the throne, Agila. Athanagild when launching his rebellion in Seville 
had called on Byzantine assistance and the emperor Justinian seeing an 
opportunity to further his dream of re-establishing the Roman Empire 
despatched troops to aid him. With this East Roman help Athanagild 
was able to beat off initial attempts to crush his rebellion and drive 
Agila back north to Merida. However he was unable to deliver a 
decisive blow against his king and in the ensuing stand-off Athanagild’s 
Byzantine ‘allies’ busily set about re-establishing a province of 
Mauretania II centred on Cartagena. This may in fact have consisted of 
a group of key cities rather than a continuous strip of occupied territory. 
It was probably the obvious threat posed by the Byzantines to continued 
Visigothic supremacy in Spain which led the supporters of Agila to 
murder him and declare for Athanagild. Athanagild then turned on his 
‘allies’ but while retaking some towns was unable to expel the 

1 Shaw [1906] is particularly notorious however this opinion is not dead - see Glick 




Byzantines from the peninsula: 2 Mauretania II was to remain a feature 
of the Iberian political landscape until its final reconquest by Suinthila 
in AD 624. Other areas of the peninsula were also outside Gothic 
control. The largest of these was the Kingdom of the Sueves centred in 
the North West of Spain. However Cantabria and parts of La Rioja were 
ruled by an independent senate, Sabaria (probably located in Zamora) 
was also in rebellion and a further statelet existed in the North West 
centred around Orense run by the ‘leading man of the place,’ a certain 
Aspidius. To the south Cordoba had used the war between Athanagild 
and Agilato establish its independence and a similar situation obtained 
in the Orospeda mountains in the Andalusian Corderillo. Disintegration 
in Spain was not Athanagild’s only legacy to the politics of western 
Europe. His daughter Brunhilda was married to the Frankish King 
Sigibert and henceforth played an active and colourful part in Frankish 
politics until her death in AD 613. 3 

Leovigild’s main aim as king was to weld together his disintegrating 
realm and this he pursued with vigour. AD 570 and 571 saw the king 
campaigning against the Byzantines in the south and the liberation of 
Medina Sidonia from East Roman rule. The following year the rebel 
town of Cordoba and its possessions were brought inside the kingdom 
once more. These southern campaigns may well have been to arrest 
further Byzantine attempts at expansion. By AD 573 Leovigild thought 
his southern borders secure enough to march north. He first successfully 
turned his attention to the re-incorporation of Sabaria into the kingdom, 4 
in AD 574 most of Cantabria was reconquered, and the rule of Aspidius 
was brought to an end in AD 575. The northern campaigns ended with 
advantageous peace made with the Sueves in AD 576. Leovigild then 
moved south again and re-established his rule in the Orospeda 
Mountains in AD 577. These years saw the Gothic kingdom re¬ 
established with a degree of authority that it had rarely enjoyed in the 
past. Leovigild celebrated his achievement by the foundation of a new 
town, named Reccopolis after his son Reccared. John of Biclarum states 
that by this time Leovigild had suppressed all the usurpers to be found 

2 Gregory of Tours, HF 4.8. 

3 See VSD below. 

4 Probably located in the modem Tras Os Montes e Alto Duero province of Portugal. 



in the peninsula and overcome its invaders. 5 These invaders were of 
course the Byzantines and Leovigild’s conflict with the East Roman 
Empire led to a remarkable degree of self-assertion on the Gothic king’s 
part. Leovigild broke with the polite political fiction of the day which 
assumed the notional supremacy of the Byzantine Emperor. The 
foundation of Reccopolis was one aspect of this, the striking of coins in 
his own name another. He was also the first Gothic king to adopt full 
royal regalia, including possibly a crown. 6 Toledo became the urbs regia 
or the permanent royal capital of the Kingdom 7 and the metropolitan of 
Toledo began his gradual rise to de facto supremacy over the Visigothic 
church in the same way as the Patriarch of Constantinople came to head 
the Eastern Orthodox church. 8 In short Leovigild saw himself as 
building a parallel and fully independent ‘Byzantium’ in the West. 9 

A major setback came when Leovigild’s son, Hermenegild, who had 
been appointed governor of Baetica, rebelled against his father. If we 
are to believe John of Biclarum’s chronology of the rebellion, it is likely 
that at its outset Hermenegild declared himself a convert to Trinitarian 
Christianity. This was of considerable significance. It allowed 
Hermenegild to appeal, like Athanagild before him, for Byzantine 
support which he received albeit in a half-hearted fashion. 10 Moreover, 
it created potential support for the rebellion among the majority 
Hispano-Roman population. The Sueves were also Trinitarian (their 
previous conversion from Arianism may have been undertaken through 
a wish to establish a distinct identity from the Goths) and hence further 
potential allies. The rebellion spread over Andalusia and Extremadura 
as far as Merida; but there was to be no repeat of Athanagild’s success. 
The initial gains of the rebellion may have been due to Leovigild 
campaigning in the North once more where we are told he captured part 
of the Basque country and founded the town of Victoriacum in AD 581. 

The following year Leovigild raised an army against his son and 
retook Merida. He went on to besiege Seville, beating off an attempt to 

5 Jo Biclar., Chron. 51. 

6 Isidore, HG 51. For the possibility of a crown see Milne [1952] 48. 

7 Ewig [1963] 31-36. 

8 See Rivera Recio [1955]. 

9 For Visigothic rivalry with Byzantium see Hillgarth [1970]. 

10 See Gregory of Tours HF 5.38 & 6.43 and Goffart [1957]. 


• • 


lift the siege by the Suevic King Miro who had marched south to aid 
Hermenegild only to lose his life. Leovigild then refortified the old 
Roman town of Italica to mount a permanent blockade of Seville. In AD 
584 the town was recaptured and the rebellion brought to a close. 
Hermenegild was sent into exile first to Valencia and then Tarragona, 
where he met his end at the hands of an assassin in AD 585. The 
Sueves paid dearly for their support of Hermenegild; in the same year 
as he was assassinated, Leovigild put an end to the Suevic kingdom’s 
independent life and Arianism was re-imposed as the area’s official 

Prior to raising the army to suppress the rebellion, Leovigild tried a 
religious solution to undercut his son. Previously unconcerned over the 
confessions of his subjects, he now initiated a policy of religious unity. 11 
There was no attempt to impose the religion of the Goths, often referred 
to as Arianism, 12 on the population at large; rather Leovigild sought to 
impose a compromise creed in the form of Macedonianism (i.e. the 
acceptance of the parity of the Father and the Son, but the subordination 
of the Holy Ghost). 13 The king prayed ostentatiously at Trinitarian 

11 See Orlandis [1956]. 

12 The Goths were converted to Christianity by bishop Ulfila in the late fourth century. 
Their version of Christianity was opposed to the conclusions of the Council of Nicaea held 
in AD 325 and hence became referred to as Arianism. Arianism, named after its first 
exponent, Arius, a leading presbyter in the church of Alexandria, was the main concern 
at Nicaea. It was a form of subordinationism which held that Christ, although not a mere 
man, was nonetheless created by God the Father and hence subordinate, not co-equal to 
him. Similar beliefs are held today by the Jehovah’s Witnesses. There is, however, no 
evidence that Ulfila or the Goths were followers of Arius, see Heather and Matthews 
[1991] ch.5. ‘Arianism’ had simply become a term of ecclesiastical invective. For a 
parallel phenomenon see Cronin’s [1985] discussion of ‘Pelagianism’. This presents 
several problems with terminology, as the Goths referred to their brand of Christianity as 
the ‘Catholic’ faith as opposed to the ‘Roman’ faith of the Trinitarians, see Gregory of 
Tours, GC 24 and Jo.Biclar. Chron 58. Throughout this book ‘Arianism’ is used to denote 
the beliefs of Gothic Christianity prior to the Visigoths’ conversion to Trinitarianism under 
Reccared, whereas ‘Catholic’ and ‘Orthodox’ are used in their modern Trinitarian sense. 

13 See Jo.Biclar., Chron 58. This passage where John refers to Leovigild’s ‘alteration of 
an old heresy by a new error’ shows that it was not Arianism the King wished to 
encourage. The heresy takes its name from its chief early exponent Bishop Macedonius 
of Constantinople who was deposed in AD 360. Its supporters were sometimes known as 
pneumatomachi , ‘those who fight against the spirit’. 


• • • 


shrines, probably as a way to claim them for the new creed. 14 In fact 
Leovigild appears to have made it as easy as he could for those who 
wished to change their faith; at an Arian synod called at Toledo in AD 
580 he overcame one major difficulty for potential converts by 
establishing the principle that a second baptism would not be required 
to profess his new doctrine. 15 Nevertheless, there was also a darker side 
to his strategy: there seems no reason to think that Gregory of Tours’ 
statement that those who did not go along with Leovigild’s policy were 
persecuted with vigour is false. 16 Indeed, given that the king showed 
little mercy to Gothic political dissidents, 17 it would have been out of 
character for him to have shown less determination here. Leovigild’s 
aim was surely the same as that of Justinian at the abortive 5th 
Ecumenical Council held at Constantinople in AD 553: 18 namely to 
construct a form of Christian belief upon which all his subjects could 

Leovigild notoriously failed in his attempt. His failure was in part due 
to the strong opposition of leading Trinitarian churchmen such as 
Leander of Seville, John of Biclarum, and Masona of Merida. 
Nevertheless, it would be unwise to attribute the king’s defeat solely to 
their resistance. 19 Nor was Leovigild without his successes, at least one 

14 See Gregory of Tours, HF 6.18. He certainly seems to have wanted to appropriate 
prize Trinitarian relics for this purpose. 

15 Jo.Biclar., Chron. 55. 

16 HF 5.38, where it is said that in AD 580 the Catholic population of Spain suffered 
persecution which included confiscation of property, exile, corporal and capital 
punishment. Despite her formidable character, Gregory’s statement that the chief instigator 
of this persecution was his wife Goiswintha is less credible and is surely simply a 
rhetorical denigration of Leovigild. 

17 Isidore, HG 51. 

18 The Emperor decided that Christ was ‘incarnate and made man and crucified and is one 
of the Holy and Consubstantial Trinity.’ (Theopaschism), CJ 1.1.6. This was acceptable 
to neither to Chaicedonians nor the Monphysites, the two warring factions he wished to 
reconcile. The Emperor Heraclius’ compromise of ‘Monotheletism’ (the doctrine that 
Christ had two natures, but only one will) was to fall on equally stony ground in the next 

19 The exile of at least two of these men, Leander and Masona, may well have been 
punishment for their support of Leovigild. It is easy to see how if Hermenegild had made 
Trinitarianism a rallying call a spiral of persecution could have evolved in this period. 



Bishop, Vincent of Saragossa, converted to his new creed. 20 Gregory of 
Tours remarks that there were few Catholics left in Spain as a result of 
the king’s actions and though his statement may be provoked by a wish 
to show the faithlessness of the Goths, a race he despised, John of 
Biclarum also states that many Catholics converted to the new 
doctrine. 21 VPE also shows that there were Orthodox clergymen willing 
to go along with Leovigild, quite possibly for patriotic reasons. The 
dangers to the kingdom posed by rebellion were all too obvious and 
even staunchly Trinitarian contemporaries such as John of Biclarum had 
little praise for Hermenegild. 22 The early death of the king in AD 586 
may well have been the most important factor for the failure of the 
Macedonianist policy. 

Leovigild’s son, Reccared, succeeded him, converted to 
Trinitarianism, and announced the conversion of the entire Gothic nation 
at 3 Toledo in AD 589. Unsurprisingly this act provoked resistance in 
some quarters and the Burgundians saw fit to invade Septimania to 
exploit the situation. Although they were resoundingly defeated by Duke 
Claudius outside Carcassone, the victory was probably only bought with 
aid from Austrasia the price of which was the loss of at least two towns 
in Septimania. 23 Thereafter king and church marched together, albeit 
frequently out of step. National church councils were often used to 
promulgate legislation well beyond the ambit of normal ecclesiastical 
matters, but it would be wrong to see the kingdom as a theocracy or an 
absolute monarchy. The king always had the upper hand and would 
have been regarded as a poor monarch if he had not used his power to 
correct his flock; 24 however there was always the psychological restraint 
of the notion that a king’s rule was ultimately granted by divine 
sanction and that as God’s representative on earth the king ought to 
behave in certain ways and not in others. 25 This view, best summarised 

20 Isidore, DVI 43, HG 50. 

21 Gregory of Tours, HF 6.18, Jo. Biclar., Chron 58. 

22 John of Biclarum, Chron 55 notes that Hermenegild’s rebellion did more harm to Spain 
than any foreign invader had managed to do. 

23 See Bulgar, Ep 3 = PL 80 112. 

24 Isidore Etymologiae 9.3, indeed a man who does not set things to rights is not a king.’ 

25 See 8 Toledo Tomus, where Reccesvinth states ‘all kings on earth serve and obey God’. 
Similarly his father Chindasvinth had declared to Braulio, ‘Do not believe that I would 
be able to do anything that is displeasing to God’, Ep.32. 



by Isidore’s dictum, ‘You shall be king if you act rightly; if you do not 
you shall not be king’, was, of course, frequently honoured in the 
breach. 26 

After Reccared’s rule there were no attempts by outside powers to 
encroach on the Kingdom and the size of the Byzantine enclave was 
slowly whittled away until it was finally reconquered in its entirety by 
Suinthila in AD 624. Nevertheless dangers from abroad did remain in 
the form of refugae or refugees who had left the kingdom and then 
attempted to make a come back often with overt or covert foreign 
assistance. The danger posed by such individuals can be seen in the 
frequent laws enacted to control travel abroad. 4 Toledo 30 (AD 633) 
forbade clergy who lived close to the frontier to communicate with 
foreign powers without express royal permission. King Chindasvinth 
passed a law on treason in AD 642 condemning refugae, or even those 
who wished to flee abroad, to death. 27 If the king decided to show 
mercy, the guilty would still be blinded and in all events their property 
was forfeit to the crown. 7 Toledo 1 (AD 646) continues the theme, 
denouncing the damage caused by refugae. The canon decrees that any 
cleric of any rank who goes abroad is to be instantly deprived of his 
rank and anyone found aiding a rebel or foreign power is to be 
excommunicated. Nor was such legislation without foundation. Suinthila 
was overthrown in AD 631 by Sisenand who relied on aid from the 
Franks, Reccesvinth took four years to put down Froia’s rebellion which 
had the support of Basques from outside the Kingdom, and in AD 672 
Count Paul’s rebellion against Wamba in Septimania again relied on 
Frankish assistance. Visigothic Kings therefore had good empirical 
precedents to make them suspicious of nobles or clerics who cultivated 
links with foreigners. Nor were such rebellions the only danger faced by 
a King, internal intrigue was also ever present. Usurpation was 

26 Etymologiae 9.3.4, ‘ rex eris, si recte facias: si non facias, non eris\ based on Horace, 
Epistles 1.1.59. Isidore’s relationship with Suinthila warns of the reality underlying such 
sentiments. While he was fulsome in his praise of Suinthila in his History of the Goths 
which was published in the king’s lifetime, Isidore is the first name in the list of bishops 
denouncing him at 4 Toledo (AD 633) which was held two years after Suinthila’s death. 
The History of the Goths commends Suinthila for acting as a father to the poor, but 4 
Toledo 75 denounces his avarice at the poor’s expense. For a full discussion of the 
Visigothic ideology of Kingship see King [1972] ch.2. 

27 LV 2.1.8. 



anathematised by 4 Toledo 75. The following Council at Toledo decided 
that this canon should be read out at the end of every subsequent 
National Council and that conspirators against the king were to be 
excommunicated. 28 6 Toledo 18 (AD 638) called on a new king to 
avenge the murderers of his predecessor as if they were the murderers 
of his own father and anathemas were pronounced on conspirators. 
Chindasvinth’s treason law dealt with internal rebels in the same terms 
as refugae. Again this plethora of legislation is symptomatic of a 
continual problem. Few Visigothic monarchs can safely be said to have 
died a peaceful death. Reccared’s son Liuva II, was deposed, mutilated, 
and murdered by Witteric, who was murdered in his turn seven years 
later. Some have seen the cause of Sisebut’s demise as due to poison 
rather than hypochondria. The young king Tulga was deposed by 
Chindasvinth, who promptly made him a monk, thus disqualifying him 
from further involvement in politics. In two and a half centuries of rule 
the Visigoths had thirty kings - therefore it is small wonder no one of 
them felt easy on his throne. 

This lack of longevity among the Gothic Kings along with Gregory 
of Tours’ remark on the ‘Gothic Disease’ of killing unpopular kings 29 
has fuelled the conception of Visigothic Spain as a profoundly unstable 
state. However it must be remembered that Gregory, never an impartial 
witness at the best of times, was no friend of the Goths and that turmoil 
at the top of a society need not cause extensive disturbance to its 
essential structures and stability. A good example is Early Imperial 
Rome. Here again the Imperial mortality rate was alarmingly high, but 
few would describe the Principate as a chronically unstable period. It 
would be wrong therefore to use the admittedly lurid personal careers 
of many Visigothic Kings to infer that their realm led an equally 
precarious existence. 

For a modem historian the lack of contemporary historical accounts 
of the kingdom comes as a great disappointment. While we have in the 
Visigothic Lawcode and the decrees of a multitude of church councils 
a detailed account of how life ought to have been lived in Gothic Spain, 

28 5 Toledo 7 (the reading of 4 Toledo 75) and 4 (excommunication of conspirators). The 
council took place in AD 636. 

29 Gregory of Tours, HF 3.30. A phrase picked up by Pseudo-Fredegar, Chron. 4.82 
when speaking of Chindasvinth’s successful usurpation against Tulga. 



we have less idea of how this law operated or did not operate. 30 There 
was no Gothic equivalent of Gregory of Tours; instead we have only 
Isidore of Seville’s History of the Goths and the Chronicle of John of 
Biclarum, both of which provide only the barest account of events. Of 
Isidore’s efforts EA Thompson has unkindly remarked, ‘He could hardly 
have told us less, except by not writing at all.’ 31 It is necessary therefore 
to turn to other texts to penetrate the opaque nature of the period and 
place flesh on the skeleton provided by our historical sources. Needless 
to say caution is needed in such a task. Given that writing, if not 
literacy, was mainly the preserve of churchmen, it is inevitable that the 
overwhelming majority of the texts available for study will be religious 
ones. 32 The most controversial of these are hagiographies. Hagiography 
was not, of course, written as a subgenre of social history, but for the 
spiritual edification of its readers. Nor is it satisfactory to approach 
hagiographic texts in the spirit of a historiographic gold prospector 
hoping that by panning the material it will be possible to extract 
historical nuggets while discarding the rest as dross and pious fiction. 
However, this does not make these texts unusable. While the modem 
mind approaches such documents with more prejudice than the works 
of the classical historians, in fact the claims that both sets of writings 
make are remarkably similar. History too in antiquity was written not 
in the spirit of Ranke as an impartial record of what ‘really happened’, 
but with an edifying purpose in mind, as can be seen from the 
comments of Tacitus and Livy. 33 There is an equal insistence on veracity 
in both cases and on the use of eye-witness accounts. 

Why then are hagiographic texts regarded with suspicion? Two main 
sources for concern can be identified. The first is the seemingly 
stereotyped nature of many saints’ lives. But need such ‘stereotypes’ be 
simply pious forgery? It is important to remember the power of 
rhetorical training on ancient writers. Tacitus’ and Suetonius’ ‘good’ 
and ‘tyrannical’ emperors exhibit many similar features, yet the general 
veracity of their accounts is rarely doubted. The use of literary 
convention need not in anyway rule out the truth of what is being 

30 For a masterly, though highly positivist synthesis of this evidence see King [1972]. 

31 Thompson [1969] 7. 

32 For an optimistic view of the levels of literacy in Visigothic Spain see Collins [1990]. 

33 Tacitus, Annals 3.65, Livy, Praef. 


reported. On many occasions it is a way of enlivening the text and 
making it more understandable to its readers. The use of biblical 
parallels in our texts deserves special mention here. These parallels can 
be seen as playing two roles. The first is to show what kind of incident 
is being described by reference to a parallel incident which is well- 
known to the audience (it must be remembered that while the somewhat 
brutal world of the Old Testament in particular seems distant to modem 
readers, a Visigothic audience would have no such sense of distance). 
The historical incident therefore helps to elucidate the Bible. At the 
same time the Bible can be seen as revealing the underlying purpose in 
recent events and thus demonstrating to the reader that Biblical teaching 
was not a mere record of things in times gone by, but dealt with and 
explained events known from his own time. This secondary effect would 
have been of great importance to our hagiographers who are at pains to 
emphasise how God is at work as much in their own day as in the past. 

Apart from such theoretical points, practical considerations also need 
to be taken into account. We must bear in mind that hagiography was 
meant to inspire emulation: the lives of early saints provided models for 
their successors who might well have tried to conform to these paragons 
of virtue. If life imitated art, as was clearly the intention, we ought not 
to be surprised that broad patterns of similar behaviour emerge in 
accounts of saints’ lives. The refusal to become a bishop had a time- 
honoured pedigree which might easily have altered the perception of the 
desirability of this office in the eyes of later hermits. The spurning of 
an episcopal see, often followed by a reluctant acceptance may well 
have been regarded as de rigeur by those in pursuit of the religious life. 

The single-minded purpose of hagiography also increases its 
seemingly artificial nature. For the hagiographer, unlike the biographer, 
the mere personal aspects of his subject would be of no interest 
whatsoever - we learn nothing for example of the appearance of 
Aemilian or Fructuosus, and the description of the Meridan Fathers is 
given to reflect their sanctity not for its own intrinsic interest. The 
stereotyped nature of the accounts is produced at least in part by this 
concentration on what are seen as the salient aspects rather than the 
entirety of the subject’s life. All forms of professional life are 
stereotyped to some degree. A collection of the lives of famous 
footballers, for example, if stripped of incidental detail would show 



widespread correlation as would a less plausible collection of the lives 
of famous university lecturers. 

The second and greater objection is hagiography’s insistence on the 
miracles performed by the saints. Miracles were, and indeed are, not an 
optional part of a saint’s life but integral to it. 34 At the end of St Mark’s 
gospel Christ promises that those who believe in Him will perform 
miracles, 35 and earlier in His Earthly life He sends out His apostles with 
the power to heal and raise the dead. 36 Canonisation at the period we are 
considering was not a regularised procedure. Nevertheless, miracles 
provided a test of the holy man’s true worth. However debatable a 
man’s style of life might be, the performance of miracles marked him 
out as special. The nature of a man’s life could then be used to check 
whether such supernatural acts were a product of divine intervention or 
black magic. Thus the combination of miracles and an approved way of 
life could bar the path to canonisation to both the sanctimonious and the 
sorcerer. The ability to perform miracles therefore was regarded as a 
necessary, though not sufficient, condition of sanctity. 37 Quite apart from 
this consideration, miracles were regarded as proof that Christianity was 
a living faith. The acts performed by the saints showed that God was 
still in the world and cared for His creation. This insistence on 
contemporary miracles can be seen in VPE here and in earlier 
martyrologies such as the Passio of Saints Perpetua and Felicity. 38 

The centrality of the miraculous presents a major problem in our own 
age which is only just learning to discard the claims of scientific 
positivism. Normal approaches include the dismissal of such material as 
simply embedded folklore, happy coincidence, or misunderstood forms 
of psychosomatic healing. Running alongside such methodology is 
frequently the view, either stated overtly or implied covertly, that the 
acceptance or fabrication of such stories on the part of the author means 

34 The modem Roman Catholic church demands one miracle for beatification and two for 

35 Mark 16.17-18. 

36 Matthew 10.8. 

37 See the comments of Pope Innocent III to Hubert Walter over the canonisation of 
Gilbert of Sempringham: ‘To be accepted for a saint among men in the church militant, 
two things are essential: holiness of life and mighty signs... separately [they] are not fully 
sufficient to establish sainthood here on earth’ in Cheney [1955] 27-28. 

38 Passion of St Perpetua and St Felicity 1. 



that he cannot be relied upon in the rest of his narrative. Quite apart 
from the fact that the blanket a priori dismissal of the possibility of 
miracles is a position equally irrational as an uncritical acceptance of all 
miracle stories, it would simply be wrong to regard either the authors 
of these pieces or their intended audiences as credulous fools in the way 
that the people of the early Middle Ages are frequently caricatured. Our 
authors are more than aware of the scepticism that some of their tales 
may engender, hence their continual insistence on their use of reliable 
and eyewitness accounts of the events they record. Indeed VPE’s 
ostensible reason for composition is to prove the veracity of the miracle 
stories in Gregory the Great’s Dialogues by setting down parallel and 
irrefutable local examples of similar occurrences. This is a tradition 
which can be traced back to the New Testament where there is a 
frequent insistence on the contemporaneity and verifiability of the 
narrative 39 and continues in Christian writing - Papias, for example, 
remarks that eyewitnesses are more reliable than sources derived from 
book-learning. 40 

Nor can the fact that most miracles fall into stereotyped patterns be 
regarded a proof of the ‘fictional’ nature of these accounts. The gospels 
outlined the signs which accompany belief and therefore clearly it is 
these in which a hagiographer would take especial interest. Centring on 
such signs from the hagiographer’s point of view is not recounting tired 
literary topoi , but sticking to the point at issue. Even therefore if a 
modem reader is predisposed to reject miracles, such an inclination must 
not lead him to the view that the author he is reading is necessarily 
uncritical in his work or that he is likely to fictionalise his narrative for 
ulterior motives. 

While these considerations may seem to save hagiography from 
certain forms of criticism, unfortunately they only highlight other 
problems. The single-mindedness of the texts means that their context 
can sometimes be very distorted. If we are to look for a hagiographer’s 
crimes, they are more often to be found in omission rather than 
fabrication. There is no mention in VPE , for example, of the civil war 

39 Sec John 19.35, 21.24; Acts 10.39,41; / Corinthians 15; / John 1.1-3; / Peter 5.1; 2 
Peter 1.16. 

40 As quoted by Eusebius, HE 3.39. Papias was Bishop of Hieropolis in the early second 
century AD. 



fought between Leovigild and his son Hermenegild, despite the fact that 
Merida was occupied by Hermenegild. These events occurred in the 
same period which occupies the longest narrative in VPE, the rule of 
Bishop Masona. To most historians they might be thought to have an 
important bearing on Leovigild’s treatment of Masona, yet such secular 
considerations are of no interest to VPE's author and hence omitted. 
Similarly we only incidentally hear of Leovigild’s campaigns in the 
North of Spain in VSA because they serve to underline Aemilian’s 
sanctity. The geography of Merida is described in VPE in ecclesiastical 
terms. This might be seen as an indication that a major alteration in the 
perception of the antique town had occurred by the Visigothic period 
with a civic geography being superseded by a sacred one, until we 
remember that the author is a cleric who would naturally be inclined use 
such landmarks. This would not necessarily have been the case with his 
fellow townsmen (the story of the two Oxford dons, one of whom knew 
his way around Oxford by pubs, the other by churches springs to mind) 
and to Merida’s Arab conquerors the town’s Christian buildings were 
insignificant compared to the surviving remains of the Roman period. 41 
Similarly, although the activities of the Trinitarian church may have 
been of great importance in Merida, we must remember that they are 
recorded by a parti pris and may have been magnified accordingly. We 
learn nothing of the Trinitarians’ Arian rivals nor of civil authority in 
the town, though both were certainly present. Masona indeed had cause 
to thank the latter when he was rescued by Duke Claudius. Moreover, 
as VPE is a history of individuals rather than a community, some other 
important individuals appear to have dropped out of the record. In John 
of Biclarum’s Chronicle the priest John of Merida, is said to have been 
‘held in high esteem’ in AD 578, but we learn nothing of this in VPE. A2 
Similarly we are not told of the monk Tarra’s problems at the 
monastery of Cauliana which we only know of because his appeal to 

41 al-Idrisi, for example, singles out the town’s aqueduct, the ‘arch of Trajan’, and a 
mysterious mirror on the town walls. For a translation see Dozy & De Goeje [1969]. A 
similar view is taken by al-Himyari (translation by Maestro Gonzalez [1963]) Only the 
walls (minus the mirror) are mentioned in VPE. The aqueducts and arch, substantial 
structures even today, are omitted entirely. 

42 Jo Biclar., Chron. 52. 



king Reccared has survived. 43 Yet both these incidents fall in the 
timespan covered by the narrative dealing with Masona. Even Masona’s 
own acts in AD 573 which earned praise from John of Biclarum are 
omitted from VPE presumably because they did not add to the 
hagiographer’s overall purpose. 44 

Another hazard in dealing with the history of Visigothic Spain is the 
linguistic illusion of unity produced by the anachronistic use of the 
singular term ‘Spain’. Although the Iberian peninsula appears at first 
sight to be a natural unit, in reality it is an extremely diverse area with 
many different regions. Similarly ‘Christianity’ too often creates a false 
monolithic impression to the mind. The texts selected here aim to cover 
the variations both in the geography and religious experience to be 
found in the Iberian peninsula in the Visigothic period. The scene of the 
events described, their protagonists, and authors differ strongly. Both the 
North and South of the peninsula are represented and the authors vary 
in rank from a King to the deacon of a church school. Their subjects are 
also diverse, ranging from the reclusive hermit St Aemilian to the 
metropolitan bishops of Toledo who were very much immersed in the 
world around them. 

The earliest text is Sisebut’s Life of St Desiderius (St Didier) of 
Vienne. Sisebut (AD 612-621) is perhaps the Visigothic King about 
whom we know most and yet his character remains enigmatic (though 
as questions multiply with knowledge, perhaps this is no surprise). 45 
Described as the ‘Maecenas of his age’, 46 Sisebut took a keen interest 
in scholarship, being a predecessor in this respect of Alfonso X ‘el 
Sabio’ of Castile or al-Hakam II of Cordoba. Another parallel which 
springs readily to the English reader’s mind is that of Alfred the Great 
of Wessex (AD 871-899). Sisebut was a friend and correspondent of 
Isidore of Seville who described the king as ‘eloquent in speech, 
informed in his opinions, and imbued with some knowledge of letters.’ 47 
The bishop dedicated his treatise on Natural History, the De Natura 

43 PL 80 19-22. 

44 Jo Biclar, Chron. 30. 

45 For a general account of Sisebut see Orlandis [1992] ch.7. 

46 A reference to Gaius Maecenas, the close associate of the Emperor Augustus and 
literary patron of Virgil, Horace, and Propertius. 

47 Isidore, HG 60. 



Rerum** and the first draft of the Etymologiae to Sisebut. It is possible 
that Isidore’s History of the Goths was commissioned by the king, 
though this was not completed until after Sisebut’s death. Sisebut, 
however, was more than a mere patron of learning: he wrote a 61-line 
poem on the eclipses of the Sun and Moon in good Latin hexameter 
verse. 49 A collection of seven of the king’s letters to a variety of 
correspondents has also survived, 50 along with the text translated here: 
the Life of St Desiderius. A further poem, On the Ordering of Time, has 
been occasionally, though incorrectly, attributed to him. 51 Sisebut’s 
Latinity, particularly his prose, described by Fontaine as 'un galimatias 
grandiloquent et pr&entieux’, 52 is tortuous and highly variable in its 
quality which probably explains Isidore’s qualified praise of his king. 
The variation in quality is so marked that some commentators have 
rejected Sisebut’s authorship of the Life altogether and others have 
postulated a ghost writer. Certainly the King’s poem is of much better 
quality than the Life, but this may reflect the nature of Sisebut’s 
education in his second language and is more a warning that different 
registers of linguistic ability can be present in the same individual than 
a reason to deny authorship of the Life to Sisebut. 53 

Sisebut was deeply religious. Among his correspondence is a letter of 
encouragement to his illegitimate son, Theudila, who had announced to 
his father his wish to become a monk. 54 Another feature of the King’s 
piety was his attempt to convert his Jewish subjects forcibly to 
Christianity. This policy drew a rebuke from Isidore 55 and was 
abandoned after the king’s death. 56 Sisebut’s actions left a powerful 

48 The preface begins ‘Isidore to his Lord and son Sisebut’, PL 83 963-1018; for a 
modem edition see Fontaine [I960]. 

49 = PL 83 1112. For a modem edition see Fontaine [I960]. 

5(1 PL 80 303-378. 

51 = PL 94 605. 

52 Fontaine [1960a]. 

5 ’ See, for example, Jimenez Duque [1977] 109 ‘Is the work his? From its subject and 
style apparently not.’ 

54 Sisebut Epl = PL 80 370-372. It could be suggested cynically that Theudila’s decision 
to become a monk would solve a potential problem of royal succession for Sisebut and 
that was the reason for the king’s enthusiasm. 

55 Isidore, HG 60. 

56 It was renounced by the church after the king’s death by 4 Toledo 57 (AD 633). 



impression on the Jewish community in Spain which is recorded for us 
by the fifteenth century historian Saloman ibn Verga. 57 

It would be very wrong however to see Sisebut as a monkish roi 
faineant interested only in the cloister and scriptorium. He was prepared 
to intervene actively in church politics - one of his surviving letters 
rebukes Eusebius, bishop of Tarragona, for failing to appoint the king’s 
favoured candidate to the bishopric of Barcelona. 58 His reign also saw 
extensive military activity in the Asturias, possibly campaigns against 
the Franks in Cantabria, 59 and against the Byzantines whose power in 
Spain was broken by the King’s vigorous action. By the end of 
Sisebut’s reign the Byzantine province was reduced to a rump and was 
finally reconquered in its entirety by Sisebut’s successor, Suinthila. Yet 
competent general that he was, Sisebut took little delight in battle. 
Pseudo-Fredegar records that after a victory over the Byzantines he 
lamented that his reign had seen such bloodshed. 60 

Perhaps these two aspects of Sisebut’s character can be seen as 
combined in VSD. Given his piety, it comes as little surprise to find 
Sisebut writing a saint’s life. Nor should his pious protestations that his 
work is for spiritual edification be simply dismissed out of hand; there 
can be little doubt that Sisebut did indeed wish to educate his readership 
in this way. His choice of saint, however, is much more striking. There 
was no cult of St Desiderius in Spain 61 and it might have seemed more 
natural for the King to write a life of a popular Hispanic saint such as 
St Vincent, Sta Eulalia, or Sta Leocadia, the patron saint of Toledo, 
whose cult he is known to have sponsored. The subject of the life has 
also been used along with its style to cast doubt on Sisebut’s authorship. 
A variety of reasons suggest themselves to explain Sisebut’s choice. It 
could be argued that Sisebut is writing an account which sets out the 
ideology of kingship championed by his friend Isidore of Seville and the 
consequences for royalty of failing to live up to this ideal. 62 Clearly it 

57 See his Staff of Judah. 

58 Sisebut, Ep 6 = PL 80 370. 

59 See Larraflaga Elorza [1993]. 

60 Pseudo-Fredegar, Chron ., 4.33. 

61 He is entirely absent from the Mozarabic liturgical works we possess. 

62 Isidore expresses his views that kingship has a moral content in his Etymologiae 1.29 
and Sententiae 3.48. See King [1972] ch.2 for a full discussion of Visigothic kingship. 



would be best to tell such a cautionary tale of neighbouring kings rather 
than of one’s own predecessors. Such a strategy would preserve the 
prestige and authority of the Visigothic monarchs of Spain whose 
continued survival implied their adherence to such values, while at the 
same time questioning the legitimacy of neighbouring kings. An attack 
on the Franks would also appeal widely to Gothic prejudice and hence 
increase the King’s popularity. Moreover the Franks involved, Brunhilda 
and Theuderic, appear to have used the instability in Spain at the time 
of the Kingdom’s conversion to Orthodoxy in AD 589 to extort territory 
in Visigothic Septimania 63 - an event which would have only occurred 
some twenty years before the writing of the Life and as such would 
have been within the living memory of many of Sisebut’s audience. A 
reminder to his audience, especially those living in Septimania, of the 
horrors of Frankish tyranny now that Merovingian Gaul was reunited for 
the first time for two generations and so potentially posed a much 
greater threat to Sisebut’s Gallic possessions may have seemed no bad 
thing to the king. Fontaine has suggested plausibly that the work could 
also have been aimed at preserving good relations with the new unitary 
state created in Gaul by Clothar II after his defeat of Brunhilda in AD 
613. 64 Clothar is depicted by Sisebut as the innocent victim of 
Brunhilda’s ambitions, whereas in fact he appears to have been heavily 
implicated in Austrasian conspiracies to remove her. If this is the case, 
Sisebut can be seen as neatly killing two birds with one stone, both 
creating hostility to further Frankish expansion in Septimania and at the 
same time presenting an account of recent events in Burgundy which 
could not be faulted by its current ruler. 

As an attack on Brunhilda Sisebut’s work must be seen as a striking 
success spawning as it did a ieyenda negra’ of Brunhilda the wicked 
queen which persisted virtually unchallenged until late in the nineteenth 
century. 65 Sisebut draws a much more black and white picture of what 
took place at the saint’s martyrdom than our other accounts. 66 Desiderius 
is portrayed as steadfast in his righteousness and enjoying absolute 

63 See Bulgar, Ep .3 = PL 80 112. 

64 Fontaine [1980]. 

65 The first major revisionist work casting doubt on Sisebut’s account of Brunhilda was 
that of Kurth [1891]. 

66 See in particular the anonymous Passio Sancti Desiderii, printed in AB 9 (1890). 



popular support, neither of which seems entirely certain when compared 
with our other, admittedly later, sources, and Brunhilda is set up as the 
evil genius of Burgundy, in contrast to Pseudo-Fredegar’s account which 
attributes the demise of Desiderius as much to Bishop Aridius of Lyons 
as to Brunhilda. 67 The success of Sisebut’s strategy could not have been 
immediately predictable. Pope Gregory the Great was a correspondent 
and apparently a friend of Brunhilda 68 and Gregory of Tours also has 
good things to say of her. 69 Nonetheless, presumably because it fitted the 
plans of the rulers in both Spain and Gaul, the black legend of 
Brunhilda set up by Sisebut was to become the norm. One example of 
its success in Spain is that the author of VPE draws heavily upon 
Sisebuf s work to depict paragons of good and evil. Sisebut died in AD 
621 in confused circumstances. Isidore is unclear whether natural causes 
were to blame or whether the king took an overdose of a medicine. 70 

The second text, St Braulio of Saragossa’s Life of St Aemilian (San 
Mill6n de la Cogolla) may also exhibit rivalry with the Franks. Bom in 
c.AD 585, Braulio was a pupil of Isidore of Seville. He appears to have 
returned to his home town of Saragossa in c.AD 619 and in AD 631 
became bishop there succeeding his elder brother John. He was to hold 
this post until his death in AD 651. In the preface to VSA we are told 
that Braulio intends to involve his great friend Eugene in writing the 
Life a task which the priest Fronimian has asked him to undertake. As 
Eugene was appointed bishop of Toledo in AD 645, VSA must have 
been written between AD 631-645, probably towards the end of this 
period if Braulio did indeed lose his initial draft of the work as he 
claims. Apart from VSA, we possess a collection of 44 letters from 
Braulio’s correspondence, 71 and a poem in praise of St Aemilian, though 
this is rejected as spurious by some commentators. 72 A sermon on St 
Vincent of Saragossa has also been occasionally attributed to Braulio. 73 

67 Pseudo-Fredegar, Chron. 4.32. 

68 See Gregory, Reg. 6.5, 6.50, 11.62 (thanking her for helping Augustine’s mission to 
Britain) and 13.6 (praising her for building a xenodocium in Autun). 

69 e.g HF 4.27. 

70 Isidore, HG 61. 

71 For an English translation see Barlow [1969]. The text of the letters was recently edited 
by Riesco Terrero [1975]. 

72 eg by Barlow [1969]. 

73 PL 54 501-504 (collected with the works of Pope Leo the Great). 



Many attempts have been made to give Braulio a more extensive family 
by extrapolation from his letters. The priest Fronimian, for example, is 
often claimed as his brother on the strength of Braulio’s use of ‘frater’ 
at the beginning of VSA. However, given the context of one priest 
writing to another, this is to enter into the realms of unsustainable 
conjecture. 74 Braulio, like his master, was a learned man and a keen 
collector of books who acquired an extensive library. 75 He appears to 
have been familiar, at least in the form of excerpts from florilegia , with 
a substantial number of classical authors. 76 He was clearly highly 
respected by the Spanish church. His friend and former archdeacon, 
Bishop Eugene II of Toledo, turned to him for advice on the problem 
of an irregular ordination at Toledo and its consequences; 77 and the 
Spanish church as a whole mandated him at 6 Toledo (AD 638) to write 
in its defence to Pope Honorius who had accused his Iberian brethren 
of laxity in their attitude towards the Jews. 78 Braulio’s relations with the 
kings of his day were varied. He pleaded with Chindasvinth not to 
remove Eugene from Saragossa to Toledo, but failed to persuade him, 79 
though it could be argued that Chindasvinth, who wished to create an 
intellectual centre in Toledo, paid Braulio a great, if perhaps 
unintentional, compliment in removing his favourite pupil to boost this 
project. Braulio was more successful when he wrote to Chindasvinth 
along with bishop Eutropius and Count Celsus urging him to share his 
throne with his son Reccesvinth. 80 The letter reveals a man very much 
involved in the secular as well as the ecclesiastical concerns of his day. 
Reccesvinth who became sole ruler on his father’s death seems to have 

74 Lynch [1938] is a prime example of this flawed methodology. 

75 See especially Braulio, Ep. 42, where Braulio begs Taio to send him copies of the 
works of Gregory he had found in Rome, and Ep. 44, where St Fructuosus in his turn asks 
for various books from Braulio. 

76 See, for example, Braulio Ep. 11, where Braulio misquotes Horace, Ars Poetica 2If. 
and ascribes the quotation to Terence. 

77 Braulio, Ep. 35-36. 

78 Braulio, Ep. 21. 

79 Braulio, Ep. 31-33. 

80 Braulio, Ep. 37. 



been on friendlier terms with Braulio than his father. He may well have 
employed him to draft his new law-code, the Liber ludicorum . 8I 

Braulio’s choice of Aemilian as a subject for hagiography is much 
less surprising than Sisebut’s choice of Desiderius. There is little reason 
to doubt that it was motivated by the request from his colleague 
Fronimian as a piece to be read out at a local mass in honour of the 
saint as mentioned at the beginning of the Life. The scope of Aemilian’s 
cult at this time is difficult to ascertain. It appears that its appeal was 
increasing at the time Braulio wrote as VSA is one of the works that St 
Fructuosus requests from him. 82 Braulio may well have seen part of his 
task as firmly to entrench a source of popular veneration within the 
ambit of the Orthodox church. In the terminology of Benedict’s or 
Isidore’s monastic rules Aemilian, an uneducated shepherd, would have 
come close to being categorised as a Sarabaite , or self-inspired hermit 
who recognised no superior earthly authority. 83 Such behaviour was, 
wisely in an age when wonder workers were rife, heavily frowned upon 
by the church. 84 Braulio therefore labours the point that Aemilian in fact 
had a mentor for his spiritual development and that the cultivation of 
correct spirituality requires such a teacher. Similarly Braulio’s audience 
is explicitly warned off imitating some of Aemilian’s heterodox 

81 Braulio, Ep. 38-41 refer to a manuscript sent by Reccesvinth to Braulio for correction. 
This is commonly held to be the draft law-code. Even if it is not, the incident shows the 
prestige of Braulio as a man of learning at the royal court in Toledo. See King [1980] for 
the possibility that this was a major enterprise. 

82 See contra Fernandez Alonso [1955] who believes the cult was purely local when VSA 
was written. Aemilian’s cult as San Mill&n de la Cogolla was to grow rapidly in the early 
Middle Ages. Count Fem£n Gonz&lez adopted him as his personal saint and after St James 
he came to be regarded as the patron saint of Spain and of the Reconquista. He is 
normally depicted astride a horse holding a sword and Christian banner. He remains the 
patron saint of Aragon. Despite pious assertions that Aemilian himself was a monk and 
that a monastery was founded on the site of his cell on his death, there is no evidence for 
a monastery here until the early tenth century AD. 

St Fructuosus’ request and Braulio’s reply can be found in the surviving collection of 
Braulio’s letters. £/?.43-4. In EpAA Braulio states that Fructuosus is close to him ‘in 
family ties’. This has been used to argue that the two men were related. Such arguments 
however ignore the metaphorical use of such terms among churchmen; see for example 
Jerome, £p.l03 to Augustine where there is no question of a family link. 

83 St Benedict, Rule ch.l, Isidore, De Eccl.Off (= PL 83 537-826) 2.16.24. 

84 See 4 Toledo 53 (AD 633) & 7 Toledo 5 (AD 646) for attempts to suppress 
unauthorised hermits. For a modem treatment of this topic see Markus [1990]. 



practices as these according to the author will place their souls in 
danger. Such control might have been thought all the more necessary in 
Northern Spain which had a history of extreme ascetic spirituality, the 
most notable example being the Priscillianist movement. 

Braulio’s text was the basis for a lengthy poem in praise of the saint 
by Gonzalo de Berceo written in Romance in the thirteenth century AD. 
Gonzalo fleshes out much of Braulio’s narrative, alters some to fit his 
own day, and includes additional material which may be drawn from 
earlier traditions not used by Braulio or simply be later legendary 
accretions to his account. 85 

Throughout VSA there are strong parallels with Sulpicius Severus’ life 
of St Martin of Tours. These can be regarded in several ways. A naive 
view would be that these incidents are merely hagiographic topoi. 
However, given the prestige that St Martin came to enjoy in Gaul and 
the intense rivalry between the Franks and the Goths, the creation of a 
Gothic parallel to Martin, a parallel who on certain occasions goes one 
better than his Frankish model, could also be seen as an attempt by 
Braulio to demonstrate the superior spirituality of the Gothic church. 
This may have been of particular importance in the North of Spain as 
the conversion of the Sueves of Galicia to Orthodoxy in c.AD 550-560 
is attributed to miracles performed by St Martin’s relics by Gregory of 
Tours. 86 Braulio’s lionisation of Aemilian could therefore have been an 
attempt to show that the Gothic church too had produced saints of 
unimpeachable Orthodoxy in the North of Spain in this early period. 
Such an assertion would legitimate the rule of the Gothic church in the 
region and also that God’s representatives on earth, the Visigothic kings. 

The third and most extensive text translated here is the Lives of the 
Meridan Fathers. The episodes described by it are all associated with 
the town of Merida in Extremadura. The town had a long history, being 
the former Roman city of Colonia Augusta Emerita which itself was 
built on the site of a previous Iberian village in 25 BC by Carisius for 
veterans ( emeriti ) of the X Gemina and V Alaudae legions, hence its 
name. The Roman city was founded as the capital of the Roman 
province of Lusitania and has often been thought to have been the 
capital of the diocese of the Spains in the Late Roman period (Etienne 

85 For a full account of Gonzalo’s poem see Dutton [1967] & [1992]. 

86 Sulpicius Severus, De Virtutibus S Martini 1.11. 



[1982]), but recent archaeological finds at Cordoba now make this 
hypothesis unlikely. The town was occupied by the Alans in AD 409, 
fought over by the Vandals and Sueves in AD 429, and in AD 439 the 
Suevic capital was established here; the Suevic king Requila dying in 
the city in AD 448. A Gothic attempt to take the town in AD 457 under 
Theoderic failed and the city was finally captured by the Goths under 
Euric in AD 468. It was heavily involved in the civil wars between 
Athanagild and Agila (AD 551-555) and between Leovigild and 
Hermenegild (AD 579-584), being recaptured by Leovigild in AD 582. 
Leovigild celebrated his victory by striking coins and the legends 
‘Victoria’ and ‘Victor’. 87 It is not known when Christianity arrived in 
Merida; the first attested bishop is bishop Martial, mentioned by 
Cyprian, Ep.61. The town appears to have been a bastion of Orthodoxy. 
Bishop Hydatius led the attack on Priscillian who along with his 
supporters was driven out of the town when he attempted to take the 
fight to Hydatius there in AD 380. 88 It resisted the Arab invasion 
fiercely, falling on 1st June AD 713. It was liberated on 15th January, 
AD 1228 by Alfonso IX of Le6n. 

The author of the Lives is unknown and merely identifies himself as 
a deacon in the ecclesiastical school of Sta Eulalia at Merida. A weak 
tradition, beginning only in the fourteenth century, assigns the text to an 
otherwise unknown ‘Paul the Deacon’, but there is little substance for 
this belief. The name ‘Paul’ was probably generated by the Lives' 
reference to the Dialogues of Gregory the Great and the fact that a 
deacon named Paul wrote a life of Gregory. 89 The greatest interest of 
the text from the historian’s point of view is the light that it throws on 
life in Merida in the seventh century, albeit from a very specific point 
of view. Unfortunately the date of the text is disputed. VPE draws on 
Gregory’s Dialogues which provide a terminus post quern for the work 
in its present form. The date of the Dialogues has recently been 
challenged by Clark and if his hypothesis were correct the Lives would 
need substantially postdating, a view shared by some older 
commentators. 90 The shift of the date would make the account of the 

87 See Miles [1952] nos 38-41. 

88 Psuedo-Priscillian, Tractate 2 p.40 = PLS 2 1439. 

89 = PL 75 41-60. 

90 For example Men^ndez Pelayo [1880] t.l 183. 



town given much more suspect. However there are major problems with 
Clark’s position, and at present there seems no reason to change the 
traditional date for the composition of the Dialogues (AD 593/4) or 
consequently assume that the Lives is other than a seventh century 
composition. 91 It is not known exactly when the Dialogues became 
known in Spain. Clearly some of the works of Gregory were not 
available in the peninsula in the bishopric of Eugene of Toledo (AD 
646-657) as can be seen from a letter sent to the bishop by his envoy 
to Rome, Taio. 92 However other works were known and had a high 
reputation - Braulio asked Taio to send him manuscripts of the new 
works he had uncovered as quickly as possible. 93 Unfortunately there is 
no way of telling in which of these two groups we should place the 
Dialogues. Nevertheless, the fact that Isidore does not list the Dialogues 
in his DVI must create a suspicion that they were one of Taio’s 
discoveries. Garvin attempting to rationalise the rough chronology given 
in the text itself, believes that VPE was composed during the episcopacy 
of the bishop who succeeded Bishop Renovatus, the last named bishop 
in the work. This is most likely to have been bishop Stephen (AD 633- 
638). But Garvin’s date seems a little too early and VPE is probably a 
product of the mid rather than the early seventh century. 94 

At the beginning of the text we find that the stated purpose of the 
author is to justify the stories found in Gregory the Great’s Dialogues 
and provide local parallels to them. The statement is of interest for two 
reasons. First, it might lead us to think that there was scepticism about 
some of Gregory’s stories at the time VPE was written. It also suggests 
that Gregory’s Dialogues were a popular work in Spain and that our 
anonymous author was attempting to exploit this popularity by 
producing a local version of such tales. It is also possible that given the 
rising pretensions of the see of Toledo at the time of writing that VPE 
was an attempt to assert the importance of the Meridan church and its 
bishops. 95 

91 See Clark [1986] & [1987] and contra Meyvaert [1988] and Straw [1989]. 

92 Taio, Ep. ad Eugenium = PL 80 725. 

93 Braulio, EpA2. 

94 The view of Diaz y Diaz [1981]. 

95 See the comments of Fontaine in Diaz y Diaz [1981]. 



If the author was attempting to cash in on the popularity of Gregory’s 
Dialogues , he must have left his readers bitterly disappointed. Although 
the first episode in VPE does bear some resemblance to the Dialogues , 
the rest of the Lives is very pedestrian compared to Gregory’s stories 
and contains very little in the way supernatural incidents. The work is 
a compilation of lives of various priests in Merida with little attempt to 
link the different episodes. The deacon first speaks of an incident which 
occurred in his own day, but then moves back into the past. The largest 
narrative concerns Bishops Paul, Fidel, and Masona and the struggle of 
the Trinitarian church in Merida to preserve itself and the relics of the 
town’s patron saint, Sta Eulalia, under the last of the Arian kings of 
Spain, Leovigild. Throughout the account there is a strong element of 
selectivity, as discussed above. If a centre of unity is to be sought, the 
best candidate would be the devotion to Sta Eulalia, the patron saint of 
the town, which the author shows. Sta Eulalia was a young girl 
martyred in Merida in c.AD 304. An account of her martyrdom can be 
found in Prudentius, Peristephanon Martyrorum 3. Prudentius’ account 
describes, with some exaggeration, a ‘tumulus’ or richly decorated 
church erected in her memory. Damaged by the Vandals in AD 429, it 
was soon repaired. 96 A larger church was built on the same site in the 
5th Century which remained in use throughout the Visigothic Period. 
The building fell into disuse during the Arabic occupation of the town, 
but was rebuilt after the reconquista in the thirteenth century and 
remains in use today. Outside the church were trees said to flower on 
the cult day of the saint (December 10). Eulalia enjoyed more than local 
fame; the church in Berceo where St Aemilian served as a priest is said 
to have been dedicated to her ( VSA 12) and Fructuosus of Braga visited 
her shrine on his pilgrimage to the south of Spain (VSF 11). Her cult is 
also found beyond the peninsula: she was the subject of a sermon by St 
Augustine; 97 is found listed with other saints on a mosaic in the church 
of St Martin in Ravenna; 98 mentioned by Venantius Fortunatus" and 

96 Hydatius, Chron. Min. 2.21. 

97 Serm. Morin. 2. 

98 CJL 11.281. 

99 8.3.170 ‘De Virginitate’. 



Gregory of Tours in Gaul; 100 and by Aldhelm in both his prose and 
verse works on virginity. 101 

According to Bishop Pelagius of Oviedo (AD 1101-1129) Eulalia’s 
relics were rescued from the Arabs by King Silo of the Asturias (AD 
774-783) and placed in Oviedo cathedral. A group of relics said to be 
Eulalia’s remain there to this day. However, the metric martyrology of 
Wandelbert implies that saint’s bones remained in Merida and have 
subsequently been lost. 102 There is no reason to assume that the saint is 
a syncretic version of the Celtiberian goddess Ataecina as is sometimes 
asserted. 103 The most prominent monuments of the saint to be seen in 
Merida today are the Hornito de Santa Eulalia , a small shrine built from 
reused blocks of classical and Visigothic masonry on the supposed site 
of Eulalia’s martyrdom by the side of the Church of Santa Eulalia in 
AD 1617, and a crude statue of the saint (decried by Almagro [1957] 
as in ‘lamentable bad taste’) erected on a column consisting of reused 
classical column capitals which was originally erected in AD 1652 and 
moved to its present site in the Calle de Santa Eulalia near the church 
in the last century. 

St lldefonsus, bishop of Toledo AD 657-667, is the author who had 
the most impact in future years of all those translated here. 104 He is said 
to have entered the monastery of Agali as a youth against the wishes of 
his father who came and attempted to extract him forcibly. 105 Having 
survived this attempt to cut his religious life short, lldefonsus went on 
to become abbot of the monastery and was present at 8 and 9 Toledo 
while holding this office. No trace of Agali now remains. The Deeds of 
lldefonsus attributed to Cixila (bishop of Toledo AD 744-753), but in 
fact written in the 10th century, speaks of lldefonsus serving in a church 

100 GM 90. 

101 PL 89 146, 273. 

102 PL 121 621, written c.AD 842. 

103 For a modem account of the saint’s cult see Recio Veganzones 11992]. 

104 We possess two accounts of lldefonsus’ life - one by his successor Julian of Toledo 
the Baeti lldefonsi Eulogium (PL 96 43-44) and another purportedly by Cixila, archbishop 
of Toledo AD 774-783, but in fact dating to the 10th century, one manuscript in fact 
attributes the work to a predecessor of lldefonsus, Helladius... 

105 Julian of Toledo, Beati lldefonsi Elogium = PL 96 43-44. 



dedicated to Sts Cosmas and Damian located on the outskirts of Toledo 
and this is normally accepted as a reference to the monastery. 106 Pseudo- 
Cixila also asserts that Ildefonsus was a pupil of Isidore of Seville. 
However, as Ildefonsus himself makes no mention of this fact and 
speaks of his predecessor Eugene II as his master, it would be unwise 
to trust this statement, which was probably motivated by the author’s 
wish to link together the two most famous churchmen of Visigothic 
Spain. In fact Ildefonsus seems poorly informed about Isidore’s oeuvre. 
Braulio gives a much better catalogue of his books than does Ildefonsus 
in his DVI} 01 

Ildefonsus succeeded Eugene II as bishop of Toledo in AD 657. It 
was while bishop that he wrote his On Famous Men. Although it is 
purportedly a continuation of Jerome and Isidore’s books of the same 
name, DVI is in fact much more narrowly focused than either of these 
two works. The ‘famous men’ described all have Spanish connections 
and Ildefonsus concentrates in particular on his predecessors at Toledo. 
In doing so he reveals much about the internal politics and divisions of 
the See; facts which, while fascinating for the modern historian, appear 
to have been less attractive to his immediate successors. DVI is omitted 
from the list of Ildefonsus’ writings by his successor Julian of Toledo, 
probably because of the disreputable light it cast on the Toledan church. 
Throughout the work there is an insistence that many of those listed 
showed their holiness through their lives rather than by leaving writings. 
A certain defensive tone may be detected here. Perhaps the scholarly 
Ildefonsus sensed Isidore of Seville and his pupils overshadowing his 
own predecessors. Ildefonsus himself, however, could not be accused of 
academic sloth or worldly inaction. He both expanded his old monastery 
of Agali and built a convent for nuns near Toledo at Deibense. 108 He 
was also one of the few Spanish church fathers to engage in Theology. 
His On the Perpetual Virginity of Mary against Three Unbelievers 
which takes to extremes the fashion of the day for expressing ideas in 

106 Pseudo-Cixila, Gesta Sancti lldefonsi ch.l = PL 96 44 (here the work is named Vita...) 

107 The relationship between Braulio and Ildefonsus’ accounts is explored by Vega 

108 Julian of Toledo, Beati lldefonsi Eulogium = PL 96 43. 



as many parallel forms as possible, 109 can be regarded as the foundation 
of the Cult of Mary in the Peninsula. The Deeds of lldefonsus relates 
that Mary visited lldefonsus and presented him with a gift. 110 This gift 
became fixed in tradition as a chasuble and the most frequent medieval 
depiction of lldefonsus shows him receiving a chasuble from the hands 
of Mary. lldefonsus’ other works deal with a mixture of pastoral topics 
(e.g. On Progress from the Spiritual Desert , a treatise on how the recent 
convert should progress to achieve heaven, and theological themes such 
as On the Persons of the Trinity (now lost) and On the recognition of 
one baptism . m Other works attributed to lldefonsus are several prayers 
to Mary found in the Visigothic Orational 112 and the mass ‘Erigamus 
quaeso’ for 18th of December held in honour of Mary. 113 A collection 
of sermons, mainly from Rheims, also became attached to his name in 
the Middle Ages. 114 lldefonsus died on 23 January AD 667 and was 
buried at the feet of his predecessor Eugene II. 

One absentee from lldefonsus’ list of Isidore’s books in the chapter 
devoted to him in DV1 is the History of the Goths . Some have seen this 
omission in a sinister light and as indicating that there was friction 
between the bishop and the king of the day, Reccesvinth. This, it is 
suggested, is why there was no national Church council while lldefonsus 
was occupied the see of Toledo. However, Reccesvinth was not on bad 
terms with the church as a whole as has been seen from his friendly 
relations with Braulio of Saragossa and if he had been on poor terms 
with lldefonsus, it seems unlikely that the bishop would have thought 
an apt way to gain his revenge was to attempt to conceal a minor work 
of Isidore’s. It is more likely that lldefonsus was trying to preserve 
Isidore’s reputation by suppressing a book which had ended with an 
encomium of King Suinthila, and hence distance him from this king 

109 The so-called ‘synonymous style’. 

1,0 Pseudo-Cixila, The Deeds of St lldefonsus ch.7 = PL 96 48. 

111 lldefonsus’ surviving works can be found in PL 96 1-330. They are listed, along with 
his lost works, by Julian of Toledo, Beati Ildefonsi Eulogium = PL 96 44. 

1.2 n°s 202, 209, 222, & 223. The so-called plegarias marianas. 

1.3 F6rotin [1912] 50-53. 

1.4 Maloy [1971]. 



who had been denounced by the church after his death at 4 Toledo in 
AD 633. 

The final text in this collection, The Life of St Fructuosus, is entirely 
anonymous. We are given no indication of the author or his rank in the 
text. Previously the work was assigned to Valerius of El Bierzo, but 
such an attribution is impossible and is based only on Valerius’ 
undoubted devotion to the saint. 115 The date of composition must fall 
after the death of the saint in AD 665. As one source used by the author 
is VPE, U6 it must also postdate this work. However the author claims 
to have used sources who knew the saint so the work ought to have 
been written soon after Fructuosus’ death. Diaz y Diaz plausibly places 
the date of its composition around AD 680. 117 

The manuscript tradition of VSF is complex and several large sections 
only occur in one codex, O. These have been left in the translation in 
brackets. In fact the whole document itself appears to be an awkward 
combination of two accounts of the saint, a biography and an earlier 
aretology, which are less than perfectly joined together at chapter 8. 118 

Like Ildefonsus, the author of VSF draws a contrast between writing 
on sacred topics and practicing the holy life. However, unlike in 
Ildefonsus’ work, this time there is nothing defensive about the parallel. 
Isidore of Seville and Fructuosus are compared to the sun and moon, 
but it is Fructuosus who is the greater light and who reveals the inner 
secrets of the soul as opposed to Isidore, the lesser light, who merely 
catalogues the secrets of the world. The work, as we possess it, is a tract 
to promote monasticism. Fructuosus’ journeys through the peninsula 
founding monasteries as he goes are presented in Perez de Urbel’s 
words as ‘a holy Odyssey’. 119 We are told nothing of Fructuosus’ life as 
bishop of Braga and indeed the very fact that he was, albeit probably 
briefly, bishop of Dumio is entirely omitted. Nor is there any mention 

115 For a linguistic analysis which casts grave doubt on the case for Valerius’ authorship 
see Nock [1946]. 

116 See Nock [1946] and Maya [1992] for a list of the passages drawn upon. 

1.7 Diaz y Diaz [1974] & [1981]. 

1.8 See Diaz y Diaz [1953]. 

1.9 P6rez de Urbel [1944] 392. 


xxx vn 

of Fructuosus’ secular activities. The impression that the hagiographer 
wishes to give us is of an otherworldly founder of monasteries who was 
more or less indifferent to the secular world around him. Indeed at 
times, for example in the account of the foundation of the monastery of 
Nono in chapter 14, we are given a vision of Fructuosus creating a 
parallel world to the one around him. The impression our author wishes 
to give is that accepted by Jim&iez Duque namely that Fructuosus was 
‘first and foremost an ascetic’. Certainly his rule for Compludo suggests 
that asceticism occupied an important place in his thought. Nevertheless 
we must be aware that our impression is conditioned by what the 
hagiographer wishes to tell us. Fructuosus was born of a noble family 
and his conversion to the religious life appears to have happened in his 
thirties. It is not beyond the bounds of possibility that he had been 
forced into monastic life by changes in the fortunes of his family. 120 
Even so he was not uninterested in the world around him, as his petition 
to King Reccesvinth for the release of those imprisoned for conspiracy 
in the reign of Chintila (AD 636-639) shows. 121 Given Fructuosus’ 
background, it is easy to see why Reccesvinth would have been alarmed 
by his plans to go abroad, even if the journey was as the hagiographer 
insists merely for the purposes of pilgrimage. 

As can be seen, therefore, Spanish hagiography gives us a wide 
spectrum of viewpoints from which to look at the history of the 
Visigothic period. The nature of hagiography means that care has to be 
taken in the use of these texts; in particular we must always be aware 
that the vistas we are offered are presented to some purpose and often 
not quite what they seem. Nevertheless it is equally important not to 
over-emphasise the divergence between hagiography and history, nor to 
assume that the former has no regard for historical truth whatever and 
as such can provide material only for the history of ideas. The historical 
setting of their material was important for these authors, as their own 
writing makes clear. This should come as no surprise given that 
Christianity has always emphasised its historical context. There is no 

120 Relegation to a monastery was a useful way of marginalising an individual’s influence 
on secular politics. See, for example, Chindasvinth’s treatment of Tulga. 

121 PLS 4 2092-2093. 



doubt that these texts do provide important information for the history 
of ideas, but a careful historian will also find in them a valuable aid to 
reconstruct the social and political history of this fascinating period. 

Lives of the Visigothic Fathers 

Translator’s notes 

Early versions of all these texts are to be found in Migne’s Patrologia 
Latina. However, the following texts have been used as a basis for 
translation here. 

Life of St Desiderius - J.Gil, Vita Desiderii in Miscellanea Wisigothica 
(2ed, Seville, 1991) 

Life of St Aemilian - L.Vaquez de Parga, Vita S.Emiliani: edicion 
critica (Madrid, 1943) 

Lives of the Meridan Fathers - A.Maya Sanchez, Vitas Sanctorum 
Patrum Emeretensium (= Corpus Christianorum 116) (Turnholt, 1992) 
On Famous Men - C.Codofler Merino, El «De Viris Illustribus» de 
Ildefonso de Toledo (Salamanca, 1972) 

Life of St Fructuosus - M.Dlaz y Diaz, La Vida de San Fructuoso de 
Braga (Braga, 1974) 

As these translations are intended for historians, very few notes on 
linguistic usage have been included. 

Direct quotations from the Bible have been italicised and taken from the 
Authorised Version. 


King Sisebut 


1 For imitation by the present generation, for the edification of men to 
come, and that Holy deeds may be done in future times, I have decided 
to write the life of the Holy martyr Desiderius. Whatever has been 
brought to our notice by reliable testimony, 1 have recorded in a bare 
style rather than in one loaded down with glistening words, begging that 
the Lord who gave, and not without reason, power to that man to 
perform miracles, might come and be present with us and, rousing my 
mind and tongue from sloth, grant me, unworthy though I am, the 
ability to tell of the passing of these deeds. 

2 This man, bom from a Roman family of noble stock, was dedicated 
to the Lord from his cradle, and certainly came from a glorious line. 
When he reached that age at which it is fitting to be educated, he was 
entrusted to the study of letters. In almost no time having surpassed his 
teachers as the power of his intellect grew and having fully learnt the 
art of grammar, he expounded the divine scriptures, committing them 
to memory with astonishing rapidity. 1 For he possessed great mental 
ability, a most prodigious memory, the sharpest of minds, great 
eloquence in speaking, 2 and, what is more important than all of these 
things, he was governed in all his deeds by his conscience. He brought 
food, as the gospels tell us to do, to the hungry, drink to the thirsty, 
gave solace to the weak and imprisoned, hospitality to the stranger, and 
clothes to the naked. 3 Pride, the enemy of all virtue, did not possess 
him, nor did he fall a victim to slothful drunkenness. He was not 
burdened with gluttony nor did insatiable lust corrupt him. Deceitful lies 
did not shake his resolve nor did the fatal love of money tempt him. 
When he grew strong in such virtues given by divine favour and, on 
leaving behind his boyhood, had not spent his youthful years lusting for 

1 cf the young Christ and the doctors of the Temple, Luke 2.42-47. 

2 The anonymous Passio Desiderii (= PL 124 435-442, also printed in AB 9, 1890) states 
that Desiderius possessed an extensive personal library. Desiderius' learning and love of 
secular writings can be seen from the fact that he began to teach secular grammar lessons 
and was rebuked by Gregory the Great for doing so. The Pope warned him that the 
praises of Christ and Jupiter were uneasy bedfellows, Ep. 10.54. 

3 cf Matthew 25.35-36. 



earthly things, 4 he gained an ever increasing reputation as a good man 
and his works of light given by the true light shone forth in many 

3 Finally the people from many towns asked that he might become their 
bishop in order that they might receive his blessings. He, humble as he 
was, was unwilling to take up so great a ministry, saying that he was 
unworthy and would be unequal to the task. Finally the church at 
Vienne obtained their wish and made him, unwilling but persuaded by 
their many prayers, their bishop. 5 As bishop with his careful preaching 
he weaned the litigious from their anger, the false from their mendacity, 
the greedy from their rapacity, and the lustful from their sins. He tamed 
drunkenness through sobriety, overcame greed through abstinence, 
conquered discord through acts of charity, calmed pride by his sincere 
humility, and through his vigilance shook the worst doubter from his 
torpor. He taught them to be generous in the giving of alms, sincere in 
prayer, firm in friendship, just in legal matters, and surefooted in all 
their doings. All these things he taught more by example than by words, 
knowing that the Lord will come and judge not a man’s eloquence, but 
his deeds. 

4 While he was doing these things with Christ’s aid, the enemy of the 
faithful and ally of the faithless, the devisor and friend of death, 
groaned and, having armed himself with every kind of weapon, came 
himself to fight the soldier of Christ. But in no way did the cunning of 
the enemy prevail: his dread wickedness harmed not the man of God 
whom the grace of the Redeemer armed with weapons of the Spirit. At 
last, the worthless spirit stung with his serpent’s venom a man of evil 

4 cf 4 Toledo 25 (AD 633) ‘All ages from adolescence incline towards wrong, and 
nothing is as unstable as the life of an adolescent’. As a result of this philosophy young 
novices were kept together under the charge of an elder monk ‘in order that they might 
spend the years of this capricious age not in indulgence but in ecclesiastical discipline.’ 

5 The unwillingness of holy men to take up ecclesiastical office is a common feature of 
hagiography, see VSA 12, VSF 18. Bede tells a similar story from seventh century 
England of St Cuthbert, Life of Saint Cuthbert 24 (= PL 94 763-765). For the importance 
of popular approval in the appointment of bishops see Gregory of Tours, VP 6.4. 



mind, 6 and poured from itself allegations of crimes into his entrails like 
cups of poison so that spewing forth disgraceful slander which he made 
all the greater through his own malign nature, he defamed the athlete of 
God. 7 He won over some colleagues to his cause and, deceiver that he 
was, forged certain documents to incriminate the servant of the Saviour. 
At that time Theuderic, 8 a man of extreme stupidity, ruled with 
Brunhilda, a woman who enthused over the worst vices and was a great 
friend to the wicked. 9 Both of them made a pact with a certain lady who 
was of noble stock, but deformed in mind. Though called Justa, she was 

6 Though unnamed, this is likely to be Protadius, Brunhilda’s lover. He received honours 
in the same year that Desiderius was exiled (Pseudo-Fredegar, Chron. 4.24) and became 
Major Domus of the palace two years later at Brunhilda’s instigation (Psuedo-Fredegar, 

7 cf 1 Corinthians 9.25, 2 Timothy 2.5 and especially in this context 4 Maccabees 6.10 
where Eleazar endures torture like a noble athlete. 

8 i.e. Theuderic II of Burgundy (AD 596-613), son of Childebert II and grandson of 

9 Brunhilda’s political career would merit a book in itself. Born c.AD 545-550, a 
daughter of the Visigothic King Athanagild, she was married to Sigibert of Austrasia. 
(Unlike the Frankish princess Ingund who refused to abandon her Catholicism when 
married to the Goth Hermenegild, Brunhilda had no scruples about abandoning her 
Arianism for the Trinitarianism of the Franks.) After Sigibert’s assassination in AD 575, 
she governed as regent for their son Childebert II. Rouche [1986], noting Brunhilda’s 
philoRoman tendencies, sees her rule as a direct imitation of that of the Great Empress- 
mothers of the Byzantine Empire. Childebert reached his majority in AD 585 and on the 
death of King Guntrum in AD 592 acquired the Kingdom of Burgundy. However his 
sudden death in AD 596 led to the two kingdoms remaining separate entities. Both were 
ruled by sons of the dead King, Austrasia by Theudebert II (aged 9) and Burgundy by 
Theuderic II (aged 7). Brunhilda remained in Austrasia until at least AD 602 (Pseudo- 
Fredegar, Chron. 4.19 places her expulsion in AD 599; Gregory the Great however, 
Register 8.4, 9.213, was still urging the Queen to help reform the Austrasian Church in 
AD 602). The Austrasian nobility then finally forced her from the court and as a result 
she fled to Burgundy where she was well received (Kurth [1891] believes the account of 
the expulsion to be a fiction of Pseudo-Fredegar’s). Here she exercised a dominant role 
in the Kingdom’s politics until her death in AD 613. Sisebut’s account of the Queen is 
extremely hostile as are all later accounts of her life (e.g. the anonymous Passio 
Desiderii ), but earlier accounts such as those of Gregory of Tours are far more neutral in 
tone. Gregory the Great corresponded with the Queen in friendly tones, thanking her in 
particular for her help to the mission to England. For a revisionist account of the Queen’s 
life which perhaps overstates its case see Kurth [1891]. A more balanced discussion of the 
Queen’s policy is provided by Rouche [1986]. For the process of her demonisation see 
Nelson [1978]. 



in fact a wicked woman. She had a glorious name, but her acts were all 
the more inglorious for it. While lacking in goodness, she was possessed 
of an astounding number of vices, and, though a stranger to the truth, 
was never dissociated from crime. Summoned before the council, she 
made complaint that she had once been ravished by the most blessed 
Desiderius. 10 All were amazed that the servant of God should have been 
implicated in such things, but thought that the charges against him 
would be cast aside. Those presiding, however, in accordance with 
schemes they had devised beforehand, pronounced in their rash temerity 
a most unjust sentence against an innocent man. Straightaway men were 
sent to carry out his punishment. They stripped him of his office and 
banished him into exile to a monastery on an island. 11 His exile was the 
highest good fortune, these insults made his sanctity all the more 
obvious, and his degradation brought him that happiness which lasts for 
eternity. 12 In his place was appointed a false priest, Domnolus, a servant 
of the devil, who soiled himself by his disgraceful deeds to the same 
degree that the man of God flourished through his manifold virtues. 

5 Indeed in that monastery, while the blessed martyr was leading his 
blessed life, a poor man came and made some gestures to ask for alms, 
for his mouth had been closed by dumbness since birth and an 
everlasting silence had shrouded his ability to speak. The almighty 
Father was not unheedful of the prayers of his soldier, granted a 
miracle, and made him speak. According to what we have heard, it was 
impossible to conceal the good deed that had occurred, and reports 
spreading everywhere brought it to the attention of the multitudes; 
whence it came about that a host cf the sick hastened to him in the hope 
of recovering their health nor did the works of the Lord fail to come 
forth to cure those for whom the servant of God had prayed to the Lord 
our Saviour. 

10 Pseudo-Fredegar, Chron 4.24, places this incident at the Council of Chalons-sur-Sadne 
held in AD 603. There is no mention of Justa here or the rape allegation here; Desiderius’ 
opponents are named as Brunhilda and Aridius the bishop of Lyons. 

11 This is named as Livisium by the Passio (ch.3). Its location is unknown. 

12 Sisebut’s account is in stark contrast to that given by the anonymous Life of Arigius 
of Vapin (printed in AB 11) ch.l 1 where Desiderius is said to be on the verge of suicide 
because of the accusations made against him and is only consoled by the ministrations of 



6 It is sufficient, I think, to have given a general account about the 
cures he brought about; but lest elegant diction should open the door to 
those reading with a critical eye to complain that this is far too brief, I 
have made the point of recording in this work to the best of my ability 
some particular instances of his deeds. Some old men who lived always 
in darkness and dwelt in night having no sight, were called back through 
the grace of God to the longed-for bright light of day by the prayers of 
the Soldier of the Lord which cast aside their terrible veil of darkness. 

[When three lepers were cured by the holy Desiderius] 

7 After this, three lepers oppressed by the burden of their sickness came 
to him to be cured. 13 A disfiguring leucosis had entered their bodies and 
their wretched limbs were covered with scars. There was an unbearable 
stench and a vile, unspeakable yellowish flux was eating away the 
scabbed skin from their scalps and tearing out from its roots in a 
horrible fashion almost all their shorn hair 14 from the festering 
contagion. 15 The servant of God took their afflictions from the sufferers 
and restored them hale and hearty to their proper health. 16 

8 While the Lord was bringing such things to pass through the kindness 
that is his wont, the talk of the people brought to the attention of 
Theuderic and Brunhilda alike that the servant of God had been exalted 
through his magnificent miracles and that, through the grace of the 
power of the Almighty, he had been given power to heal which could 

13 It is highly likely that as Desiderius performed healing miracles one of them would 
involve lepers. However Sisebut’s singling out of this incident may have other intentions. 
Leprosy was seen as a disease of the soul as well as of the body and as an allegory for 
heresy (Isidore, Allegoriae 221 = PL 83 127 & Quaestiones in veins testamentum. In 
Leviticum 10-12 = PL 83 327-330) and sin - Isidore saw in the leper cured by Christ an 
allegory for the world polluted by sin cured by his incarnation {Allegoriae 150 = PL 83 
118). The disease was also commonly connected with sexual licentiousness. The incident 
could therefore be seen as a demonstration of Desiderius’ Orthodoxy and of his innocence 
of the charge brought against him. For a general discussion of leprosy see Brody [1974]. 

14 Lepers’ hair was often shorn to mark them as outcasts from the community, see Lavaur 
21 (AD 1368). 

15 cf Julian of Toledo, Hist.Wamb. 19. 

16 A much shorter account is found in Passio 6. 



not be denied. At once trembling and filled with the great dread, they 
looked into this great matter, seeking to know how they might return to 
the exile his rightful office or whether they should make the man they 
had condemned in vain an exile for ever. While they were carefully 
investigating the solution of this problem, divine vengeance justly fell 
upon the sorcerer who had devised the fell plan and had brought about 
the condemnation of the soldier of Christ. I have written of his horrible 
end in full detail in the account which follows. This poisonous 
individual of ill-omened memory was detested for his many vices and 
crimes. Amongst his vile habits was a criminal lust for material 
possessions and love of slander. These were the things which roused up 
a great host of the people to kill this vile monster. For one day while 
he was standing in the presence of his patron, Theuderic, he was 
dragged to his destruction by a rioting mob of Burgundians. His bloody 
corpse was ripped apart and left scattered around. 17 In this way the 
wretch lost both his life and his damnable soul and on the point of his 
death of his own free will entered the gates of Hell. 18 

9 What shall I say of her who was unjustly called Justa and might justly 
have been called Injusta? Whom the bloody one had carried off as if she 
were his own possession? At the same time when he of whom we have 
just spoken rightly perished, with equal justice a evil spirit entered her 
and this deadly slave coming again from his hellish dwelling place 
drove out the entire stock of lies which she had once devised; the 
confession produced was as follows: ‘I know that I have done wrong to 
a servant of God, I know the cause of this, and I know all the more the 
penalty that I deserve. Let the Almighty Avenger allot the blame for 
these things to their deviser, Brunhilda. Let Him bring down this 
penalty on her in His vengeance, and let His avenging right hand inflict 
on her the torments of torture; she whose fleeting blandishments 
dragged me to my doom, whose damnable gifts brought me to death, 
and whose fatal promises to being beyond hope of salvation.’ When she 
stopped speaking, the author of all sin put an end to her life, bound and 

17 Protadius was lynched by Burgundian troops at Quierzys while campaigning with 
Theuderic II against his brother, Theudebert II, in 605 AD, Psuedo-Fredegar, Chron. Ml. 

18 Presumably Sisebut is implying that as a sorcerer Protadius, when attacked, called on 
the devil to deliver him. 



choked as she was, and carried her off with him to bum for ever among 
the flames of vengeance. 

10 On hearing of their agents’ death, both Brunhilda and Theuderic 
were panic-stricken. 19 They were all the more afraid as they thought that 
these things had been brought about by divine judgement, and, lest they 
should pay a similar price, feigning piety, ordered that the man of God 
who had been taken from his See in vain should be appointed once 
more to govern the church for which he longed. Desiderius did not heed 
their pleas and declared firmly that he would stay where he had been 
exiled. Again and again they begged him not to deny them his presence, 
to be clement, and to forgive their deceitful scheming. This sincere 
repentance softened his sincere heart and its abundant benevolence 
opened the way for the servant of God’s return. 20 When the blessed man 
appeared before them, these wretches flung themselves at his feet, 
striving to be well thought of by a man whom they had once exiled 
through a fraudulent judgement and that he might expiate from so great 
a crime certain others whom a deadly association had involved in their 
crimes. He in his clemency pardoned what they had done and, as the 
Lord tells us to, did not remember the trespasses of those who had 
wronged him, but forgave them. 21 

11 Then when Domnulus and his great host had been expelled from the 
church in dishonour, Vienne rejoiced and received back her steersman. 
They rejoiced that the sick had found their doctor, the oppressed their 
consolation, and that the hungry now had food. The Lord granted a host 
of blessings to the church at Vienne; for the presence of the holy man, 
bringing God’s mercy on them, put an end to the calamity of natural 
disasters, the many terrible plagues, and the wild riots which afflicted 
the whole city: things which had indubitably befallen them because of 
their shepherd’s absence when he had been banished. 

19 In fact Brunhilda managed to bring about the demise of two of those who took the lead 
in killing her favourite, having one, Uncelen, mutilated and stripped of his wealth 
(Pseudo-Fredegar, Chron. 4.28) and another, the Patrician Wulf, executed (Pseudo- 
Fredegar, Chron . 4.29). 

20 Desiderius was recalled from exile in AD 607, Pseudo-Fredegar, Chron.4.32. 

21 Luke \\ A. 



12 I have decided to speak of three of his miracles, though my feeble 
narration afflicted as it is by a lack of skill will scarce manage to 
achieve this. Once when a huge crowd came to visit him and he ordered 
that they should be furnished with food and drink as is the custom, he 
was told by a servant that the wine most in demand was the shortest in 
supply. He swiftly ordered that the jar from which this wine had come 
be shown to him and, when he had made the sign of the cross over it, 
through the grace of the Saviour it became full of a noble, fragrant 
wine. 22 In this way the crowd which had gathered were filled by both 
his blessing and this wondrous drink. 23 

13 Again when he had mortified his body through a long and rigorous 
fast and punished it by reining in the desires of the flesh for a time, not 
because of his worldliness, but to discipline himself, a fellow priest 
came to visit him in a place not far from the city. Amongst the other 
topics in their friendly conversation was one about divine portents. And 
when Phoebus passed through the day’s span and had crossed the 
meridian of the hours 24 and the appointed time to eat was nigh, 
suddenly, cutting through the heavens a she-eagle, the queen of birds, 
appeared in the shimmering sky, flying swiftly with her whirring 
wings. 25 She was carrying prey from the sea and set a creature of the 
waters 26 before them. They took it with great joy and dined upon it, 
giving thanks to the Lord our Provider. 27 

14 Some time before his glorious martyrdom, it happened that he lit a 
lamp by the altar, filling it with his own hands, whence it poured forth 
afar its beams of light. Though no one had refilled it, the oil grew 

22 cf the wedding at Cana, John 2.6-10. 

23 cf Passio 5. 

24 cf Virgil, Aeneid 6.535-536. The emphasis may reflect Sisebut’s own interest in 

25 cf Dracontius, De Laud. Dei 1 240-1 (= PL 60 711) ‘then departed through the heavens 
the feathered flying tribe in whirring flight, striking the air with their wings.’ 

26 cf Ausonius, ep. 24.19. 

27 cf the Crow which brought bread to Saints Paul and Antony in the desert, Jerome, 
Vit.PaulAO. The Passio makes this link with Antony explicit. See also / Kings 17.6 where 
ravens feed Elijah as he makes his stand against King Ahab. The parallel is particularly 
apt for Sisebut given the influence of Jezebel over Ahab. 



greater and became too much for the vessel. 28 Indeed the lees of the 
overflowing oil is gathered with great veneration and through God’s 
grace puts to flight the pain of sickness, restoring those suffering from 
illness and bringing them health once more. Let these outstanding events 
which my feeble style has been able to outline suffice as an account of 
his life. 29 

15 Now with the Lord’s aid, I will give an account, as it has been 
reported to me, of his sufferings and how he commended his blessed 
soul to our almighty Lord. When Theuderic and Brunhilda were seen 
not to be helping, but harming their realm, ruining rather than ruling it, 
to be full of vice, and, falling back into the sin of perjury, sacrilegiously 
abandoning the promises of their oath, treacherously not attempting to 
live up to it, nor leaving one single crime or evil unattempted, the 
martyr of God, bishop and examiner of their sins, sounded forth the 
trumpet blast in the manner of the prophets and whole-heartedly took 
himself off to drive out all their sins in order that he might make God’s 
people those whom the devil had made strangers to him, 30 mindful of 
this saying of divine authority: He which converteth the sinner from the 
error of his ways shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a 
multitude of sins 3 ] But the vessel of wrath 31 the fomentor of vice, and 
fruit of damnation brought them bitterness not sweetness, harshness not 
gentleness, and balms that brought death instead of salvation. The 
enemy besieged their hearts all the more fiercely and the cunning 
serpent held them captive in his power. Nor were they whom the deadly 
brigand had bound in ever tighter chains able to walk freely to the gate 
of salvation. Sated with his lethal drafts, they began to bark out rabid 
rantings against the servant of God, spewing forth their disgusting words 
in raucous tones. But mortal threats did not break the martyr of God, 
nor did the wrath of perjurers weaken him, nor the frenzy of the mad 

28 cf the miracle performed by St Martin of Tours, Sulpicius Severus, Dial 2.3, where the 
saint makes oil flow from a phial sent to him. 

29 cf Passio 3 where the miracle is said to have happened in Desiderius’ period of exile. 

30 cf Pseudo-Fredegar’s account of St Columban’s encounter with Theuderic and 
Brunhilda. This also involves a capitulation by the secular rulers to the holy men followed 
by their reneging on their undertakings, Pseudo-Fredegar, ChronA36. 

31 James 5.20. 

32 Romans 9.22. 



move him. He held himself immobile to suffer in order that justice be 
carried out until he should receive from the Lord the promised heavenly 

16 The enemy of mankind, on seeing his steadfast constancy, occupied 
completely the hearts of Brunhilda and Theuderic which he never left, 
treating them as if they were his own home, and in imperious tones 
drove them all the more to the doom which they deserved, for he 
promised them the foremost place in the execution of justice if they 
could extract the soul of Christ’s soldier from its mortal chains. 33 
Straightaway the king’s sacrilegious mouth, full of foul speech and ever 
ready-armed with impiety in debate, snarled out his sentence: ‘It pleases 
us to see Desiderius, critic of our life 34 and enemy of our deeds, stoned 35 
and afflicted with all manner of tortures.’ 36 Swiftly his servants and 
accomplices in crime who were sinfully to carry out the command to do 
this vile deed gave their word that they would do so without as much 
as listening to the sentence. Nor did the struggles of his task lie hidden 
to the martyr of God, who had been marked out, or rather forewarned, 
to receive as his prize the crown of martyrdom. 

33 Sisebut’s pun here is that Theuderic and Brunhilda will indeed have the foremost place 
in imposing their justice on Desiderius, but they will also find themselves to the fore when 
divine judgement is meted out 

34 According to Dill [1926] 193, ‘Merovingian Kings enjoyed all the freedom and variety 
of the East in their conjugal relations.’ In fact the Merovingians do not seem to have 
abandoned polygamy until the seventh century, NcNamara and Wemple [ 1976]. Theuderic, 
while never marrying, sired four bastards. It is unsurprising, therefore, that Desiderius 
found much about which to complain. The king was also criticised for living with 
concubines by St Columban who refused to bless his bastard children and was exiled as 
a consequence, Jonas, Vita Columbani 32-47 (= PL 87 1029-1038). Sisebut may have 
intended his readers to draw a parallel between Theuderic’s treatment of Desiderius with 
that of Herod Antipas towards John the Baptist described at Matthew 14.3-12, both being 
sinners and under the control of a woman. 

35 For stoning as a punishment in Merovingian Gaul, see Gregory of Tours, HF 3.36 (the 
lynching of the tax-collector Parthenius), 4.49 (an official military punishment inflicted 
by Childebert on some of his own troops), 9.35 (a mob attack on Count Waddo), and 
10.10 (a civil punishment inflicted by Childebert on his major-domo, Chundo). 

36 Pseudo-Fredegar, ChronA. 32, makes Brunhilda and Aridius of Lyons the prime movers 
in Desiderius’ condemnation. 



17 When he saw his pre-ordained day, he was dragged all of a sudden 
from the bosom of his church by the hands of infidels 37 and led to 
execution like an innocent man condemned to die. A huge crowd wept 
piteously that the care of so great a shepherd had been taken from them, 
crying out thus: ‘Why holy father do you desert your sheep? Why are 
you leaving your flock to perish? Do not, we beg you, send us into the 
jaws of wolves, lest we, your sheep, who until now have fed on the 
sweet nectar of flowers, should, without our bishop to watch over us, be 
cut and blooded by tearing thorns and sharp briers. For this will surely 
happen and is in accordance with scripture which says that the absence 
of the shepherd scatters the sheep for his presence is their greatest 
boon. 38 In no wise will we let you be tom from us. And if the life we 
desired is denied us, we can endure with you a glorious death.’ To this 
the blessed martyr replied calmly: ‘Your resolve is to be admired, but 
your devotion to me cannot be praised. For if the Tartarean portals of 
Hell besiege us, the gates of that deadly inferno try to close upon us, if 
the terrible crackling flames of the pit attempt to overwhelm us, it will 
be better to fight the enemy with spiritual weapons. Now since we are 
summoned to serve in the heavenly host, we all believe truly that we 
shall return among the gleaming squadrons of angels, the apostles and 
those who took up their teaching, and the resplendent companies of 
martyrs. Allow, I beg you, your shepherd to go to the shepherd of all 
shepherds so that the whole flock, its shepherd going on before them, 
might more easily come to the place which has been made ready for 

18 So he spoke, and suddenly a raging throng of madmen appeared, 
bringers of death, terrible to look upon, with savage expressions, brutal 
eyes, of hateful appearance, and terrible in the way they moved. They 
had twisted minds, depraved morals, lying tongues, spoke in obscenities, 
and while haughty in appearance they were empty of substance and thus 
vile both within and without. Paupers in goodness, but wealthy in evil 
and enslaved to wickedness, they were enemies of God, though eternal 
friends indeed of the devil, men all too willing to be damned. This 

37 The Passio says that Desiderius was arrested by three Counts: Effa, Gaisefred, and 

38 cf Matthew 26.31, Mark 14.27, Zechariah 13.7. 



accursed band, vile madness giving them their arms, 39 seized him and 
their stony heart poured a rain of stones over the martyr of God. The 
terrible missiles flung by the madmen missed him: the harsh nature of 
flints turned aside in its flight, and the very sound of the stoning 
showed itself to be the servant of the servant of God. The stones, 
though not living, were alive to God’s laws and yielded to the Deity. 
Human hearts, which could have turned and drawn near to pity, alone 
remained unmoved. As he breathed out his spirit, one of them seized a 
club and broke the holy man’s neck. 40 Thus his soul abandoning its 
fleshy guise and freeing itself from corporal chains, joined triumphant 
with its colleagues in the starry heavens. 41 

19 In this unskilled way I have given, to the best of my ability, an 
account both of the life and of the death of Christ’s soldier, which, 
although it may displease the learned through its excessive crudeness, 
shall nonetheless, having cast aside verbal pomposity, ennoble the 
humble and the believer. And now we have told of his life, miracles, 
and his most glorious end, it remains to describe the perdition and death 
of the sinners. When Theuderic, abandoning God or rather having been 
abandoned by God, rejoiced at the news that the servant of God had 
died, he was seized by a disease of the bowels, ended his vile life and 
a friend of death came to possess it for eternity. 42 

39 cf Aeneid 1.150. The context of this quotation seems particularly appropriate given 
Sisebut’s description of Theuderic’s men, but it is unclear whether the King would have 
known the whole Aeneid or just snippets of it. 

40 cf Passio 9. This locates Desiderius’ place of martyrdom at Calonera, the modem St- 
Didier-sur-Chaleronne. The account of the martyrdom is slightly different in form - 
Desiderius is struck by a single stone and then beheaded with a sharpened rock. The 
implications are also perhaps different; while in Sisebut’s account Desiderius is stoned to 
death by decree of Theuderic, in the Passio it appears that he is lynched by Theuderic’s 
troops because they cannot take him through the massed ranks of the local populace. 

41 ‘Joined... heavens’ - forms a hexameter. 

42 Theuderic died in AD 613, Pseudo-Fredegar, ChronA39. Prior to this he had defeated 
Theudebert II and managed to reunited Burgundy and Austrasia, Pseudo-Fredegar, Chron ... 
4.37-38. His death here sounds similar to the death of Arius as reported by Socrates, 
Eccl.Hist. 1.38 (which in itself carries overtones of the death of Judas as described in Acts 
1.18), given that the Visigothic Kingdom had only converted from Arianism in AD 579 
the allusion would not have been lost on Sisebut’s audience. 



20 Brunhilda, already lost and doomed to die, lost her source of 
consolation 43 and in her fear was tortured within by pangs of conscience, 
knowing that as her guilt placed her amongst the foremost in 
committing the crime, the vengeance which followed would demand her 
punishment all the more. While she pondered on these dark matters, she 
declared war on her closest neighbours. 44 When the time of battle came 
and the arrayed hosts came together, a terror inspired by God fell on the 
troops of this most wicked woman whence their cowardly limbs 
followed the fatal policy of seeking safety in flight. 45 So while they fled 
in disorder before the face of their foes, the enemy of the Christian faith 
and the deviser of all these crimes was taken by her enemies. 

21 Concerning her end, it will not irk me to relate what I have learnt 
from common opinion. 46 There is a hunched beast 47 with a huge body 
and naturally possessed of certain humps (the top of its back is thick 
and broad, higher than the rest of its frame, and very well fitted for 
carrying loads) and is more useful for carrying loads than any other 
animal. 48 She was stripped of her clothes and raised up onto this proud 

43 She attempted to impose Sigebert, the eldest of Theuderic’s bastard children, though 
only eleven years old, as king of Theuderic’s realm. 

44 Sisebut is a little disingenuous here; Chlothar II of Neustria was invited into Austrasia 
by a group of disaffected Austrasian aristocrats led by the founders of the Carolingian 
dynasty, Amulf of Metz and Peppin. Sigebert and Brunhilda were thus forced to defend 
themselves against external invasion supported by disaffected elements in their own 

45 This battle took place on the River Aisne near Chalons-sur-Marne. According to 
Pseudo-Fredegar, ChronAAl , Sigebert’s army fled on a pre-arranged signal. The king was 
probably betrayed by Womacher, who was rewarded by Clothar by being made Major 
Domus in perpetuo in Burgundy. It is intriguing therefore that Sisebut does not dwell on 
how the unjust Queen was abandoned by her people, but rather implicates them, albeit as 
cowards, in her crimes. 

46 Sisebut’s account of the death of Brunhilda varies slightly from that of Pseudo- 
Fredegar. While both agree that she was paraded naked on a camel, Pseudo-Fredegar, 
ChronAAl , adds that prior to this she was tortured for three days and afterwards she was 
bound to a single unbroken horse by her hair, one arm and one leg. The end result was, 
of course, the same. 

47 cf Jerome, Ep. 107.3, 120.1. 

48 For camels in Merovingian Gaul see Gregory of Tours, HF 7.35. Sisebut seems 
confused here as to whether he means a dromedary or Bactrian Camel. Both beasts were 
known at the time; see Isidore, Etym. 12.1.35-36. 



central place and paraded in humiliation before the gaze of her 
enemies. 49 For a short while she offered this sorry spectacle to her 
onlookers, then, bound to some unbroken horses, she was dragged over 
some pathless rocky terrain. Thus her body, already broken by old age, 
was plucked apart by these spirited horses and her limbs, bloody and 
nameless, scattered abroad. 50 And so her soul freed from its mortal flesh 
was deservedly cast down to eternal punishment and to bum in seething 
waves of pitch. 

22 A more detailed account of these events and a fuller account of their 
causes have escaped us. But lest I should anger the fastidious by being 
long-winded, let us add some small things and then put an end and call 
a halt to our tale, begging everyone as a community not to be unwilling 
to accept that which our Lord Jesus Christ did not disdain to condone 
through his martyrdom. Christ gave such a quantity of holiness to his 
most venerable corpse that whenever anyone troubled by illness or 
afflicted by a sickness of the flesh called with all his heart on his divine 
spirit there, shaking off every disease and lesion, he came hale and 
hearty to the health for which he had longed through the grace of God, 
the one in three and everlasting. May He grant me, all unworthy, eternal 
life and you, my audience, an abundance of grace. 

49 George of Cappadocia suffered a similar fate in Alexandria, see Socrates, HE 3.2. The 
practice was a standard form of Byzantine humiliation which parodied the consular 
investiture ceremony and is last recorded as being inflicted on Andronicus Comenus in 
AD 1185. It was imposed on the Armenian Arsaces in Byzantium by Justinian as the 
penalty for treason, Procopius, BG 7.32.3. Thence it seems to have been adopted in the 
Latin West. Count Argimund who was caught conspiring against Reccared in AD 590 
suffered this fate, though he was paraded through Toledo on an ass rather than a camel, 
see John of Biclarum, Chron. 94, and Duke Paul who led a rebellion against Wamba in 
Septimania was, like Brunhilda, exhibited on a camel, Julian of Toledo, Hist.Wamb. 30 
(= PL 96 796). 

50 cf Aeneid 2.558. 

Braulio of Saragossa 



To the priest Fronimian 

1. Braulio, unworthy bishop of Caesaraugusta, to the man of God, my 
Lord and brother, the priest Fronimian, greetings. 1 

In the time of Bishop John, my lord of pious memory, an elder brother 
by birth, 2 a man who shared our common holy calling and was a teacher 
of the faith, I had intended in obedience to his orders and your 
injunctions, along with my trust in the account which 1 had obtained 
from the testimony given by the venerable abbot Citonatius, the priests 
Sofronius and Gerontius, and Potamia, 3 that devout lady of holy 
memory, to trace out with my pen, as far as my abilities and weakness 
of health permitted, a clear-cut life of our exceptional Father and patron, 
a man singled out by Christ in our times, the Blessed priest Aemilian. 
But because a whole page containing the list of his powers was lost 
through the negligence of my administrators when 1 was beginning to 
work on what I should say, and I was then occupied by a succession of 
disasters of all kinds and because of the troubles of the times I lost the 
wish to write, so that, although you urged me on, I was unable to give 
my heart to the task. But now, by God’s will, as it seems to me, when 
I wanted to look at a certain book on something that had occurred to me 

1 There is no need to take the use of brother here as indicative of anything other than a 
spiritual bond between Braulio and Fronimian. Braulio was bishop of Saragossa from 
c.AD 631 to AD 651. In his correspondence with Fronimian he refers to his colleague as 
a ‘priest and abbot’. The absence of the title here suggests VS A was written before 
Fronimian’s elevation and that there was no monastic foundation on the site of Aemilian’s 
tomb as sometimes claimed. Eugene II of Toledo (see DVI 13) refers to a church of holy 
Aemilian (Carm 11) our earliest evidence for monastic activity dates from the tenth 
century AD. 

2 See DVI 5. 

3 A short life, probably entirely inspired by VSA, exists for Potamia, see F6rotin [1902] 
& [1902a]. No material concerning the other three individuals named here has survived. 




and ordered it found and the pile of books was gone through, that long- 
lost account, all unsought for, since even the eagerness of those looking 
for it had come to an end through despair of ever finding it, was 
suddenly found. However, as the prophet says, 7 was found of those 
that sought me not' 4 my heart is glad and my glory rejoiceth , 5 not 
through zeal to light a candle, but with the joy of coming across a silver 
piece. 6 And so at last, believing this task not to be without divine 
dispensation, I have steeled my soul that I might pluck the fruit of 
obedience and comply with your frequent petitions. 

2. Therefore I have written to the best of my ability and in a plain and 
open style such as befits these matters, 7 a short tract on the life of this 
holy man, in order that it might be read out as swiftly as possible at the 
Mass held in his honour. I have sent it to you, my Lord, and taken care 
to put this letter of mine at its head, committing it to your judgement 
for approval. I have one reservation. If anything in it displeases you, 
correct it or excise it. But if it pleases you as it is, and your good will 
allows it, let it be published and give thanks on my behalf to our 
Creator, to whom all good things belong. I wish, moreover, that as that 
most Holy man, the priest Citonatius, and Gerontius are still alive, that 
they should review beforehand all that I have written and thoroughly 
discuss it. Let them confirm that I have made no errors either of names 
or events. I have also added at the end of this little book, just as you 
told me of them, those miracles worked in that same place which I 

4 Romans 10.20. 

5 Psalm 16.9. 

6 cf Luke 15.8. 

7 This is a reference to Braulio’s use of the sermo humilis. The self-conscious use of 
‘lowly speech’ was a deliberate rejection of classical rhetorical standards. Initially a 
defence of the style of Christian writings, always regarded as of a low standard by pagan 
opponents, the espousal of the sermo humilis evolved into a fully-fledged doctrine where 
it was argued that only a lowly style would make divine glories accessible to man. 
Moreover the sermo humilis, it was argued, was not devoid of profound thought, but 
eschewed an ‘arrogant’ style which would put its teachings beyond the reach of the 
common man. Thus it allowed anyone who approached it in a spirit of humility to reach 
its inner doctrines. For a lengthy discussion see Auerbach [1965]. 



learned about from you last year. 8 In addition, I have sent a hymn 
written in Senaric iambics for the feast of the Holy man as you asked. 9 
I thought it superfluous to compose a sermon for the same day, since I 
can think of no greater exhortation to the good life than an account of 
his virtues and it would take a whole hour if a sermon were added and 
so burden the spirits of those who are listening. 

3. Therefore I beg that what I have composed be accepted both by 
yourself with whose instructions I have complied and by him the love 
of whose powers has roused the aforementioned men to testify to these 
noteworthy things and made all of you witnesses everyday to similar 
acts. You have succeeded in your request that these things ought to be 
recorded by me and I myself am seized with the desire of receiving my 
reward, as I have done as you have commanded. In order that Low 
Mass might be recited on the same solemn occasion, I have given this 
task to my beloved son, the deacon Eugene, 10 thinking it would not be 
out of character for me if, for the honour of this most blessed man, the 
tongue of a man whom I consult in all my plans and counsels should 
give life to my task, bearing in mind that as 1 have him as a confidant 
in all other matters I should enjoy his sharing the reward in this task. 11 
May the grace of Christ deem it worthy to keep your blessed self safe 
and mindful of me. 

8 i.e. at San Mill&n de Suso where Aemilian was buried. There is no reason to think that 
this was a monastic establishment Eugene II of Toledo (see n.l above) mentions a 
'basilica of Holy Aemilian’ in his eleventh poem. 

9 PL 80 713-716. Senaric iambics (a six-footed line where the basic rhythmic unit, the 
iambus, is a foot composed of a short followed by a long syllable) had been a common 
metre of the Roman theatre. St Hilary adopted it for some of his hymns, e.g. his fefellit 
saevum (PLS 1 275-6), it was however the stricter lambic Dimeter, used by Ambrose (see 
PL 1171-1222), which became the normal metre of hymns in the West. See DVI 11 for 
the fame of Braulio’s hymns. 

10 Later Eugene II of Toledo, see DVI 13. Again there is no need to see anything other 
than affection for a younger colleague in Braulio’s use of ‘son’. 

11 An office for S Milldn can be found in F6rotin [1912] 603-8. Lynch [1938] 223-4 
argues that this is by Eugene. 




4. The newness of the outstanding miracles of the apostolic and most 
pure man, the priest Aemilian, which were performed in almost in our 
own times urges me to write of them, but the immensity of the task of 
telling the tale is foreboding. For can the pen of a man given over to 
earthly things be brought to set forth in a worthy fashion the deeds of 
a heavenly man, who when compared to bygone ages shines forth 
gleaming like the brightest star, and in comparison to men of the present 
day is outstanding in his inimitable virtue? Nor do I think if the springs 
of Tully 12 were to pour out the tale and come gushing forth in copious 
streams of eloquence and a host of ideas create a lush supply of words, 
could all those things from the time when he spumed earthly things 
down to his leaving of his body and our world which Christ who only 
doeth wondrous things 13 has and is working by grace through him be 
expounded. When I look upon this, fear fills my soul, since I have not 
an abundance but a lack of learning, a dearth not a plentitude of words, 
and am much practised in being unpracticed. However the truth of 
Christ’s promise drives out my fear, Who promised us and taught us 
this, saying: ‘ Open thy mouth wide and I will fill it ;’ 14 and elsewhere: 
The Lord shall give words to evangelists, words of great worth. 15 He 
also said this: 7/ is not ye that speak but the spirit of your father which 
speaketh inyoufi 6 These words are most fitting in my case, and so the 
soul is uplifted and the dart of fear turned aside. And, behold, what the 
soul once feared it is eager to start upon with firm tread, comforting 
itself with Your great power, Christ, because You Who allowed a beast 
of burden to speak with the words of a man, 17 can grant that a man 
should speak in a manner befitting his task. To which reasons can be 
added one that seems especially to touch upon the citadel of my soul 
and the anchor of my hope: that without undertaking this work and 
receiving the reward for my labour, I believe that I shall not obtain any 

i.e. Cicero. 

13 Psalm 72.18. 

14 Psalm 81.10. 

15 cf Psalm 67.12. 

16 Matthew 10.20. 

17 cf Numbers 22.28. 



means by which, as if with a sort of soap, I shall be able to cleanse my 
vile and polluted life. 18 As once one of the old poets most eloquently 
put it, ‘This work, this perhaps will deliver me from the fire.’ 19 

5. It finally remains to say that I prefer to hand down an account in 
these wretched pages than hide these deeds in a smothering silence, lest 
the long reticence of their ancestors should make posterity doubt the 
truth of these matters. But in order to reply briefly to those who 
struggle to display their eloquence, let them know that the abuse of 
detractors has but little weight, as the law of the Church does not set 
empty verbosity as something for humble and lowly Christians to pursue 
nor the superficiality of human complaints, nor yet bombastic 
ostentation, but the sober, modest, and weighty profundity of the truth. 
It is indeed better to tell the truth in a less than educated fashion than 
eloquent fictions, as can easily be learnt from the Gospels of the 
Saviour which preach to the people in simple language. 1 do not because 
of my ineptitude revile the eloquence of wise men, but will not at all 
condone the fleeting frivolity of frckerers. For 1 do not think that noble, 
wise, and mature men could be angry with me because of my appetite 
for this task: men who are in no way ignorant that in the house of the 
Lord it behoves each one of us to offer that which his faculties provide, 
even down to all work of goats’ hair. 20 If they too wish to say 
something about this matter, as I have said, not only will they not fall 
short of material, but in fact they will be unable to expound it all. 
Wherefore although I have in part cleaved to the study of the things of 
this world, here I have altogether spumed them, lest I should make my 
account difficult to understand for the less educated and throw the camp 
of Israel into confusion with the language of Jericho. 21 

6. Therefore, as I am about to relate the things of which I have decided 
to speak, I wish to warn my readers and listeners to come and hear not 
from an eagerness for fine words, but full of faith. If there is someone 
looking for the former, let him get hence lest he should tarry fruitlessly. 

18 cf Jeremiah 2.22. 

19 Juvencus ifl.AD 330) Libri Evangeliorum , praef ,1.22. 

20 Numbers 31.20. 

21 cf Joshua 6.18. 



But if he wishes to know about the things which follow, let him come 
devoutly to learn of them. First, let him know that there are certain 
deeds in this account which most certainly ought to followed by us or 
by anyone, but there are others which were bestowed singularly upon 
that most worthy man and cannot be imitated by anyone without 
bringing about their own destruction: acts which however ought through 
admiration to make us eager to praise God. 22 For the generality of 
mankind should keep to our general precepts, and only those upon 
whom almighty God has decreed that special gifts be given ought to 
take hold of these gifts, as indeed is the view of those leamdd in law 
concerning benefits obtained through the decree of earthly rulers. 

7.1 shall not go back far into the past, nor shall 1 follow the rules of the 
orators 23 and set forth the praises of his grandfathers and great¬ 
grandfathers, since, as these selfsame men would say, if he was sprung 
from lowly stock, he ought be praised all the more as he adorned the 
lowliness of his birth with the nobility of his way of life. Let us 
therefore begin our tale, with Christ’s favour and the prayers of the 
blessed man himself aiding our efforts, from the time of his conversion 
which occurred in the twentieth year of his life. The venerable priests 
of the churches of Christ, Citonatius, a man of a holy and most pure 
life; and Sofronius and Gerontius, presbyters in whom the church has 
no small faith, gave me a reliable account of what they themselves had 
seen. To these most worthy witnesses can be added the testimony of the 
most devout Potamia of blessed memory, who ennobled the nobility of 
her birth with a yet more noble way of life. 24 1 have chosen to take 
these four as witnesses of the miracles which he performed in the flesh, 
setting aside the testimonies of towns and provinces on matters of this 
sort to which almost all of Spain bears witness. For we must pass over 
those deeds which happened so frequently that they were almost a daily 
occurrence, since it would be impossible, as 1 have already said, to 
include them all. If anyone wants to know about them, he will believe 
more easily those that he has seen. 

22 A similar warning is given in chapter 23 of the Life ; cf Gregory the Great Dial 1.1.6. 

23 Another reference to Braulio’s use of the sermo humilis; see n.7 above. 

24 Was Potamia one of the ‘maidens of Christ’ with whom Aemilian spent his declining 



The Life 

I. Of the conversion of the Holy Man 

8. Therefore, as I had started to say, my witnesses relate that he was 
converted and came to the religious life in the following way. The 
future shepherd of men was a shepherd of sheep which he used to drive 
into the depths of the mountains and, as is the custom with shepherds, 
he took a harp with him, 25 lest tiredness should impede his idle mind, 
left with nothing to do, from guarding his flock. 26 When he arrived at 
the place ordained by heaven, a divinely-inspired sleep flooded over 
him. Then that craftsman who makes hearts clean performed his task 
with his customary dedication and turned the material of the cithara into 
an instrument of learning and roused up the mind of a shepherd to the 
contemplation of heavenly things. When he woke, he thought on the 
heavenly life and leaving the countryside went off to the wilderness. 

II. He goes to a monk at Buraddn 

9. Rumour had told him that a certain hermit called Felix, 27 a most Holy 
Man, to whom he could not unworthily offer himself as a disciple, was 
then living in Buraddn. 28 He hurried to him, and when he had eagerly 
entered his service, was taught by him how he could guide his wavering 

25 'Cithara’ the same instrument that King David, also a shepherd in his youth, is said to 
play in the Bible, 1 Samuel 16. 

26 The thirteenth-century poet Gonzalo de Berceo whose Vida de San Millan de la 
Cogolla is heavily based on Braulio adds, stanza 3, that Aemilian was bom in Berceo, a 
village approximately one mile from San Mill&n de Suso, the probable site of Aemilian’s 
oratory. This could of course be pleading by a parti pris as Gonzalo was a monk at San 
Mill&n de Yuso. For commentaries on Berceo’s work see Dutton [1967] and [1992] both 
in Spanish. 

27 St Felix’s remains were transferred to the monastery of San Mill&n de la Cogolla in 
AD 1090. 

28 ‘Castrum Bibilense’. This is the point where the River Ebro enters the plains of La 
Rioja in the province of Logrofio. A further modem name is Las Conchas de Haro. 



footsteps towards the heavenly kingdom. 29 By this act he teaches us, I 
believe, that no one can successfully journey towards the blessed life 
without the instruction of teachers. 30 This man did not do so, nor was 
this the command that Christ gave to Paul nor did the Holy Spirit allow 
Samuel to do this. This man was told to go to the hermit, Paul to 
Annias, 31 and Samuel to Eli, 32 although they had all been roused up by 
signs and words. 

III. He comes to the place where his oratory is built 

10. After he had been well taught the paths of life by this man and been 
greatly enriched by the wealth of instruction and treasures of salvation, 
he returned to his own country, full of the grace of religious learning 
and thus came to a place not far from the village of Berceo 33 , where his 
glorious body now lies. 34 He did not delay there long, for he saw that 

29 Berceo, stanza 14, adds that the saint went by Valpiri - the site of the battle which 
liberated Fem£n Gonzalez, Count of Castile, in AD 945. The Count who was a benefactor 
of the monastery of San Mill£n (if the 12th-century copies of the charters referring to him 
in the monastery cartulary are to be trusted), had adopted Aemilian as his personal saint. 
Berceo’s addition here could simply be an attempt to link the count and his saint. 
However, if the poet is preserving a genuine link between Aemilian and Valpiri, it would 
help to explain Gonzalez’s attraction to San Mill&n. 

30 Such self-inspired hermits or Sarabaites were strongly frowned on by the early church, 
see Benedict, Rule 1 and Isidore, De Eccl. Off. 2.16.9 (=PL 83 799). For attempts to 
suppress such hermits see 4 Toledo 53 (AD 633) & 7 Toledo 5 (AD 646). 

31 Acts 9.10-19. 

32 1 Kings 3. 

33 ‘Vergegium’. Berceo, op.cit. stanzas 27-28 adds a description of the valley of San 
MillAn de Suso. A fifteenth century Spanish translation of Braulio’s Life {Real Academia 
de Historia Ms Emil.59 fol 127v) identifies this place with San Millan de Suso, located 
above the site of the monastery of San Millan de la Cogolla. This identification appears 
to be secure. However a rival cult of San Mill&n arose in Aragon in the fifteenth-century 
which asserted that his birthplace was Torrelapaja near Berdejo. For this dispute see 
Gaiffier [1933]. 

34 Berceo op.cit. stanza 31 adds that Aemilian cleansed the area of snakes which became 
fused into the rocks. The body of the saint was transferred to the lower church of San 
Mill&n de Yuso which formed part of the monastery of San MillAn de La Cogolla in AD 
1030, see Dutton [1967]. 



the crowd of men who came flocking to him would be a hinderance to 

IV. He goes hence to the wilderness and spends forty years there 

11. He sought the heights, his eager spirit taking his steps lightly over 
the difficult terrain, so that marching through the vale of sorrow 35 not 
only with his heart but also with his body and going from virtue to 
virtue, he seemed as if he was climbing Jacob’s Ladder. 36 When he 
came to the more remote, secret places of Mount Dircetius, 37 staying as 
near to the summit as the nature of the weather and the woods would 
allow, he became a guest of the hills. Set apart from the company of 
men and busying himself only with the consolations of the angels, he 
dwelt there for the passage of 40 years. 38 What invisible, what visible 
battles, what varied and cunning temptations, what mockeries of the 
Ancient Wretch, he experienced there, they alone best know who say 
that they themselves have experienced such things. He directed all his 
desire, all his inclinations, all his aspirations, in sum, his entire life, to 
his irrevocable first intent to be a devotee of the Holy. O how great a 
gift! O how singular a man! O how outstanding a spirit! He was so 
given to divine contemplation that it seems that this age can claim 
nothing of him for itself. How many times, I imagine, did he, filled 
with divine ardour, raise up his voice among those thick, lofty forests, 
the towering summits of the hills, and the crags which reach towards 

35 cf Psalm 24.3. 

36 cf Genesis 28.12-13. 

37 Probably located in the Sierra de la Demanda. Codex Misc. in the Archivo Historico 
Nacional, /hs. 1007B f 69 v -70, dating to AD 932, refers to Mount Dircetius as the site of 
the head-waters of the River Duero. Berceo, op.cit. stanza 47, refers to the saint living in 
caves here. The region is full of rock-cut hermitages, see Azkarate Garai-Olaun [1988]. 

38 A clear parallel with Christ’s 40 days in the Wilderness and the Israelites’ 40 years of 
wandering in the desert of Sinai. Berceo, op.cit ., stanza 49 refers to altars said to have 
been built by Aemilian here. This tradition either grew up after Braulio’s life was written 
or was suppressed by him. Similarly stanza 57 refers to a hermitage built by Aemilian 
which is not found in Braulio’s Life. A sixteenth-century note appended to manuscript F 
folio 128v of Berceo’s work at this point identifies the hermitage with a chapel of St 
Laurence built on the summit of Mt. San Lorenzo, the highest point (7475ft) in the Sierra 
de la Demanda, 2 miles south of San Mill&n de Suso. 



heaven, saying to Christ ‘Woe is me that my sojourn is prolonged’, 39 
How many times sighing and groaning did he cry out, 7 have a desire 
to depart and he with Christ .’ 40 How many times, moved in his 
innermost being, did he most vehemently make lament, saying, ‘ While 
we are at home in the body, we are absent from the Lord.' ,4] Meanwhile 
he was shaken by the cold, abandoned in solitude, soaked by the 
unforgiving rain, and buffeted by blasts of the wind, but through the 
love of God, the contemplation of Christ, and the grace of the Holy 
Spirit, he not only tolerated, but willingly and eagerly endured the 
violence of the cold, the desolation of loneliness, the onslaught of the 
rain, and the harshness of the winds. However, since a city that is set 
on a hill cannot be long hid 42 fame of his holiness spread to such a 
degree that it came to the notice of almost everyone. 43 

V. The Bishop Didymus assigns a church to him 

12. When this news was brought to Didymus who then held the office 
of bishop in Tarazona, 44 he pursued the man, wishing, as he was in his 
diocese, to put him into Holy orders. At first it seemed a harsh and hard 
thing to Aemilian to flee back, to return, to be, as it were, dragged from 
heaven to earth, from the rest which he had now almost obtained to 
wearying tasks, and to be taken back to the active from the 
contemplative life. 45 Finally, he was unwillingly compelled to obey, 46 

39 cf Psalm 120.5-6. 

40 Philippians 1.23. Braulio’s selective quotation of Paul here is of interest. Paul is tom 
between martyrdom and living to help the Philippians and concludes "I know that I shall 
abide, yea, and abide with you all, for your progress and joy in the faith’. Braulio 
completely suppresses the Apostle’s conclusion and hence reverses the sense of the 

41 cf 2 Corinthians 5.6. 

42 cf Matthew 5.14. 

43 Berceo, op.cit. stanza 67, places the limits of Aemilian’s sojourn in the wilderness in 
the Moncayo hills which form part of the Cordillera Iblrica in the provinces of Soria and 
Saragossa. The nearby church of San Mill&n de Verdejo in Aragon was to lay claim to the 

44 The town lies some 50 miles West North West of Saragossa. 

45 The contemplative life was frequently regarded as far superior to that of a priest 
ministering to a secular flock. See Athanasius, Letter to Dracontius (= PG 25 523-534) 
and Gregory the Great Horn. Ezekiel 2.4.5-6 for attempts to refute this point of view. 



and so performed the office of presbyter in the church of Berceo. 47 Then 
setting aside those things which men of that order, the men, that is, of 
our day, are accustomed to dedicate themselves, he imparted his holy 
care on this life to which he had been dragged back. In this however 
through continual prayer, week-long fasts, perpetual vigils, true 
discernment, sure hope, great frugality, kindly righteousness, firm 
endurance, in short with the greatest austerity he tirelessly kept himself 
from all evil things. 48 He so plucked flowers of knowledge from the 
meadows of the ineffable Godhead that he who had scarcely committed 
the eighth psalm to memory, 49 far surpassed without compare the ancient 
philosophers of the world in practical knowledge, wisdom, and 
sharpness of perception; 50 and not undeservedly, as what they had 
obtained by worldly labour the Godhead gave him through heavenly 
grace. Indeed, I conjecture, he was altogether like Saint Antony 51 and 
Saint Martin in his calling, training, and performance of miracles. But, 
in order to pass over many things, among his acts as a priest, this, I 
declare, was his greatest labour: to drive Mammon out of the temple of 
the Lord with vigour and wisdom as quickly as he could. 52 Wherefore 

46 cf VSD 3 and the fate of Martin of Tours who was made a bishop against his will, 
Sulpicius Severus, VSM 9. For problems between bishops and holy men see Robles 

47 Berceo, op.cit., stanza 106, states that the church was dedicated to Sta.Eulalia. 

48 cf Sulpicius Severus, VSM 10 where St Martin continues his ascetic life while a bishop 
and Bede, Life of Cuthbert 26 (= PL 94 766), where the same is said of St Cuthbert. For 
this theme in general see Rousseau [1971]. 

49 Illiteracy in the priesthood was frowned upon, but seems to have been a common 
problem. Narbonne 1 (AD 589) forbade bishops to ordain illiterates as priests and ordered 
that any presently illiterate priest must learn to read and would suffer a loss of income if 
his progress was deemed too slow. 2 Toledo 2 (AD 527) forbids educated priests to move 
to another church to prevent a neighbouring diocese poaching them without paying for 
their initial education. 4 Toledo 26 (AD 633) provides for a book of offices to be given 
to priests in order that they can perform their duties correctly. This step, however, clearly 
did not solve the problem as 8 Toledo 8 (AD 653) paints a dismal pictures of priests who 
were ignorant of the Psalter, Canticles, hymns, and the service of baptism. 

50 Braulio here emphasises that Aemilian outstripped his secular rivals in both the 
classical divisions of knowledge, i.e. the theoretical and practical. 

51 Antony was famously dismissive of book-learning, but unlike Aemilian had the entire 
bible by heart (Augustine, De Doctrina Christiana 1 praefA). 

52 cf Matthew 21.12, Mark 11.15, John 2.14. 



he shared the substance of Christ with the innermost parts of Christ, 53 
making the Church of Christ wealthy again in virtues rather than riches, 
in religion rather than rent, in Christians rather than chattels. For he 
knew that he could be accused before Christ not for casting aside 
temporal things, but for casting aside men. 

VI. Clerks accuse the Holy Man before the bishop 

13. Because of this, as is the custom among the worst sort of clerk, 
some of his clerics came before Didymus to attack him on the grounds 
of harming their communal property. 54 Slandering him, they declared 
that the losses of the church were clear to behold and that the goods 
which it had received had on all sides been diminished. Now the 
aforementioned prelate was inflamed with torches of anger and eaten 
through with envy because of Aemilian’s virtues. Looking at him, he 
vehemently assailed the man of God. When he had belched forth the 
intoxication of his anger (as a soul drunk with fury is want to do), the 
man of God, fortified by his sanctity and protected by his forbearance, 
stood there unmoved with his accustomed tranquillity. 55 After this he 
was released from the ministry he had taken up, and passed the rest of 
his life beyond reproach in the place which is now called his oratory. 56 
Thus far his conversion and his life. Although those acts of grace which 
were concealed are the more beautiful (those which the Lord established 

53 Normally interpreted as meaning the poor. 

54 cf Sulpicius Severus, Dial. 1.9, where St Jerome is said to have been hated by clerics 
because he censured their depraved way of life. The alienation of church property was 
later formally forbidden by 3 Toledo 3 (AD 589), however the principle would have been 
in operation prior to this date. 

55 cf VSD 15. The imperturbability of martyrs is a common theme in martyr accounts, 
running back to the first martyr’s, St Stephen’s, steadfast calm in the face of his Jewish 
opponents. Acts 7.55. 

56 Berceo, op.cit ., stanzas 106-107, assumes that this was a return to his early haunts and 
identifies these with San Mill&i de Suso. This is also the view of the fifteenth century 
Spanish translator of the Life , RAH, Ms Emil.59 128v. The church of San Mill&n de Suso 
is described by G6mez Moreno [1919] 288-309 & lam. 112-118. Further work on the site 
was undertaken by Iftiguez Almech [1955]. The present church which probably dates to 
the late 10th century AD incorporates rock-cut structures whiclr'may well have been 
Aemilian’s oratory. It was severely damaged when it was sacked by Almanzor in AD 
1002 . ' ' 



in these new struggles and which we have been taught in faith and truth 
by Paul the teacher and captain 57 of the Gentiles) than those which have 
brought themselves to light through various gifts of virtue, even these 
latter are too many to be able to be written down. However I must set 
down by what signs his glory shone forth, even if 1 proceed to do so in 
an unworthy fashion. 

VII. He wrestles with the devil 

14. It came to pass one day that Enemy of the Human Race met the 
Wrestler 58 of the Eternal King on the road, and addressed him with 
these words, ‘If you want, let us fight and discover what each of us is 
able to achieve with his strength.’ He had not finished saying this when 
he advanced upon him and laid hold of him visibly and in the flesh. For 
a long time he belaboured Aemilian who was scarcely able to fight 
back. But when he earnestly called upon Jesus in prayer, divine aid 
strengthened his trembling steps and he immediately vanquished the 
fugitive, 59 apostate spirit, turning its body into air. 60 If, by chance, it 
should seem incredible to anyone, that an indisputably invisible spirit 
can, except in a mystical understanding, take physical form, let it be 
revealed to him how the pages of Divine Scripture relate that Jacob 
struggled with an angel, albeit a good one. 61 I, however, would say this: 
that it took less audacity for Satan to tempt a servant than the Lord, 
Aemilian than Christ, a man than God, a creature rather than the creator. 

57 ‘Magister’ which would have both these overtones to Braulio’s audience. 

58 cf Ephesians 6.12 and Passion of Sts Perpetua and Felicity 10. 

59 Fugitive, ‘refuga’ had strong pejorative tones in Visigothic Spain, see 5 Toledo 12 & 
8 Toledo praef, 1. 

60 cf VSF 11 where the devil vanishes not into the air, but the earth. Berceo, op.cit. stanza 
207, states that this was a famous encounter which took place by the church of San Pelayo 
(now destroyed) located just below San Mill&n de Suso. Ms Emil 59 agrees and adds that 
this church was founded to mark the event. A stone here reads ‘Here San Mill&n 
vanquished Satan in the flesh.’ The church itself must have postdated Aemilian by at least 
some 300 years as San Pelayo was bom in Saragossa in AD 911 and martyred in Cordoba 
on the 26 June AD 925. 

61 Genesis 32.24-32. 



VIII. He cures a monk 

15. To return to the thread of my account: there was a certain monk, 
Armentarius by name, afflicted with a painful swelling of the stomach 
who came devotedly to Aemilian asking that his innermost parts be 
cured. 62 When he had put his hand on the lump and traced the sign of 
the cross there, the sickness left him at once and, having recovered his 
health, he blessed the Lord. 63 

IX. A paralysed woman is healed 

16. A certain woman called Barbara who had contracted a paralysing 
disease and was greatly afflicted by it, was brought to him from the 
territory of Amaia, 64 and restored to her lost health by a prayer of the 
holy man. 

X. A lame woman walks 

17. Another woman from the same place was brought borne on a cart, 
since she was long since lame having lost the use of her feet and, 
although it was Lent, asked to be cured by him. 65 He did not wish to see 
her out of his reverence for the season (for it was his custom during 
these days to be content to be alone in his cell and see no-one except 
for a single individual out of his attendants 66 who brought him a 
minuscule quantity of cheap food that he might continue to live). Since, 
as I said, he refused to see her, she fervently pressed him that he grant 
her merely to kiss his staff. When the man of God heard her in his 
kindness, he immediately saw to it. When she saw this had been done, 

62 The disease appears to be dropsy. 

63 Armentarie appears as a graffito on the rock-cut church, la Iglesia superior de Nuestra 
Sefiora de la Pefla. Azkarate Gara-Olaun [1988] 489-490 tentatively suggests that this 
could have been Aemilian’s centre of operations. 

64 A village near Villadiego some 40 miles North West of Burgos and the main centre 
of Cantabria in this period. 

65 cf Luke 5.18ff. 

66 It appears therefore that Aemilian did not live entirely alone as a hermit. The same is 
true of St Fructuosus who while living as an anchorite had a servant called Baldarius. 



she kissed the staff and stood up safely with firm and solid feet and, 
having given thanks for the divine gift, departed at once rejoicing. 67 

XI. He gives sight to a Senator’s maid 

18. The maid of the Senator Sicorius, 68 long deprived of the light of 
day, asked that he restore to her the use of her eyes. Then the man of 
God by word and touch, and with Christ as his guide, asked for her 
health and straightaway his request came to pass: her sight returned and 
she saw the shapes of things in a very clear light. 69 

XII. He cures a possessed deacon 

19. A certain man ejected from the office of deacon was violently 
possessed by a most shameless demon. 70 Bound by his friends he was 
placed before Aemilian’s face to be cleansed. While he was convulsed 
by his madness as if he was rabid, raving and lashing out, the unclean 
spirit was ordered by the most blessed man to leave him. There was no 
delay: the disobedient learnt to obey, the demon was stricken with 
invisible punishments and made a stranger to the dwelling it had seized. 
It abandoned the man, who spoke and shouted out his praises to God. 

XIII. He heals another slave 

20. The slave of a certain Tuentius, Sibila by name, had been seized by 
impure spirits. 71 He was dragged to the blessed man by his family, who, 
when he saw him, asked by how many demons he was possessed. They 

67 cf Matthew 9.20ff., 14.36. 

68 A member of the mysterious senate of Cantabria found in chapter 33? 

69 cf Mark 8.23-25. 

70 It is unclear whether the man was expelled from his office because he was possessed 
or that the demon found such a sinner a particularly easy target. 

71 These two names may cast some light on the status of languages in this period. 
‘Tuentius’ is a semi-Romanised Gothic name, suggesting that this noble thought it 
worthwhile to present a veneer of Roman culture to the outside world. His slave’s name 
however is firmly Gothic and hence it appears that the veneer was strictly for external 
purposes only. For nomenclature in Visigothic Spain see Claude [1972]. 



told him that they were five and each one gave its name. 72 He 
commanded them through the power of Jesus Christ and straightaway 
they all departed, screaming in great terror. The slave, cured, returned 
happily to his own. 

XIV. He heals another: the slave of a Count 

21. And he restored to health and safety through the incomparable 
power of divine omnipotence, a slave of the Count Eugene who was 
possessed and afflicted by a demon which had long held him in slavery 
by a lengthy occupation of his body. 

XV. Likewise he heals a married couple 

22. Now what am I to say about the senator Nepotian and his wife 
Proseria? Save that as they had been joined in marriage, so they were 
jointly possessed by a demon, with the result that the flesh which had 
become one with his wife was believed to be dwelt in by one spirit 
which in its twofold possession seemed to have perverted the law of 
marriage for its own use. 73 How obvious their condition was can be 
learnt from the fact that news of it spread everywhere so that it did not 
slip from peoples’ minds for generations. 74 Hence it may seem that I 
have added this account superfluously because there is no Cantabrian 
who can have failed to have seen or heard of this incident. 75 When news 
of this occurrence came to our Aemilian he ordered his unclean foe to 
leave the bodies of the couple. It was in no way able to resist his 
command and freed them as it had been ordered. They on their 
liberation sounded forth their praise to the King of heaven. 

72 cf the Legion of demons in Mark 5.9 and Luke 8.30. 

73 i.e. Christ’s law of marriage, Matthew 19.5-6. 

74 A somewhat unfortunate statement given Braulio’s opening comment that Aemilian’s 
miracles were almost contemporary with his own day. 

75 An important notice as it implies that Aemilian’s acts were widely known in Cantabria. 
As the saint’s centre of operations is to be found in the modern province of La Rioja, not 
Cantabria, this perhaps implies that sixth century Cantabria covered a much larger area 
than the area later denoted by this term. It is of interest that Berceo omits this detail in 
his poem and the fifteenth century Spanish translation of Braulio RAH Ms Emil 59 refers 
to the Navarrese at this point not the Cantabrians. 



XVI. Likewise he cures another woman 

23. In the same way a demon had possessed in a horrific fashion the 
daughter of the curial Maximus called Columba, producing an 
unforeseen weakness in her limbs. She was placed in great expectation 
before the servant of God to be cured. When he made the sign of the 
cross on the threshold of her brow, the demon was soon driven out and 
ejected and she obtained a remedy for her ill health. 

XVII. He casts out a demon from a senator’s house 

24. The house of the senator Honorius gave shelter to a most wicked 
and rebellious demon who most monstrously attached itself to his house 
and everyday perpetrated some disgusting and vile deed so that no one 
could endure this servant of the devil. Worst of all, often when the 
master of the house had sat down to feast, the impure spirit would put 
the bones of dead animals and frequently manure in his dishes. Often 
too at night when the inhabitants were asleep, it stole the clothes of men 
and women and hung them from the roofs as if they were veils of some 
foul deed. Not a little anxious and not knowing what to do, Honorius 
kept calm amid his anguish, having a sure faith in the virtues of 
Aemilian and heartened by this hope, he sent for him to be brought to 
him, despatching carriages to aid him on his way. The messengers 
arrived and implored him to come and drive out the demon with 
whatever power was at his disposal. At last worn down by their 
entreaties he set out to show the power of our God, but did so on foot 
not in a carriage. 76 When he came to Parpalines (where these things took 
place), 77 he found everything had happened as he had been told, and he 

76 cf VSF 12. 

77 An alternative ms reading is Pamplona, this is the version followed by the fifteenth- 
century Spanish translation of Braulio, RAH Ms Emil.59 fol.l32r. The location of 
Parpalines is unknown. A note by Toribio Minguella on the Memorias of P.Romero (ms 
de San Mill&n) places Parpalines in the Oc6n Valley near Ausejo, a view followed by 
Orlandis [1992] ch.10. This identification coincides with that found on a document on 
folio 50v of one version (the Becerro Galicano) of the Cartulario of the monastery of San 
Mill&n de la Cogolla, dated to era 958, i.e. AD 920 (Ubieto [1976] 68, Serrano [1930] 
16) in which King Garda S&nchez I of Navarra grants to the monastery of San Milldn de 
La Cogolla the village which Sicorius gave to the saint to thank him for curing him and 



himself endured some lawless acts. He ordered a fast and gathered to 
him the congregation 78 of priests who lived there. On the third day, 
having fulfilled the vow of the fast he had ordered, he exorcised some 
salt and mixed it with water according to the teachings of the Church 
and began to perform an aspersion of the house. 79 Then the hateful 
being burst forth from the bowels of the house. Seeing itself ejected and 
cast out of its dwelling place, it threw stones at Aemilian but he, 
fortified by his unconquerable shield, remained safe. 80 Finally put to 
flight, the demon spewing out flames with a most nauseating odour 
sought the wilderness. 81 And so the inhabitants of the house rejoiced that 
they had been saved by Aemilian’s prayer. 

XVIII. Divine Protection Guards Him 

25. What more is there to say? There was so great an abundance of 
sanctity in that man, so great a store of divine power, so much 
puissance of divine authority that when a multitude of madmen ran to 
him, not only did he not show the slightest trace of fear, but even 
locked himself in alone with all of them in the place where he was to 
cure them through divine grace. 82 Often when he lay down on his bed, 
they tried to bum him and brought burning straw up to his bed. But 
when they tried to set the bed alight with it, it lost its heat. They 
persisted in this all through the night, labouring in vain. Therefore when 
Aemilian realised this, at his command the madmen bound one another 

giving sight to his servant girl. This is described as ‘The village of Parperinense called 
Buengua...’. The notice, however, is of awkward phraseology, not found on the other 
version of the Cartulario (the Becerro Gotico), and the name of the senator concerned 
should be Honorius not Sicorius. It appears therefore that we are dealing with a pious post 
eventum forgery where chapters 18 and 24 of the life have been confused. Serrano [1930] 
xxiii n.12 notes another document of AD 1074 found on the vellum manuscript of 
Valvanera n°10 which mentions a village of Parpalines near Ocon. It is however a later 
addition to the manuscript. 

78 Lat. ‘ordo’. 

79 For these rituals see Liber Sacramentorum ed. Ferotin [1912] 11-22. 

8(1 cf Ephesians 6.16. 

81 cf Luke 11.24. 

82 cf Sulpicius Severus, Dial. 3.6. 



with chains, their hands providing a means of safety, since their hearts 
were full of madness. 83 

XIX. A beam lengthens at his prayer 

26. I ought not to be silent about this matter which I see is already 
known throughout the world. I am talking about the beam which shaped 
by the hand of some carpenters was taken to build a granary, 84 but was 
found to be too short to fit with the other beams being used for the 
work. When he saw this, he ordered the carpenters to eat with easy 
minds, while he himself withdrew to plead before the eyes of the 
creator. When he had finished the synaxis 85 at the sixth hour in his own 
special customary style, 86 it was revealed to him that what he had asked 
for had been granted and he returned to these hired workers. ‘Do not 
think that you will lose the money for your work.’ he said, ‘Set the 
beam in its place.’ They lifted it and set it up as he instructed, and 
found that it was longer than the rest, having grown by more than a 
palm’s breadth. 87 In that place he made a mark which can be clearly 
seen to this day. So through his prayer, the workmen did not waste their 

83 Oddly this, rather than the division of his tunic, is the commonest depiction from the 
life of the saint. The saint does not seem to have been able to cure the madmen and the 
miracle must lie in the fact that the lunatics willing bound themselves rather than having 
to be constrained by others. Their binding was to prevent them harming themselves or 
others; see Bernardo de Gordonio’s early fourteenth century work, Lilio de la Medicina , 
cap. 19 De Mania & Melancolia which prescribes this treatment if all cures have failed. 

84 Traditional horreos are still a common sight in North West of Spain. Berceo, stanza 
225, and the fifteenth-century Spanish translation of the Life , RAH, Ms Emil.59 fo!.133r, 
state that Aemilian commissioned the granary himself to store food for the pilgrims who 
flocked to visit him. This is an unwarranted internal inference from chapters 28 and 29. 

85 Synaxis originally meant ‘congregation’; it came however to take on the meaning of 
‘divine service’ including both ones containing the eucharist and, especially in the West, 
a non-eucharistic service composed of psalms, prayers, and lessons from Scripture. 

86 This is an example of the things which Braulio warns his flock not to imitate in chapter 
6 of the Life. 

87 This miracle is very different from the normal ones of healing and exorcism. An 
eleventh-century catalogue of relics from Oviedo also lists a piece of wood which 
miraculously grew to the right size in the building of a church, see De Bruyne [1927]. 
This may represent an embroidered version of our story or suggest that such miracle 
accounts were common in Northern Spain. There is a possibility that the account attempts 
to supersede or Christianise the pagan cult of trees found in this area. 



labour nor were they cheated of the wages for their task. The very wood 
even now cures the devout who are ill, and is said to have so much 
power that almost daily it gives health to the sick. 88 For this reason my 
account would drag out to an enormous length, if I wanted to repeat all 
the acts of healing which have been recorded there and lie open to 
inspection. But now I think it worth saying a little of his liberality and 

XX. He gives the sleeves of his tunic to the poor 

27. Once a crowd of the poor came to him 89 asking for their normal 
subvention and though he was lacking in goods or could not find 
anything which he could give them, he was not found lacking in his 
innate piety. For he cut the sleeves from his tunic and generously 
handed them over along with the cloak he was wearing. Then one of 
them who was more importunate than the rest, as is the way with 
beggars, went in front of all the rest, took these and put them on. O 
here was another Martin who in clothing the poor man clothed Christ! 90 
Not undeservedly have they obtained the same reward, for they had the 
same spirit of liberality. However lest this striking importunity in front 
of so great a man should go unavenged, the rest of the beggar’s 
colleagues on seeing his act became envious and indignant at the 
presumption of one man. Armed with their sticks, they rose up and fell 
upon him in a horde and drove him all over to wherever anger 
prompted them individually. And clearly he deserved this trouble which 
was brought on by his own lack of foresight. 91 

88 It was placed in a reliquary in one of the columns of San Mil Ian de Suso. The 
fifteenth-century Spanish translation states it was working miracles To this day’ as does 
a note to manuscript S of Berceo. There is no indication of when the beam was moved 
from the granary. Manuscript RAH XXIV f 155v, dating from the thirteenth century, lists 
a ‘pitatium’ of the wood amongst the monastery’s treasures. 

89 Berceo, op.cit., stanza 239, again presents this crowd as one of pilgrims coming to visit 
the hermit. 

9(1 cf Sulpicius Severus, VSM 3. The division of his cloak was St Martin’s most famous 
act of charity. Here Braulio makes Aemilian trump Martin as he gives away all his cloak 
and the sleeves of his tunic. 

91 Aemilian’s act is tempered by Braulio’s sense of social propriety. 



28. I shall tell of another incident which I would like the grasping to 
hear in order that they should not think on the morrow. It happened that 
a crowd came to the blessed man when he did not have enough wine for 
them. 92 But because those who ask of the Lord shall not be lacking in 
any good thing, 93 a huge multitude drank to its fill from scarcely, as it 
is reported, a sextarius of wine. 94 However they say a greater miracle 
occurred on another occasion. 

XXII. He is aided when food comes to him 

29. As fame of his sanctity spread, crowds of visitors came to see him 
daily and he, of his own free will, urged them with all his heart to stay 
as his guests and refresh themselves from his charity. When his servant 
learnt this clearly, he told the holy man that there was nothing left for 
them to eat. Aemilian reproached his servant with a gentle rebuke, 
criticising his lukewarm faith 95 and prayed to Christ to provide the 
necessary food. He had not finished his prayer when, lo, suddenly carts 
generously loaded down with food sent from the senator Honorius came 
through the gate. 96 The man beloved of God took the gift and gave 
thanks to the Creator of the World for having heard his prayer. He set 
a sufficient amount of food before his invited guests and saw that the 
rest be saved for those who might come later. Thus he trod a middle 
path between performing the duties of common hospitality and his own 
practice of abstinence, so that his table would be found set for a feast 
for guests no matter the time of day, while he, on the other hand, was 
so sparing with food that he was never seen save sober in mind and 
mortified in the flesh. He replenished the bodies of his guests with food 
and their souls with his words. He was so eloquent in his analogies and 

92 Berceo, op.cit ., stanza 247, casts this incident in a monastery of the kind of his own 

93 cf Matthew 7.7. 

94 approximately one pint. The incident carries strong overtones of the feeding of the five 
thousand, Matthew 14.13-21, Luke 9.10-17, John 6.1-13 and the wedding at Cana, John 

95 cf Matthew 8.26, 14.31, 16.8; Luke 12.28. 

96 This in fact seems a lesser miracle than the one Braulio described in the preceding 
chapter. Christ’s feeding of the masses is parallelled, but the element of the miraculous 
is at a much lower level. 



so subtle in his advocacy of the spiritual life that whoever came to him 
for whatever reason left him a better and contented man for he never 
departed from his precepts in either his life or his words. Lest I drag out 
my account into a long tale, he gained the palm of victory over his 
vanquished flesh in such a way that his North was never conquered and 
used to warm a cauldron, 97 nor to provide kindling for the fires of 
Nebuchadnezzar. 98 

XXIII. He is slandered by a demon because he lives with women. 

30. Now those apostate spirits, when they wished in the cunning of their 
evil to harm him through the slander of madmen, because they could 
find nothing of which to accuse the servant of Christ, they merely 
attempted to reproach him by asking why he cohabited with maidens of 
Christ. 99 So the Enemy plays with his ancient art: a man he is not able 
to cast down in deed, he presses on to besmirch through rumour; a man 
whose conscience he cannot overcome, he defames. It is as if he can 
offer through his beguiling temptations examples of consolation, while 
men think that there is no good man to be found and despair of finding 
a man whose good deeds they should imitate. When this is the case, 
they almost think it a remedy for themselves if no innocent man can be 
found and are consoled to their own damnation by the thought that the 
multitude too shall perish. What use, Devisor of Evil, can the ill repute 
of the servants of Christ be to you, since our Lord and Redeemer has 
promised his own the heavenly kingdom by honour and dishonour, by 
evil report and good report , 100 But this holy man even in his old age 
was devoted to abstinence and common decency. He lived with holy 
maidens from his eightieth year onwards: bound down by his holy work 

97 Jeremiah 1.13: a prediction of disaster coming to the kingdom of Judah from the north. 

98 cf Jeremiah 21.7, 21.14. 

99 The celibacy of the clergy made such accusations both frequent and plausible. The 
Cantiga de los Clerigos de Talavera in Juan Ruiz’ Libro de Buen Amor and the preface 
to the Friar’s Tale in Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales capture the thoughts behind them. St 
Cyprian, Hab. Virg. 19, remarks on the trouble that virgins cause to the church. Gregory 
of Tours (HF 6.36) records similar accusations made against Aetherius, the bishop of 
Lisieux, adding that since the bishop was nearly 70 at the time he was astounded that such 
allegations were made. See also VSD ch.4. 

100 2 Corinthians 6.8. 



and pain, he happily accepted from the maidens of God all the 
ministrations that a father may accept. But, as I have already said, he 
was so far from sinful temptations that he never experienced a trace of 
a disgraceful urge in that part of his life. Now because he had reached 
so advanced an age, his needs increased proportionately so that when he 
suffered from the sickness of dropsy, he allowed his body to be washed 
by these same holy women, but he himself was a stranger to all illicit 
passions. This truly was a special gift which we find granted to few, and 
which ought to be tried by no one lest they come into danger of 
temptation. For every individual is called to his own vocation, let him 
remain in that vocation before God. 101 For David said, ‘ neither do I 
exercise myself in great matters or in things too high for mef 02 He 
indeed walks in things too high for him who tries to do things which 
the Godhead has not granted to him. 

XXIV. A horse stolen by robbers is restored to him 

31. But I shall relate how even brigands feared him and how he made 
thieves wary. A certain Sempronius and Thuribius, driven on and 
tempted by the devil came to the dwelling of the man of God to rob it. 
And although it is written concerning the Just Man ‘ There shall no evil 
befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling' , 103 these 
two either for their own chastisement or to provide an example were 
allowed to draw near to Aemilian but forbidden to chastise him, indeed 
they were caught and themselves felt the chastisement of God. The 
thieves when they reached dwelling of the holy man, came across 
outside it the beast upon which he was accustomed to ride to church and 
stole away with it. 104 They did not enjoy their ill-gotten gain for long. 
For after a little while, they came, each having lost the use of an eye, 
begging for pardon and bringing back the animal. The holy man of God 
took back the horse, rebuked himself for having ever owned it, sold it 

101 cf / Corinthians 7.20. Braulio is eager here to discourage any thought among his 
readers that they should become solitary hermits. 

102 Psalm 131.1. 

103 Psalm 91.10. 

104 Berceo, op.cit., stanza 271, refers to the incident taking place in the ‘pasto de la 
Varga’, unfortunately this has not been identified. 



straight away, and gave its price to the poor. However he did not restore 
the thieves’ sight, prompted, I believe, by his spirit of discretion 
reasoning that unless they were deprived of their eyes they would not 
cease from deeds such as that they had perpetrated on him, and that if 
they wished to do something similar again, they would swiftly be 
betrayed from their lairs by the marks on their bodies and their ill- 
repute. For who would think that a man who both alive and dead often 
restored sight to the blind could not have obtained this boon from the 
Lord? But it was better for them to pay the price of their deed in this 
life rather than after it, as it is said, "it is better for thee to enter into 
life with one eye, rather than having two eyes to be cast into hell 
fire’.' 05 

XXV. He learns of the day of his death 

32. When in the hundredth year of his life, about a year before he was 
to pass on from the body, it was revealed to him that his human labours 
would be brought to an end and that he would receive the most holy 
promises of the Almighty, he turned to a stricter way of life. A man 
who had dried up his limbs through vigils and fasting, now entered this 
new campaign like a veteran soldier, so that his end might be the more 
outstanding and of a kind that is always held better and more 
praiseworthy by Christ, Who says "he that shall endure unto the end, 
the same shall be saved ' 106 

XXVI. He predicts the Doom of Cantabria 

33. During Lent in the same year the doom of Cantabria was revealed 
to him. Therefore he sent a messenger and instructed the senate to meet 

105 Matthew 18.9, Mark 9.46. Aemilian’s harsh approach runs contrary to normal 
hagiographic accounts which tend to emphasise the forgiveness of the saint. This may well 
be a reflection on Braulio’s unease at the notion of forgiving bandits who were rife in his 
area, see Ep. 3. Forgiveness is a virtue attributed to St Martin, said never to have judged 
any one by Sulpicius Severus (VSM 26), and to St Augustine whom we are told turned 
a blind eye to his monks’ lapses (Possidius, V.Aug 18.8). 

106 Matthew 24.13. 



him on Easter Day. 107 When they gathered at the appointed time, he told 
them what he had seen, and reproved them for their crimes: murder, 
theft, incest, violence and other sins, and told them to make penance for 
all of these. Although they all listened to him reverently (for they all 
regarded him as a venerable man and almost as if he was one of the 
disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ), a certain Abundantius said that he 
had gone senile in his old age. 108 But Aemilian told him what he in 

107 There has been great debate as to whether ‘Cantabria’ here refers to a city or a district. 
RAH Ms Emil.39 fol.245r, dating to the eleventh century, contains the following gloss 
referring to these events: ‘Of Cantabria. In the Life of Saint Aemilian it speaks of The 
doom of Cantabria which was foretold by him. King Leovigild invaded and slew the 
raiders of the province. He occupied Amaya, took their wealth and brought the province 
back under his sway... Cantabria is sited on Mount Iggeto next to the source of the Ebro. 
Leovigild, the heretic king, destroyed it’. Berceo, op.cit., stanza 292, also assumes that a 
town is intended and notes that the city was never rebuilt, but that three towers could still 
be seen on its site. Berceo is probably referring to a hill which is still known as Cantabria 
which lies to the North of the Ebro near Logroflo between Rioja Alavesa and Navarre. 
John of Biclarum on the other hand, while recording Leovigild’s campaign ( Chron. 32 
(AD 574)), makes no mention of a town called Cantabria. Isidore while saying that the 
Cantabrians are named from a town and the river Ebro, Etymologiae 9.4.113, a statement 
which might seem to support the notion of a town Cantabria, also states that Cantabria is 
a region, ‘such as is commonly called a conventus' of Galicia. The seventeenth century 
authors Moret [1655] and Oihenart [1638] denied the existence of the town, and apart 
from the references listed above there are no sources attesting its existence. Madoz [1846] 
10.35, however was inclined to believe in the town, as was Dutton [1967] & [1992] who 
cites Madoz’s description of the site with approval. The evidence of Isidore and John, 
however, appears to be decisive in ruling out this interpretation. 

The issue is not without importance as if a district rather than a town is meant 
‘Cantabria’ in this period appears to have been a term with a far wider geographical scope 
than the Cantabria of the Roman period. This is the conclusion drawn by Barbero and 
Vigil [1965] & [1974] and P6rez Bustamante [1974] who envisage Visigothic Cantabria 
embracing the area of Burgos and La Rioja. This view has been challenged by Gonz&lez 
Echegaray [1976-7], [1986] ch.3, and Besga Marroquin [1983] ch.4. who believe that the 
change in the meaning of ‘Cantabria’ did not come about until the 10th century. As 
Braulio does not make it clear whether the council travelled to Aemilian or Aemilian to 
the council, it could be argued that a Cantabrian regional council might still have travelled 
outside its own bounds to the audience with the Holy Man. 

Leovigild did not capture all of Cantabria as a small area which gave its allegiance to 
the Franks was finally conquered by Sisebut in AD 607, see Pseudo-Fredegar, Chron. 
4.33, Azkarate Garai-Olaun [1993], and Larrafiaga Elorza [1993]. 

108 The description of the sins of Cantabria and the ridicule poured on Aemilian has 
echoes of Job and the destruction of Sodom in Genesis 19. 



person was going to suffer. And events bore him out, for he was cut 
down by the avenging sword of Leovigild. 109 He attacked the rest too in 
equal measure for their perjury and treachery, predicting the coming 
wrath of God since they did not repent of their former works, and was 
anointed with their blood. 

XXVIII. His death and burial 

34. Now when the time of his death was approaching, he summoned the 
most holy priest Asellus who had been his colleague and in whose 
presence his most fortunate soul was freed from the body and returned 
to heaven. 110 Then, through the care of that most blessed man, his body 
was carried with great devotion being paid it by the devout and laid 
where it remains to this day in his oratory. 111 Farewell, Farewell, 
Blessed Aemilian, freed from mortal cares, take hold of your good 
fortune among the company of saints, and mindful of the teller of your 
life, the worthless Braulio, come forward as his intercessor, so that 
through you I, who am unable to flee my evil deeds, might find pardon 
and earn this vicarious reward: that my prayers for indulgence for my 
sins be heard through the favour of him whose virtues I set down with 

109 Leovigild’s expedition against Cantabria took place in AD 574, John of Biclarum, 
Chronicle 73. For the ‘avenging sword’, cf the avenging wrath of God at Romans 13.4. 
If the account is taken literally, Abundantius may have been the leader of the Cantabrians. 
Berceo, op.cit., stanza 291, makes him the first to die in the battle, though this could 
easily be a post eventum deduction from Braulio’s account. The religious affiliation of 
Cantabria is unclear, but if it was Orthodox Braulio is placed in the awkward position of 
having to endorse an Arian conquest of an Orthodox area. He sidesteps this problem 
magnificently by making Leovigild an instrument of God’s wrath. 

110 Breviaries place Aemilian’s death day on 12 November, AD 574, cf Berceo, op.cit ., 
stanza 363. 

111 Berceo, op.cit ., stanza 313, adds that the tomb was carved out by Aemilian himself 
during his lifetime. The relics of the saint were transferred in AD 1030 to the church of 
San Mill&n de Suso built by the saint’s oratory. In AD 1053 they were said to have 
miraculously resisted the attempts of Garda III of Najera to take them to the Collegiate 
church of Sta Maria la Real in Ndjera. The king consequently built the Church of San 
Mill&n de Yuso, which is identical to his foundation in N&jera, in the valley below San 
Mill4n de Suso and the saint’s relics were laid to rest there in AD 1067. This church was 
entirely rebuilt in the sixteenth century. Apart from relics of Aemilian and Felix, others 
belonging to Adelphius, Braulio, Conantius, Eugene II, Eulalia, Fructuosus, Ildefonsus, 
Isidore, Leander, and Montanus were also to be found here. 



my pen, and that along with these men over whom I unworthily exercise 
pastoral care, I might be found justified at the last judgement. I feel that 
this small work is coming to its close, but after speaking of the miracles 
he performed while alive, should we be silent about the acts of grace 
performed by him when dead? I shall bring forward two or three 
miracles, so that those told to us by the testimony of others and attested 
to in writing might be made all the more credible. 

XXVIII. The blind receive sight at his tomb 

35. An account of how many blind men have had their sight restored at 
his tomb, how many of the possessed have been purged of their 
troubles, or how many men suffering from all kinds of disease have 
been cured there which began from the time of this saint’s death and ran 
down to our times would be too long to add this to this little book. But 
I think that this one example is worthy to be written down: that 
immediately after his passage to heaven two men deprived of sight were 
restored to the light. 

XXIX. A lamp-wick of God was lit 

36. Indeed this last year, close to the feast of St Julian the Martyr, there 
was no oil for the light f 2 and its wick remained unlit. However when 
they rose for their vigil they found the lamp full of oil and burning. It 
not only provided light until the morning, but from the great amount 
that remained this wonder produced further wonders. 113 

XXX. A blind and lame woman is healed 

37. A woman, Eufrasia by name, was brought there from Banonicum. 114 
She was blind and lame, but upright and clear-sighted in faith as can be 
deduced from this tale. When she had been anointed on her eyes and 
feet, 115 straight away the propitious Godhead gave her the ability to see 

112 Exodus 25.6. 

113 cf VSD 14. 

114 Location unknown, the fifteenth century translation reads k Bannos.’ 

115 Presumably with the oil mentioned in the preceding chapter. 



and walk. Let men believe these things told through the testimony of 
witnesses who have seen the deeds done in our times. Indeed the place 
where she lives, and the woman, once an invalid, but now cured, are 

XXXI. A girl is raised from the dead 

38. Again another girl, about four years old, from Pratum which is not 
far from his oratory, 1,6 was taken by sickness and brought by it almost 
to the end of her life. Her parents moved by piety and fearing that they 
would be bereaved, decided that she should be taken to the tomb of the 
blessed man of God. As they carried her she seemed to die on the 
journey. Nevertheless as they did not lack in faith, they brought the 
dead girl to the place and placed her by the altar. Then, as the day was 
drawing to a close, they withdrew thence, leaving no-one there. When 
three hours had passed, they returned partly from curiosity and partly 
overcome by grief to see what it had pleased the Creator to do with her. 
They found alive she whom they had left dead and not only living but 
playing with the altar cloth. They glorified Christ who establishes all 
things and who had looked with favour on their devout grief. Behold, 
here at the present and in our times is another Elisha, whose dead bones 
bring lifeless limbs to life! 117 But while the men of old fled in fear, 
these folk bore the girl and placed her at the altar full of faith. From 
this we can see that there is one and the same God in the Old and New 
Testaments, our Lord Jesus Christ, who only doeth wondrous things. ll% 
He hid the hope of happiness from those fearing him, 119 men panic- 
stricken under the law of fear, and not yet strengthened by charity 
which casteth out fear: because fear hath torment , 120 but now that 
Power Which alone gives life to the dead has made those who believe 
in Him and live trusting in Him whole through the Grace of Faith. The 
Power that raises the dead is one and the same, but manifests Itself 
differently at different times, just as the motives of those bringing the 

116 Possibly Pradilla located near San Mill&n de Suso. 

117 cf 2 Kings 13.21. 
m Psalm 72.18. 

1,9 cf Psalm 31.20. 

120 / John 4.18. 



dead were different. For one group brought the corpse that they might 
bury it, the other to receive it back again living. Hence we are given to 
understand how great is the rest of blessedness possessed by Holy men 
at whose tombs the Almighty Lord performs such wondrous deeds. 

We have honoured our promise, it remains to bring the course of our 
tale to an end and give thanks to Christ, the King of heaven, by Whose 
aid and inspiration we have seen this work begun and ended. Who has 
granted us, for the consolation of our present sufferings the 
contemplation of the life 121 of holy men, Who lives with God the Father 
and the Holy Spirit, one God, world without end. Amen 

121 Braulio’s use of the singular here is deliberate as all holy men were regarded as living 
the divine life which was a unity; see Gregory of Tours, Life of the Fathers , Preface 
where Gregory defends his use of the singular and an anonymous monk of Whitby’s The 
Life of Gregory the Great 30 (edition by Colgrave [1968]). 

[Paul the Deacon| 


In the Name of the Lord here begins the book of the lives of the Holy 
Fathers of Merida 

PREFACE to this book 

1 No Orthodox believer and above all no Catholic ought to disbelieve 
in the miracles which that most holy and famed bishop, Gregory, Bishop 
of the city of Rome, fired by the grace of the Comforting Spirit, set 
down in his books of Dialogues, writing them with a pen which told the 
truth: 1 miracles which in olden times Almighty God thought it fit to 
work for the glory of His name through humble servants who were 
indeed pleasing to Him. 2 Let no one’s mind be troubled by this doubt: 
that these things appear to have happened in ancient times, and so 
perhaps not believe in them completely, thinking that this holy man of 
divine election, a tabernacle of the Holy Spirit, has obfuscated some 
points with empty and nebulous language. For through the authoritative 
words of the evangelists it is made clearer than the light of day to 
everyone that the Lord had always worked miracles and works them to 
this day. 2 3 Wherefore in order that the faith of all those reading or 
listening may be strengthened with greater and stouter belief, I shall tell 
of the things that have happened in the city of Merida in our present 
times: which are not events we have learned about from the tales of 
strangers or from contrived fables, but which we ourselves have heard 
with our own ears from those who have left the body in wondrous 
fashion and who we have no doubt have reached the heavenly realms. 

1 Gregory I ‘the Great’, Pope AD 590 to 604. Gregory’s four books of Dialogues which 
deal with miracles performed by mainly Italian saints were written between AD 593 and 
594; for a detailed discussion see Petersen [1984]. 

2 See especially Mark 16.17-18, the words spoken by Christ just prior to His ascension: 
‘And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; 
they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any 
deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall 




1. Here begins the account of the death of the young boy Agustus 

1 There was a young boy, not yet of advanced years, in fact still but a 
youth, called Agustus. 3 Innocent, artless, unlearned in letters, while he 
was faithfully performing with his fellow youths the tasks laid upon him 
by the venerable man in charge of the convent in the House of the 
glorious virgin Eulalia, he suddenly happened to fall ill. 4 2 When many 
came to visit him, as is the custom - I myself often went there - , it 
happened that one night, when the solemn vigil had been completed, 
(for in winter it is the practice in this holy church to celebrate, with the 
Lord’s help, the offices of Matins and Lauds separately with a short 
interval between them 5 ), 3 I rose to see him and, entering the cell where 
he lay on his bed, found all who were there so deep in slumber that 
none of them were wakened by my entry. Indeed, I found the light 
which had been lit there had gone out. 4 Straightaway I told all those 
lying before him to get up and commanded that the light which had 
gone out be relit. When we had light, I asked this boy Agustus how he 
was. 5 He replied, ‘As regards hope for this present life, I confess that 
all the limbs of my body are undone and no strength remains to me. 
However, as regards hope for the life eternal, I rejoice that 1 have not 
only hope, but say that I have seen that very author of life eternal, the 

3 The dropping of the classical ‘u’ is common in the Visigothic period. 

4 For the training of young boys destined for the priesthood in an ecclesiastical house see 
II Toledo 1 (AD 527) and IV Toledo 24 (AD 633) where the institution is called a ‘domus 

Boys placed in such an institution by their parents would remain there until the age of 
eighteen when they had the choice to leave or continuing their religious career. A prayer 
and benediction for new entrants have survived in the Mozarabic Liber Ordinum, see 
F6rotin [1904] 38, 39. For a general discussion of education in this period see Rich6 

It is unlikely that the inscription cited by Garvin [1946] 275 = ICERV 348 (Kindly 
Martyr Eulalia hold this house under your rule so that the Enemy knowing this might flee 
in confusion and this house and its inhabitants flourish with your aid. Amen) refers to a 
specific house of Eulalia. It appears rather to be an apotropaic inscription for an ordinary 
dwelling place (cf the Mozarabic prayer for entering a house, F^rotin [1904] 176). The 
strength of this belief in Eulalia’s powers can be seen throughout VPE. 

5 cf Rule of St Benedict 8. For a detailed discussion of ecclesiastical offices in the 
Visigothic Church see Fdrotin [1912] col.54-71. These are the two offices combined by 
Cranmer in the Book of Common Prayer to produce Morning Prayer. 



Lord Jesus Christ, with the hosts of angels and innumerable throngs of 
all the saints.’ 6 6 When I heard this, I was astounded, trembled greatly, 
and begged him to tell me all that he had seen as it had happened. To 
this he replied, ‘I call the Lord of Heaven and Earth as my witness that 
I will not tell you of some fantastical vision, but that you might believe 
more fully, I tell you that I have not slept this night.’ 7 When he had 
said this, he began his tale as follows, T was in a beautiful place where 
there were many fragrant flowers, the greenest grass, roses, lilies, many 
crowns of gems and gold, countless silken trappings, and a gentle breeze 
which cooled everything with its refreshing, airy breath. 7 There I saw 
innumerable seats to the right and to the left and in the middle a seat set 
forth much higher than the rest. There were countless serving-boys, all 
well-dressed and handsome, preparing the tables and a glorious feast. 
The rich dishes were not of meat, but all of fowl and everything which 
was being prepared was white like snow 8 and they were awaiting the 
coming of the Lord, their King.’ 9 Then I, though unworthy, thinking 
that it would be worthwhile for me to hear him speak more fully of this 
great wonder, said to him, ‘Tell me, I beg of you, while this of which 
you speak was being prepared, what were you doing?’ 10 He replied, 
‘I kissed all their feet, and they said to me, ‘Blessed is God Who has 
done well bringing you here.’ 11 While they were saying this and 
finishing all their tasks, suddenly there arrived a great multitude of men 
dressed in white, all adorned with gold and precious stones, and wearing 
gleaming crowns. 9 And one division of this multitude came on from the 
right and another from the left and thus hastening from both sides they 
offered their king ineffable homage. 12 In their midst came a most 
splendid and incredibly beautiful man, well proportioned, glorious to 

6 cf Daniel 10.8. 

7 There are strong verbal echoes here of Prudentius, Apotheosis 841-2. For the locus 
amoenus see Gregory the Great, Dial. 4.87 and the vision of Saturus in the Passio of St 
Perpetua and Felicity 11. The entry of the dead into the garden of Eden was also a 
common feature of Jewish funerary imagery in this period, see Roth [1948]. 

8 This insistence on the whiteness of everything Agustus sees may explain the absence 
of red meat. However, it may also reflect the view that the monastic rule Agustus knew 
was meant to mirror the heavenly life. We know that red meat ( quadripedum carnes) was 
banned, save in exceptional circumstances, by the Rule of St Benedict , ch.39. 

9 cf Revelation 4.4. The whiteness of the elect is a common topos in early Christian 



behold. He was taller than all the others, brighter than the sun and 
whiter than snow. 10 13 When they came to the seats which had been 
prepared for them, this more beautiful man sat in the higher place and 
the rest fell down and adored him and then sat in their places. 
Straightaway he blessed them all and they adored him once, twice, three 
times over. Then the dishes which had been prepared were set before 
them. 14 When they had begun to eat that distinguished personage who 
sat in the high place said to those who stood by him, Ts there not some 
sojourner here?’ and they replied, ‘There is, my Lord.’ Then he said, 
‘Let him be brought into my sight.’ I, indeed, was standing far off and 
watching. 15 When I was brought before his gaze, 1 began to tremble 
violently. 11 He said to me ‘Do not be afraid, my son. Go behind me and 
stand here.’ 12 and added, ‘Do not be afraid. Know that I will be your 
protector. 13 You shall never lack for anything. I will always feed you, 14 
I will always clothe you, I will protect you for all time, and never leave 
you.’ 15 16 And straightaway he ordered that food and drink, the like of 
which I had never seen, be given me from that self-same feast. Taking 
it, I received it with all joy. And truly 1 tell you that I was so refreshed 
by the grace of that food that thereafter I had no desire for any other 
kind of food save it alone. 17 So when the feast had come to an end, he 
said to me, ‘Let this multitude depart. You will come with me by 
another route that I might show you the garden which I have in my 
keeping. And again when the banquet had ended all fell down and 
adored him, and the king blessing them gave them permission to leave. 
18 As they were going, they dragged some men, I know not whom, 
before his tribunal who were crying out and wailing. When he heard 
their cries, he said, ‘Drag the wicked servants outside, they are not 
worthy to see my face.’ When he had said this, they were taken away 

10 Christ. Tallness is a common attribute of superiority in antiquity - see Passio of St 
Perpetua and Felicity 4. It is also found in pagan contexts, e.g. the depiction of Trajan 
on Trajan’s Column. 

11 cf. Isaiah 6.5 and Hebrews 10.31: ‘It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the 
living God.’ 

12 To stand behind a noble was an act expressing both loyalty to and dependence on that 
person, cf the behaviour of Witteric at 5.10.10. 

15 cf Genesis 15.1. 

14 cf Genesis 50.21. 

15 cf Joshua 1.5. 



wondrous swiftly so that I could not see them clearly nor recognise 
them.’ 16 19 Questioning him again, I said, ‘I beg you, my son, to tell 
me if you recognised anyone among them of those who were known to 
us in this world and who, summoned from the light of day, have passed 
on. 17 To which he replied, ‘The men whom I saw there, were very 
different from the men we see here, 18 for they were all of a different 
form 19 and clothed in a different sort of dress.’ 20 Then he added, 
‘After they dragged those men outside, the Lord who was more 
handsome than the rest, rose up from his seat and, taking me by the 
hand, led me to a most beautiful garden, 20 where there was a river with 
water the colour of glass 21 and along its bank were many flowers and 
woods scented with incense and smelling of various pleasing fragrances. 
21 Thus going along the bank we came to the place which I now see as 
I lie on my bed.’ 22 These are the things that the boy remembered and 
told me in the presence of many people. Wherefore I, though unworthy 
and to the fore in all manners of sinning, a Levite 22 of Christ, chose to 
write it down as he told it, albeit in different words, but nevertheless 
ones carrying the same meaning. 23 Then 1 took care to tell everything 
that I had heard to that most holy man, my Lord the abbot. When he 
heard these things, being, as ever, full of piety in his innermost soul, he 
hurried as quickly as possible to that same Agustus and questioned him 
eagerly about what he had seen, wishing to hear tale he had told from 
his own lips. And Agustus repeated in the same fashion what he had 
said, intimating it to his blessed ears. Then he repeated once more to a 
kindly and most blessed Levite and all the brethren who were 
questioning him what he had said a little while before. 25 Soon his soul 
began to bum with a desire to receive penance. 23 As soon as he had 

16 cf Matthew 25.30. The banquet scene and judgement carry slight overtones of Daniel 

17 For the notion of death as a summons see Matthew 24.26, 25.1, 25 13. 

18 cf Gregory the Great, Dial. 1.10. 

19 cf / Corinthians 15.40-55. 

20 Perhaps a reference to the Garden of Eden. 

21 cf the glassy sea in Revelation 4.6. 

22 i.e. a deacon. This is the only autobiographical note we have for the hagiographer. 

23 The sacrament of Penance, or the forgiveness of sins committed after baptism could 
only be granted once (Hermas, Shepherd , MandAA.% and Tertullian, De Paenitentia 
7.9.10) Any lapse thereafter would be mortal and therefore the rite which entailed absolute 



received it, I went out and hurried to pray at the Basilica of Holy Mary 
Ever-Virgin which the common people call to this day the church of 
Her Who Brings Rest, and which lies five miles from the city of 
Merida. 24 When, as dusk was drawing on, I returned thence I found him 
dead. 26 Since it was already evening, he could not buried that day. 25 
That night while his little body lay unburied in the cell where he had 
died, in the stillness of the night that same Agustus standing outside 
called out in a great voice to another youth of his own age, Quintilias. 
27 After his voice had been heard and recognised, an artless and truthful 
boy called Veranian at once got up, went outside, and was permitted to 
see Agustus himself standing there clothed in white. 26 Petrified by fear, 
he did not presume to draw closer to him whose face he testified on 

and perpetual chastity and renunciation of the world (see Tertullian, De Paenitentia 
passim, Councils of Elvira, c.AD 306, Saragossa, AD 380 and I Toledo c.AD 400) was 
normally only performed close to death. Those who recovered from illness after penance 
were excluded from further worldly activity as King Wamba found to his distress in AD 
680 when he found himself debarred from being king (see 4 Toledo 17 and 12 Toledo 2). 
The rite for penance can be found in the Liber Ordinum = Ferotin [1904] 87-93. See 
1CERV 42 for a Satuminus who died at Merida after receiving the rite. 

For a brief general discussion of penance in the early church see Di Berardino [1992] 
vol.2 sv Penitence. For a more in-depth discussion centred on Visigothic Spain see 
Gonz&lez [1950] Martinez Diez [1968], and Lozano Sebastian [1974], [1980]. 

24 Following the minority reading of manuscript O ‘quietissima’. Other manuscripts refer 
to an otherwise unknown saint, Sta Quintisina. Given the context of the passage, it would 
have made sense for the hagiographer to go to pray in a church associated with a cult of 
the dead and one of the prime functions associated with the Marian cult is that of bringing 
comfort to the dying; see, for example, the last line of the rosary. The location of the 
church might also suggest that it was connected to an extra-mural cemetery which would 
explain how the unofficial epithet ‘quietissima’ might have been attached to the Church. 
The church itself is probably to be identified with La Ermita de Nuestra Sefiora de Urefta 
situated in the Campos de Judlos. 

25 Burial on the same day as death was the normal custom. VII Toledo 3 (AD 646) refers 
to the requirement of Valencia (AD 546) that bishops should be buried within a day and 
a night of their death. This may have been to cut down the opportunity for relic hunting, 
see Prudentius, Peristephanon Martyrorum 6.130-141. 

26 Sulpicius Severus (Ep 2.3) had a vision of St Martin who appeared before him dressed 
in white and with a ‘fiery face.’ For the ‘whiteness’ of the elect see Gregory of Tours, VP 
1 praef. 



oath was snowy white. 27 28 The following day his little body was 
entrusted to the grave according to custom in the basilica of the most 
blessed virgin my Lady Eulalia. 28 

2. Here begins the account of the death of a Monk of Cauliana 

1 Very many worthy men say that a good many years before our time, 
a miracle of Our Saviour was graciously worked through His divine 
clemency in the province of Lusitania. 2 It happened in the monastery 
of Cauliana which does not lie far from the city of Merida, being some 
eight miles distant, when that most reverend man of pious memory, the 
abbot Renovatus, presided over it, having already shown himself a 
wondrous bishop of the city of Merida. 29 While he, as befitted a far¬ 
sighted man of the sharpest intellect who was most zealous in every 
discipline and in his fear of God, continually called all the monks 
dwelling there to their heavenly home by his wise care, the goodness of 
his life, and his example of performing good deeds, and all the flock 
was following their shepherd, who went before them, along the narrow 

27 cf accounts of the transfiguration, esp. Luke 9.29 and of Moses’ face glowing after he 
had spoken with God, Exodus 34.29. A mysterious man who appeared to and cured a 
female cripple in a dream at Brioude had a complexion ‘brighter than a lilly’ (Gregory of 
Tours, Virt.Jul. 9.) Gregory of Tours describes Gregory of Langres’ body after his death 
as having a rosy face and a body as white as a lily ‘so that one would have said that he 
was already prepared for the glory of the future resurrection’ (VP 7.3). 

28 This church, as we later learn, lay outside the walls of the town. Recent excavations 
make it clear that it occupied the site of the present-day church of the same name, see 
Cabellero Zoreda & Mateos Cruz [1992] and [1993]. Prudentius refers to a ‘tumulus’ of 
Eulalia, Peristephanon Martyrorum 3.191-200, in terms which would apply to a richly 
decorated church. However the poet must have been exaggerating as the remains from this 
period are of a small apsed mausoleum surrounded by a necropolis. For a discussion of 
Prudentius’ account of the site see Arce [1982] and [1992]. The mausoleum was replaced 
by a larger basilica in the fifth century. The church remained in use through the Visigothic 
period, but fell into disuse during the Arabic occupation of the town. The present church 
dates from the thirteenth century. 

29 The site of Cauliana is generally accepted as that of Santa Maria de Cubillana, see 
Garvin [1946] 313, for a more sceptical attitude see Puertas Tricas [1975]. A local legend 
records that Roderic, the last king of Visigothic Spain, fled here in the hope of rallying 
his troops after his defeat by Arab general Tarik Ibn Ziyad at Guadalete, see Men^ndez 
Pidal [1906]. 



tracks and roads to heaven, 30 a ravenous wolf striving with all its might, 
tried to rip away one little sheep with its snapping jaws. 4 For while the 
whole throng of the congregation continued in their praise of God and 
walked in the path of righteousness through fear of the Lord, a certain 
monk found fault with their most holy life and gave himself up to 
gluttony and drunkenness beyond measure, handing himself over to 
perdition. Thenceforth he persisted ever more in his intent and began to 
steal whatever he could find. 5 The man of God rebuked him in a 
kindly fashion on very many occasions, but did not easily prevail upon 
him. Again and again Renovatus earnestly rebuked him with his words, 
but when he would not abstain from the seductive pleasure of gluttony 31 
or his designs to steal and thieve, the abbot ordered him to be flogged, 
put on iron rations, and thrust into a punishment cell. 32 6 But the monk 
in no way returned to enduring his old devotions, and not only in no 
way ceased from his sins, but, soiling himself every day, hastened to 
entrust himself ever more quickly to the Tartarean caves of Hell. 33 7 
When Renovatus saw that he was so determined to press on down this 
route and that although he had been rebuked and flogged very many 
times, he had no wish to mend his ways, touched by sorrow in the 
depths of his heart, 34 he dismissed him to live according to the desires 
of his heart. 35 8 He gave this instruction to those in charge of the 
monastery’s stores: that whenever this monk wished to enter, no one 
was to stop him eating or drinking, to the point of being sick, whatever 
good and sweet food he found in the cellars. Even if he wanted to steal 
and hide some of the provisions, as was his custom, he was to have the 
liberty to do so, in order that they might see more clearly what he 
would soon do after he had sated his throat and belly. 9 He, indeed, on 
finding the doors unbolted in obedience to the abbot’s instructions, 
stealthily and with great care entered the cellars of that most wealthy (as 

30 cf Matthew 7.14. 

31 cf Philippians 3.19. 

32 cf Fructuosus’ Rule of Compludo chapters 15, 16 (English translation in Barlow 

33 The word for ‘hell’ used here is the classical ‘Avernus’. The passage may be meant 
to echo the Sibyl’s famous address to Aeneas atAeneid 6.125#! which contains the phrase 
it is easy to go down to Hell’ (facilis decensus Averno) and also makes use of‘Tartarus’. 

34 cf Genesis 6.6. 

35 cf Psalm 81.12 and the Fructuosian Common Rule ch.14. 



they say) 5 monastery. However, he was surrounded a little way off by 
guards on all sides who, cunningly hidden, watched him, all unawares, 
waiting to see what he would do. He devoured and gulped down 
everything he found that was sweet or pleasant to eat or drink, until, 
having lost his wits, he was scarcely able to walk. 10 Then furtively 
carrying off some food and flasks of wine which are commonly called 
gills or flagons, 37 he took them to the garden which adjoined the 
monastery and hid them in a secret place among the thick bushes or 
clumps of reeds. 11 Then sated from his surfeit of food and stricken 
from the volume of wine he had drunk, he lay down to sleep setting by 
himself the things he had stolen. For although it now gave him no 
pleasure and his overloaded stomach was belching, he still lusted to eat 
and drink. 12 But when the weight of his stomach made him too ill to 
eat, straightaway he became drowsy and fell asleep. Dogs then came and 
ate everything he had carried off, and the guards who had looked on 
from a distance came and took the vessels he had stolen back to the 
cellars while he slept. 13 When this had gone on for a long time and 
everyone thought that he would never be reformed, the Shepherd and 
Good Saviour delivered him out of the mouth of the lion. 38 14 For it 
happened one day that when at first light he came out of the cellar the 
worse for drink as was usual, some little boys who were studying letters 
with their teachers in the schoolrooms 39 saw him drunk and at once 
cried out, 15 ‘Mend your ways, hard-hearted one, mend your ways at 
last. Think on the terrible judgement of God. Think on the fearful 
sentence of His terrible scrutiny. Think on the frightening and horrible 
severity of that judge’s vengeance. Think too on your years and at last 
change your ways for the better and set your life to rights for at least 
one day before you die. For if what you do is not permitted to us 
children, it is all the more forbidden to you who are now full of 

36 This qualification is curious. Perhaps the hagiographer means to imply that the true 
wealth of Cauliana was to be found in the spirituality of its monks rather than its cellars. 

37 Isidore, Etymologiae 20.6.2 says that ‘flask’ is a Greek word. The hagiographer is 
drawing attention to the size not the name of the vessels. 

38 cf 2 Timothy 4.17. 

39 This is ecclesiastical schooling of the same form as that found in the House of Eulalia 
in section 1. 



years. 40 ’ 16 When he heard this, he blushed, and filled with great shame 
was cut to the quick on the spot. Weeping and wailing he lifted his 
tearful eyes to the heavens and said, ' Lord Jesus Christ, Saviour of 
souls, who desireth not the death of sinners, but rather that they may 
turn from their wickedness and live 41 I pray you correct me and take this 
shameful dishonour from me or, indeed, if you so wish, take me now 
from this wretched life, that I might no longer hear reproaches to my 
face’. 17 Straightaway the Pious Godhead did not disdain to hear him, 
but at once in that self-same place struck him down with sickness and 
caused him to bum with a powerful fever. 18 His mighty right hand 
worked such a change in him, turning him to a better life 42 that, 
abhorring all delights of the flesh and with his mind afire, he at once 
sought the remedy of penance: that is he fervently sought the sacrament 
of the body and blood of his Lord. 19 But while the gentle abbot 
thought he was asking for this because he was fevered or with profane 
intent he did not give him full penance, but merely ministered to him 
the grace of the viaticum , 43 But after three days and as many nights of 
weeping and by a wondrous confession, the monk convinced him of his 
sincerity. 20 Three days later when he was on the point of journeying 
from his body, he made his farewells to all the brethren, saying ‘Know 
that all my sins have been forgiven. And, lo, before the gates of heaven 
the most holy apostles Peter and Paul with the blessed Laurence, 
archdeacon and martyr 44 with an innumerable host dressed in gleaming 
white are waiting for me, with whom I must go to the Lord.’ And so 
speaking he passed from the body which was buried according to 
custom. 21 Fifteen years later that noteworthy river, the Guadiana , 45 

40 The phrase ‘full of years’ presages the monk’s imminent demise. It is found in the 
account of Abraham’s ( Genesis 25.8) and Isaac’s ( Genesis 35.29) deaths. 

41 The prayer of absolution, based on Ezekiel 33.11. This is still found as the Prayer of 
Absolution for Morning and Evening Prayer in the Book of Common Prayer. 

42 cf Psalm 77.10-11. 

43 Communion given in the face of death. 

44 A deacon of Spanish origin martyred at Rome in AD 258 and the subject of 
Prudentius, Peristephanon Martyrorum 2. His cult remains popular in Spain to this day. 
There is a service for his feast day (10th August) in the Gothic Breviary , PL 86 1178- 

45 Taken directly from Prudentius, Peristephanon Martyrorum 3.188: ‘memorabilis amnis 



flooded and having broken its banks, spread its waters far and wide, 
laying in ruins many buildings in the little villages by its stream and in 
similarwise overturned the cells of the monastery at Cauliana. 46 22 
When the monks wished to restore them, it came to pass that while they 
were laying the foundations upon the cell where this monk lay, they 
came across his tomb. And straightaway a heavenly odour came from 
it. 47 He himself was found to be whole and uncorrupted as if he had 
been buried that very hour nor were his vestments or hair found in any 
part to be corrupted. 48 

3. Here begins the account of the death of abbot Nanctus 

1 While we have been trying to relate these recent events, we have 
passed over the deeds of our ancestors. 2 A great number of men say 
that many years ago in the time of Leovigild, king of the Visigoths, 49 
an abbot called Nanctus came from the lands of Africa to the province 
of Lusitania. 50 After he had lived here for some time in a most holy 
fashion, he eagerly came through his devotion to the basilica of the most 

46 The last devastating flood was in 1947, see Alvarez Martinez [1983] lam.2. 

47 cf 2 Corinthians 2.15. The smell was a clear sign of sanctity - see Gregory of Tours’ 
account of the discovery of the grave of St Mallosus at Metz, GM 62. 

48 cf / Corinthians 15.52. For a similar sweet-smelling, uncorrupted corpse see Gregory 
of Tours’ account of that of St Valerius of Saint-Lizier, GC 83. 

49 Joint ruler with Liuva from AD 568-572, sole ruler from AD 572-586. 

50 We are given no reason for Nanctus’ departure from Africa. It may have been 
provoked by the growing instability of the area, cf Donatus, DV1 4. Alternatively he may 
have left as a consequence of the 3 Chapters controversy. This was provoked by 
Justinian’s clumsy attempt to bring monophysite sects back into the Orthodox fold. To do 
this the emperor attempted to unify the church around a condemnation of Nestorianism. 
Therefore in AD 543/4 he issued an edict (now lost) condemning the writings of Theodore 
of Mopsuestia, Theodoret of Cyrrhus, and the letter of Ibas to Mari (the ‘Three Chapters’). 
All of these works had been cleared of heresy at the Council of Chalcedon in AD 451. 
The edict was confirmed at the controversial 5th ecumenical council held at 
Constantinople in AD 553. Despite the reluctant acquiescence of Pope Vigilius, the 
Western churches reacted with hostility to what was perceived as an attempt to move the 
church in the direction of monophysitism whose adherents were not in fact mollified by 
Justinian’s actions. The strongest reaction came in Africa, see Markus [1966]. In these 
circumstances flight to Spain, which, while ruled by an Arian, had an Orthodox church 
hostile to Justinian and the Three Chapters (see Isidore, DVI 18) and was outside the 
ambit of Imperial persecution, may well have seemed highly attractive. 



holy virgin Eulalia where her most holy body lies at rest. 3 It is said 
that he avoided the sight of women above all things, just as he would 
a viper’s bite, 51 not because he despised the sex, but because he feared 
that through looking on their beauty he would fall into the sin of 
temptation. 52 So wherever he went, he arranged that one monk should 
walk a short distance in front of him and another a little behind so that 
on no occasion should a woman see him. 4 When, as we have said, he 
came to the basilica of the holy virgin and martyr Eulalia, he begged 
with many prayers that most reverend man, the deacon Redemptus 53 
who was in charge of the place, to station guards in such a way that no 
woman might see him from afar when he went at night from his cell to 
the church to pray. 5 After he had tarried for some days in that holy 
church, a most noble and holy widow called Eusevia desired with all her 
might to see him, but he would in no way suffer to be seen by her. 6 
When various men had repeatedly asked him that he might deem it fit 
to see her and he would not at all consent, she formed a plan and asked 
deacon Redemptus to arrange that the holy man be surrounded by bright 
candlelight after morning prayer when he was returning from the church 
to his cell, so that she, standing in a hiding place, might be able to see 
him, albeit from afar. And so it came to pass. 7 But when the woman’s 
gaze fell upon him, although he was not aware of it, he prostrated 
himself on the ground with a great groan, as if he had been struck by 
heavy blow from a great stone. Then he said to the deacon, ‘May God 
forgive you, brother. What have you done?’ 8 After this he immediately 

51 Perhaps a reference to the serpent of the Garden of Eden. 

52 See Gregory the Great, Dial. 3.16 for Martin of Campania who vowed not to look on 
a woman. Conversely St Martin of Tours found a female hermit who refused to have 
contact with men, including St Martin himself, Sulpicius Severus, DiallA. 

The Apophegmata of the desert fathers contain the story of a monk who left a road 
when he saw a group of nuns coming along it. As he passed, their superior shouted out 
to him, if you were a true monk you would not have noticed that we were women.’ 
(Nau, Revue de VOrient Chretien 1908, saying 155 or, more accessibly. Ward [1986] 
saying 22). Perhaps an example of such holiness is recorded by Gregory of Tours {VP 1.2, 
1.6) in his life of St Romanus. Romanus we are told, although his colleague St Lupicinus 
vowed never to meet a woman, ministered to men and women alike in his ‘simplicity’ and 
asked not to be buried in a monastery where his corpse would have been inaccessible to 
women in order that both sexes could be healed at his tomb. 

53 Possibly the Redemptus of 5.11.20-21 in charge of the convent of St Eulalia and 
Masona’s bank. 



left and with a few brothers set out for the wilderness where on his 
arrival he built for himself built a lowly dwelling place. When his fame 
spread because of his many virtues, news of it came to the hearing of 
Prince Leovigild, 9 who although he was an Arian nevertheless, in order 
that Nanctus should commend him to God through his prayers, made 
over to him by written decree a special part of the royal estate from 
which he along with his brothers could obtain food and clothing. 54 10 
The man of God altogether refused to accept this boon. But when he 
persisted in his refusal, the messenger sent by the king came to him and 
said, ‘You ought not to despise your son’s gift’ and through his 
persuasion Nanctus at last accepted the grant. 11 After some days had 
passed, the men who lived in that place began to say to one another, 
‘Let us go and see what this master we have been given is like.’ 55 When 
they went and had seen him in his wretched clothes and with his hair 
uncut, 56 they despised him and said to one another, ‘It would be better 
for us to die than serve such a master’. 57 12 Some days later when the 
holy man of God had set forth to graze his few sheep in a copse, 
coming across him alone, they broke his neck and killed him. 13 Not 
long afterwards, they were taken on a charge of murder and brought 
before king Leovigild in chains. He was told that these were the men 
who had killed the man of God. 14 He, although he was not of the right 
faith, rightly sentenced them, saying, ‘Free them from their chains and 
let them go. If they have killed a servant of God, let God avenge the 
death of His servant without recourse to my vengeance.’ 15 When he 
said this, they were set free and at once seized by demons who afflicted 
them for many days until they drove their souls from their bodies 
through a cruel death. Thanks be to God. 

54 This neutral depiction of Leovigild contrasts sharply with the hostile light in which he 
is later portrayed. Leovigild’s attitude to the Catholic church seems to have varied, 
Gregory of Tours, GC 12, tells us he restored everything his troops had plundered from 
a Catholic monastery dedicated to St Martin of Tours in the province of Valencia. 
However there can be no doubt that later in his reign he persecuted the Catholic church 
severely, see Gregory of Tours, HF 5.38. 

55 This exhortation bears strong verbal parallels to that of the Shepherds in Luke’s 
account of the Nativity, see Luke 2.15. 

56 A sign of a slave, see LV 9.1.5. 

57 Given the verbal echoes above the hagiographer wishes the reader to recall John 1.10- 
11 here. 



4. Here begins the account of the deaths and miracles of the holy 
bishops of Merida 


1 Leaving aside the bedecked tropes of speech and discarding the long- 
winded froth of eloquence, we shall relate to simple folk in a simple 
and truthful fashion things which are altogether true. 2 For if we should 
wish to wrap up in darkly obscure speech those things which can be 
learnt more clearly by the light of day, we should weary, not instruct 
the minds of our audience, since when the uneducated masses do not 
understand the sense of the words used, listening becomes wearisome 
for them. 3 Therefore, as we have promised, we shall relate the miracles 
performed by the holy fathers of old in simple fashion, just as they were 
handed down to us by the reports of many men. 58 


1 It is often told how a holy man called Paul, a Greek by nationality 59 
and a doctor by trade, came from the lands of East to the city of 
Merida. 2 When he had lived there for a long time, gaining a good 
reputation from his sanctity and many good deeds, and surpassing 
everyone in his humility and kindness, the Lord granted him the gift of 
becoming bishop of the town. 3 When, with God’s favour, he was 
ordained bishop, at once God did away with all the storms of strife 
which had troubled the church in the time of his predecessor and 
through Paul’s prayers granted his church the greatest tranquillity. 60 

58 For a parallel to the tropes used here see VS A 2 & 5. 

59 It is unclear whether this is a reference to Paul’s race or the fact that he is a Greek- 
speaker (cf. the Greek Syro-Phoenician woman of Mark 1.26) There is no reason to infer 
a substantial Greek colony was present in Merida from the few inscriptions written in 
Greek found there, see Arce [1982]. 

60 Unfortunately nothing is known of these events. Possibly there is an allusion to the 
civil war between Agila and Athanagild (AD 551-555) which led to the murder of Agila 
by his own men in Merida, Isidore, HG 45-46. However as we know that Masona was 
bishop by AD 573, the implied long incumbencies of his two predecessors make this 
chronology very tight if not impossible, see Garvin [1946] 359. It is more likely that 
internal ecclesiastical strife is being hinted at by the hagiographer; see VPE 4.4.5 below 




1 While he, with God’s favour, was peacefully and benignly presiding 
over all the citizens and showing the sweet-flowing care of his holy 
heart in return for the affections of all, it came to pass that the wife of 
a most noble man, one of the leading citizens of the town who was bom 
of senatorial stock fell ill. 61 She too was of glorious descent and a noble 
family. 2 She had conceived after her wedding, but the child had died 
in her belly. Many doctors had tried a variety of treatments on her, but 
she felt no improvement in her body and was in grave danger, daily 
drawing closer to death. 3 There was nothing dearer to her illustrious 
husband than his wife, whom he had recently taken in the sacrament of 
matrimony, so spuming all doctors, he rushed to the holy man in the 
hope of restoring her health and cast himself at his feet. He tearfully 
begged him, that, as he was a servant of God, he should intercede in his 
prayers for the health of his wife, or surely, as he was a doctor, not 
think it unworthy for him to give the sick woman the favour of being 
cured by his own hand. 4 But straightaway the man of the Lord replied 
to him, saying, ‘I am not permitted to do what you ask of me, for, 
although unworthy, I am a priest of the Lord and offer sacrifice to the 
Lord with my hands, and so am not able to do what you implore me to 
do, lest afterwards I should come to the holy altar with polluted hands 
and incur forthwith the wrath of the divine Godhead.’ 62 5 To which he 
added, ‘We will go in the name of the Lord to visit her and entrust her 
to the doctors of the church 63 that they might give her medicine and to 
the best of our knowledge we will show them how they might effect a 
cure. I, however, cannot treat her with my own hands.’ 6 The nobleman 
knowing that no other doctor could produce a cure and that his wife was 
already close to death, began to weep greatly and earnestly begged him 

for further hints that these problems in fact continued during Paul's episcopate and DVI, 
preface for an account of similar problems at Toledo. 

61 Presumably this is the senate of the town. Cf the senate of Cantabria, VS A 33. 

62 Our earliest indication of the prohibition of the medical profession for priests which 
remained in force in the Roman Catholic church until 1983. 

63 This reference shows that the doctors of Masona’s xenodocium were not an innovation 
for the Meridan Church. ICERV 288 records a doctor [Reccar]edus from the town. The 
inscription probably dates to the sixth century. For a general discussion of the practice of 
medicine in Merida in the Roman and Visigothic periods see Sanabria Escudero [1964]. 



not to send anyone to his house, but to come himself and apply his 
knowledge with his own hands. 7 When he would not agree or in 
anyway consent to this, all the brethren who were by him also begged 
him with tears in their eyes to go. He then said, ‘I know the great 
compassion of the Lord and believe that if I go, he shall restore to this 
sick soul her former health, and straightaway grant me pardon for my 
presumption. But I have no doubt at all that wicked men will hold up 
this case against me in the future.’ 64 8 To which all his brethren replied. 
‘None of us shall say anything on account of this. But go, master, and 
perform with all haste that which will bring you rewards.’ At last, 
overcome by their prayers, he promised to go, provided that beforehand 
he might ask permission of the Lord, lest rashly embarking on this task 
he might easily perform something, for which, if he was condemned by 
the judgement of God, he would only obtain pardon with difficulty. 9 
Therefore he went at once to the basilica of the most holy virgin Eulalia 
and prostrating himself on the flags 65 lay there for a whole day and 
persevering in tireless prayer remained there the following night too. 10 
Here he was given instructions by a divine oracle and at once rose and 
went without delay and in haste to the house of the sick woman, where 
he poured forth his prayer, and in the name of the Lord placed his 
hands on the sick soul. 11 Placing his hope in God, with wondrous skill 
he made a most skilful incision by his cunning use of the knife and 
extracted the already decaying body of the infant limb by limb, piece by 
piece and, with God’s aid, restored forthwith the woman who was on 
the point of dying and only half alive, safe and sound to her husband. 
12 He told her that she should have no further knowledge of her 
husband, for if at some time in the future she should know his embrace, 
worse troubles would soon befall her. 66 13 But nonetheless they fell at 
his feet, thanked him, and promised that they would obey the man of 
God in everything that he commanded, begging God to inflict worse 
suffering on them in the future if they did not keep their promise. 14 

64 An insight into the ecclesiastical politics of the day and a hint perhaps that Paul’s rule 
was not as calm as the hagiographer implies. 

65 Though Prudentius (Peristephanon Kfartyrorum 3.198-200) mentions a mosaic floor 
in Eulalia’s shrine this was probably destroyed by the Vandals in AD 429. Mosaics are 
very rare in the Visigothic period so a simple flagged floor is more likely here. 

66 It appears that the woman’s deliverance is regarded almost as an act of Penance. 



There was indescribable happiness and unbounded joy in their house; all 
acclaimed God with their praise, and, praying and exulting, declared that 
the Lord had truly sent his angel who had pity on her. 67 15 Then they 
drew up a document about their affairs to the effect that the holy man 
should immediately receive half of all they owned and that the other 
half should come under his control in its entirety and inviolate after 
their death. 68 They had such possessions that no richer senator than them 
could be found in the province of Lusitania. 16 Paul rejected their offer 
outright, refused it, and had no wish to accept, but they beseeched and 
pressed him so much that finally he was compelled to accept. On 
receiving this gift, he saw to it that the wealth served the needs of the 
poor rather than his own personal expenses. 17 The couple who had 
made this offering continued in chastity and the fear of God and not 
long afterwards were called by divine summons to the kingdom above. 69 
18 On their death the most holy bishop Paul received their entire 
patrimony and while he had arrived as a stranger owning nothing, he 
now became more powerful than all the potentates of the town so that 
all the belongings of the church were considered as nothing in 
comparison to his possessions. 70 


1 Finally, when he had passed very many happy years with his people, 
and living in a way pleasing to God had flourished ever full of virtue, 

2 it happened that one day some Greek traders from the region from 
which he himself had come, arrived in their ships from the East and put 
in on the shore of Spain. When they came to the city of Merida, 

67 cf Acts 12.11. 

68 Visigothic women retained control of their property after marriage, including property 
acquired in the period of marriage, LV 3.2.6. 

69 An act of divine mercy as it reduced the time in which they could lapse from their 

70 The point of this comparison implies that the Meridan church owned considerable 
wealth even prior to this bequest. 



according to custom they presented themselves on arrival to the 
bishop. 71 3 When they had been received by him in a kindly fashion 
they left his palace 72 and retired to the house where they were staying. 73 
On the following day they sent him a small gift to thank him. It was 
taken by a boy called Fidel, who had come from their country with 
them as a hired hand to seek his fortune. 4 When he had been presented 
before Paul and the holy man had joyfully received the gift he had 
brought as token of thanks, the bishop began to question him point by 
point as to what he was called and from what province or town he 
came. 5 When he told him his name and named his home town, the 
bishop seeing the young man that he was industrious 74 questioned him 
about everything, taking one thing at a time, and asked the names of his 
parents. 75 By this questioning the boy revealed to Paul in all honesty his 
homeland, town, village, and the names of his parents. 6 As he was 
telling him, Paul recognised the name of his sister. At once he leapt 
from his seat and in the sight of all fell upon him with embraces, for his 
bowels yearned upon him, 76 and hanging upon his neck kissed him for 

71 The Pulo do Lobo rapids down river from Merida near Mertola, where the river falls 
some 50 feet means that it would have been impossible for the traders to reach the town 
by river, see Alvarez Martinez [1983] 10-11 & lam.3. It is more likely that they put in at 
Seville and travelled along the old Roman Road through the Sierra Morena to Merida. A 
ship dating from the Byzantine period was found in the Plaza Nueva at Seville during 
abortive attempts to build a metro for the city. For an enthusiastic attitude towards trade 
see Garcia Moreno [1972], contra Arce [1982]. Byzantine influence was however fairly 
strong in Visigothic Spain, see Schlunk [1945a] and the remarks of Cruz Villalon [1982] 
425 ‘la base primordial del reportorio iconogr&fico emeritense es bizantina’. 

The traders’ reception may indicate the predominant position of the Orthodox bishop 
in the life of the town (coming from the Orthodox East they would be unlikely to 
acknowledge an Arian bishop however important in local life) as is sometimes claimed 
however the hagiographer may simply be uninterested in the secular obligations of the 
traders such as the possible need to present themselves to the Count of the town. 

72 Referred to as the atrium. For this usage see Isidore, Etymologiae 15.3.4. The palace 
may have been built on the site of the Palacio del Duque de la Roca which was 
demolished in AD 1887, see Alvarez S£enz de Buruaga [1975]. 

73 It is unclear whether this house was a commercial enterprise or a predecessor of 
Masona’s xenodocium. 

74 1 Kings 11.28 - said of Solomon on seeing David. 

75 cf Genesis 43.7. 

76 cf / Kings 3.26. 



a good while and wept forth the fullness of his joy. 77 7 Straightaway he 
ordered the merchants to come before him and said to them, ‘Give me 
this boy and ask whatever you want of me for him.’ 8 They replied, 
‘This we cannot do for he is a freeman. We hired him from his parents 
to help us and we can in nowise return to them without him, nor will 
be able to look them in the eye if we leave him in such a far-flung 
country’. 78 9 He replied, ‘Let it be clear to you that if you do not leave 
me him, you shall not return to your own country, but accept a goodly 
sum of money from me and depart in safety, travelling in peace.’ 79 10 
On hearing this, they were no longer able to resist such power and said 
to him, ‘Tell us, Lord, why do you see fit to cherish with such love a 
man who is unknown to you?’ 11 He then replied that he was a relative 
and indeed a very close kinsman. He added, ‘Go in the Name of the 
Lord, and tell my sister without delay that I have kept her son with me 
as a consolation in my captivity.’ He sent various gifts to his sister 
through them and also rewarded the sailors generously so that enriched 
by his presents they returned to their country with great joy. 80 


1 When they departed, he had this youth tonsured and brought him to 
serve almighty God. Like another Samuel he rigorously trained him by 
day and night in the temple of the Lord so that within a few years he 
knew perfectly all the offices of the church and the entire corpus of 
divine scripture. 81 Then, taking him through ranks of the church one by 
one, he ordained him as a deacon. 2 Made a dwelling place of the Holy 

77 cf Genesis 46.29. 

78 cf Genesis 44.23. 

79 A somewhat surprising attitude from a man of God. The implied power which lies 
behind this successful threat is unclear. As Orthodox believers from a hostile power Paul 
may merely have been threatening to denounce the merchants to the Gothic authorities of 
Merida as spies. 

8(1 Despite the various biblical parallels it is clear that Bishop Paul all but kidnapped 
Fidel, unless the story disguises a deliberate act of nepotism on his part. 

81 cf 1 Samuel 2.18 ff. The ignorance of the clergy greatly exercised the Visigothic 
Church. St Aemilian when made a priest knew only 8 psalms, VSA 12. IV Toledo 26 (AD 
633) provided that priests be given a Book of Offices to ensure they performed their 
duties correctly. 



Spirit, he was so filled with every virtue that he surpassed all the clergy 
in holiness, charity, patience, and humility. He made himself so dear 
and so great a friend to both God and men that he was thought one of 
the angels. 3 Then, when for very many years he had served God 
without reproach and obeyed in sweet submission his teacher in 
everything and, never giving him offence, had in his gentleness 
gladdened his old age, the most blessed Paul, now that his many years 
had run their course and as he was verging on man’s age of decrepitude, 
chose him to succeed him and, while still alive, ordained him as his 
successor. 82 He also made him heir of all his possessions, placing in the 
codicil of his will the condition that if the clergy of Merida were willing 
to have him as their bishop, on his death Fidel would in turn leave 
everything to the Meridan church that Renovatus had left to him, 
otherwise he would have a free choice to dispose and deal with the 
aforementioned goods as he saw fit. 83 5 Truly the holy man made this 
decree through a revelation of the Holy Spirit, 84 knowing through the 
grace of prophecy that there would be no lack of wicked men to oppose 
Fidel through their envy: men, who like dogs, inflamed with the fires 
of envy would later surround him on all sides and wound him with their 
bites. 85 6 Meanwhile, when under God’s auspices Paul had made Fidel 
a priest, Fidel wished to stand by him and serve him as he had when he 
was a deacon and so taking off his chasuble 86 as if he were but a 
servant, he stood by him and performed his every chore. 7 Paul forbade 
him to act in this way and finally admonished him to preserve with 
constancy the authority of his episcopate, commanding him rather to 
spend his care on the well-being of his brethren. 8 The most holy old 
man himself soon abandoned his palace and all the privileges of his 
office and took himself off to a mean cell by the basilica of St Eulalia. 
One day while he was there, freed from the tempests of this world and 

82 A flagrant breech of Canon Law. The practice had been banned by Antioch 23 (AD 
341) which is referred to in the Acts of 2 Braga (AD 572), showing that its provisions 
were well known in the peninsula. 

83 The hagiographer has no reproach for this act of blackmail which verges on simony. 

84 Our author is embarrassed enough to indulge in special pleading here. 

85 cf Psalm 22.16 

86 This garment marked him as a priest rather than a deacon. 



being greatly at peace, he passed from the body as he lay in sack-cloth 
and ashes, 87 praying to the Lord for the sins of the whole world. 


1 After his death, some poisonous men, just as the man of God had 
predicted, began to murmur with wicked words against the most blessed 
bishop Fidel in order to drive him from the place where he had been set 
whenever the opportunity presented itself. 2 When he learned of this 
and wished to free himself together with his possessions from their 
onset, as it became known that he would leave them taking all his 
possessions with him as was his right under church law 88 and that 
nothing at all would be left for them, they prostrated themselves, though 
more unwillingly than willingly, before his feet and begged him with 
many prayers not to leave them. 3 He showed himself in nowise 
unwilling to perform the burdens of his office and at the end of his life 
to leave all his patrimony to the church. And this came to pass, so that 
in those days the church of Merida was so wealthy that no church in the 
land of Spain was richer. 4 And so, with the Lord’s aid, the pure and 
sincere love of all for him was made so manifest that everyone of one 
accord, aflame with their great love of charity, burned for him with the 
boundless fire of holy ardour and forming with him one heart and one 
pair of lips they remained in perfect harmony nor did they allow 
dissention to creep in by turning to another love. 89 


1 Since we have made mention of so great a priest, it seems especially 
worthwhile to put on record some small part of those his deeds through 
which he frequently demonstrated his virtue. 2 Once on the Lord’s Day, 

87 For the symbolism of this see Isidore, De Eccl. Off. 2.17.4-5. 

88 Another sign of embarrassment? Fidel certainly does not seem interested in a life of 
apostolic poverty. 

89 cf Acts 4.32. Fidel is seen as bringing apostolic fervour back to the church in an early 
example of religious revivalism. However given what we have just been told above, the 
hagiographer might be thought to protest a little too much in his assertions concerning 
Fidel’s popularity. 



when he was sitting in his palace with many sons of the church, the 
archdeacon with all the clergy clothed in white came in and stood 
before him as is the custom. 3 He rose and with deacons carrying 
censers going before him, as was the custom, he went with all who were 
present to the church that at God’s command they might celebrate the 
solemn offices of the mass. 4 When they had all left the palace and had 
gone about ten paces from it, suddenly the whole of this huge edifice 
collapsed from the depths of its foundations, but God ordained that no 
one was to be crushed under it. 5 From this fact we should believe that 
this man was of such merit that by his prayers he obtained from God 
the boon that the Ancient Enemy should not be given the power to cast 
down so huge a structure in ruins before he, God having pity on him, 
had saved everyone by leading them outside without a single one of 
them being lost. Let no one doubt that this was granted above all 
through the merits of the most holy virgin Eulalia. 6 When after 
anxiously making inquiries he found that no one had perished, his soul 
was not at all sad, but rather he gave thanks to the Lord, joyfully 
performed the sacrifice to God, and spent that day with all his people 
rejoicing in the Lord. 7 After a short space of time, he restored the 
fabric of his ruined seat and, with God’s help, made it more beautiful 
than before. He built an edifice which was enormous in both its length 
and breadth with a lofty roof. He gave the luxurious halls decorated 
pillars for their supports and clothed the entire floor and walls in 
gleaming marbles, placing a marvellous ceiling above them. 8 Then he 
restored and improved the basilica of the most holy virgin Eulalia in a 
wondrous fashion, building towers with lofty gables on the high roof of 
that most holy church. 90 

90 cf The Passio S Mantii describing how the chapel built over Mantius’ body at Miliana 
near Evora was replaced by a larger building after the conversion of the Sueves. This is 
the only passage from the Visigothic period which refers to church towers. These are 
unlikely to have been bell towers as there are no references to church bells prior to the 
ninth century. Cerillo [1978] suggests they were analogous to the cupolae found on 
Byzantine churches, an attractive suggestion given the influence of Byzantine architecture 




1 Even while still in the flesh this blessed man is said to have often 
been seen standing and singing in the choir of the church with the hosts 
of the saints. 91 Many other tales are told about him which we shall 
decline to relate on account of the length of the telling, lest they should 
become burdensome to our readers. 92 2 One day he sent a boy from his 
household to a place called Caspiana, sixteen miles away from Merida 
and instructed him to return in all haste. 3 He, when he had gone and 
was unable to return the same day, stayed there. At nightfall when he 
was already asleep, he dreamt that the cocks had crowed. Waking at 
once, he mounted his horse and hurried through the middle of the night 
until he came to the gate of the city which is called the Gate of the 
Bridge. 93 4 When he had been there a long time, he realised that he had 
risen at an untimely hour and that, though he had shouted, no one would 
open the gate for him when he called, and so he decided to put his 
horse to grass for a short while until someone should unbar the gate. 5 
And, lo, lifting up his eyes in the stillness of the night, he saw far off 
a fiery globe 94 coming from the church of St Faustus 95 which lies around 
a mile from the town. Setting out from there, it passed to the basilica 
of St Lucretia. 96 6 He watched this in silence wondering what it might 

91 For attestations of choirs as part of a Visigothic church see ICERV 312 (Baildn) and 
ICERV 352c (Seville). 

92 cf VSA 2 & 5. 

93 A reference to the great Roman bridge across the Guadiana. This was restored in the 
Visigothic period by the Gothic and the Orthodox bishop of the day, Zeno, in AD 483, 
ICERV 363. For a full study of the structure see Alvarez Martinez [1983]. This means that 
Caspiana would have been found to the West of the city rather than the North as Garvin 
([1946] 398) suggests. 

94 cf the column of fire which preceded Israel by night in the desert. Exodus 13.21 -22 and 
Prudentius’ account of such a column preceding Eulalia on her path to martyrdom, 
Peristephanon Martyrorum 3.49-55. 

95 Martyred in Cordoba with lanuarius and Martial in c.AD 304. Prudentius refers to him 
and his fellow martyrs as the ‘three crowns’ of the town, Peristephanon Martyrorum 4.19- 
20. Faustus’ feast day is 19th October and an office in his honour is found in the Gothic 
Breviary on that day = PL 86 1225-1226. 

96 This church was identified with the Ermita de Nuestra Seflora de Loreto by Moreno 
de Vargas [1633] 196, 248, 489 who argued that Lucretia’s name had mutated to this 
form. Despite the stigmatisation of this view as ‘weird’ by Garvin [1946] 402, it has 



be, then all at once there came a multitude of saints whom the light 
preceded, who crossing the bridge, arrived at the gate and amongst their 
number walked the most holy Fidel. 7 When they reached the gate, the 
boy, seeing the columns of white-clad saints had multiplied and that the 
holy Fidel wearing a white cloak was hurrying along in their midst, was 
astounded. Petrified, he began to tremble and through his fear became 
as a dead man. 97 8 The Deity opened the bars of the gates for the host 
and they entered the city. When they had gone in, the boy rising up 
wished to go in after them, but was in no way able to do so, for he 
found the gate secured just as it had been before. 9 When it was opened 
at dawn, he went to the palace and straightaway the holy man asked him 
at what hour he had set out from Caspiana. The boy told him the hour 
at which he had risen and the delay that he had experienced at the gate. 
10 When the man of God then asked him if he had not seen something 
and he confessed that he had, Fidel warned him to make no mention of 
it, while he, the Holy man, remained in the body, to avoid coming into 
great peril. 


1 Similarly a certain devout man once saw him going with a host of 
saints one night from the church of the holy Eulalia and journeying to 
the basilicas of the martyrs, but acting foolishly he at once told many 
people about it. 2 Finally he came to the man of God and told him what 
he had seen. Fidel asked him, ‘Have you spoken of what you saw to 
anyone or not?’ He at once replied, saying in all honesty that he had. 3 
Then the bishop said to him, ‘May God have mercy on you, brother, for 
you have not acted rightly. I know that you will not be blamed for this 
in the judgement which is to come. But now take communion and give 
us a farewell kiss, 93 for you are about to go on your journey. Arrange 

received support from Garcia Moreno [1976] 321. Cruz Villalon [1982] 412 however 
believes the Visigothic remains here are from a later period. The saint herself is almost 
unknown, though she does feature in Hagenoyen’s additions to Usuard’s ninth century 
martyrology = PL 124 732. Her feast day is 23rd of November. 

97 cf Matthew 28.4 - the resurrected Christ appears in white and makes the guards of his 
tomb faint in terror. 

98 cf Paul, The kiss of farewell is referred to by the Common Rule attributed to St 
Fructuosus, 2 and Isidore, Rule 6.3. 



your household affairs" in all haste and if you desire the remedy of 
penance, take it.’ 4 He at once took the rite of penance, ordered his 
house, bade farewell to all, and the following night passed from his 
body. 100 


1 Once a certain devout man, thinking over the office of the church 
while he lay in bed, was overcome by sleep in the stillness of the night. 
He dreamt that the sign for Lauds had been given 2 and rising at once, 
he went with all haste to the church. In order not to miss the time of the 
sacred office, he sped on his way running and arrived there breathless. 
3 When he entered the Church of St Mary which is now called Holy 
Jerusalem, 101 he heard the voices of men singing with wonderful 
modulation 102 and looking towards the choir he saw a multitude of saints 
standing there. 4 Struck with the extremes of terror and trembling, he 
took himself off silently into a comer of the basilica. Carefully hidden 
and looking on in silence, he heard the whole office performed by them 
in its customary order. 5 When they had finished their office shortly 
before cock-crow, they went singing praises 103 from the church of St 
Mary to the little basilica of St John where the baptistery is. This is 
hard fast by the church of St Mary: there is merely a wall between 
them, and both are covered by the same roof. 104 6 When they had 
finished their praises, they began to say to one another, ‘Behold the 
hour has come when they ought to be given the sign. Therefore we must 

99 cf Isaiah 38.1. 

100 cf 2 Samuel 17.23. 

101 The cathedral church of Merida. See 5.6.14. Giving the cathedral church the title Holy 
Jerusalem was a common Spanish practice being found at Seville, Toledo, and Tarragona. 
The site of the church was probably that of the present church of Sta Maria, see Cruz 
Villal6n [1982] and Mateos Cruz [1992]. 

102 For descriptions of Mozarabic chant see Rojo & Prado [1929], Prado [1928], and 
Angles [1940]. 4 Toledo 13 (AD 633) urged the composition of hymns. 

103 Garvin [1946] 412 wishes cum laudibus to be read in the technical sense as Lauds. 
However the hagiographer has already told us that this office had been completed. 

104 A similar arrangement to that at Merida where cathedral, episcopal palace, and 
baptistry are found in close proximity is found at Idanha-a-Velha in Portugal, see Almeida 
[1977]. For a more general discussion of ecclesiastical topography see Greenslade [1966]. 



first see to that for which we were sent’. 7 When they had said this, 
there appeared in their sight some hideous and terrifying Ethiopians, 
giants, most vile to behold in their darkness, so that from their restless 
gaze and jet-black faces he was given to understand as he saw them 
clearly that they were beyond doubt servants of hell. 105 They carried 
sharp scythes 106 in their hands. 8 The saints then said to them, ‘Go with 
all speed to the palace, enter the cell where holy Fidel the bishop lies, 
and deal him a grave wound to his body so that his soul might swiftly 
leave the chains of the flesh and be able to come with us to our Lord 
Jesus Christ and the crown which has been prepared for it. 107 9 They 
went at once in obedience to their orders, but returned without striking 
him, saying, ‘We cannot enter his cell for he is not sleeping, but lying 
prostrate on the ground in prayer. Moreover his cell is full of the 
sweetest smell of incense and the power of so much fragrant incense 
which he has offered to the Lord is such that it prevents our entering 
there. 10 They ordered them again, saying, ‘Go and strike him, for the 
command of the Lord must be obeyed’. When they had gone and were 
unable to enter they returned again saying, ‘His prayer altogether 
prevents us from entering’. 11 To which they replied, ‘Prayer gives way 
when the call comes. Go and fulfil the command of the Lord which 
once given can never be ignored.’ And when they went a third time by 
the Lord’s permission they entered. There they struck him so fierce and 
cruel a blow that the devout man who was standing in the church 
clearly heard his voice coming forth, groaning in great pain. 12 When 
the dawn came, he went to the holy bishop and told him everything that 
he had seen and heard. He replied, ‘I know, my son, I know, it is in 
nowise hidden from me’. 

105 St Perpetua had a vision in which she wrestled an Egyptian who symbolised the devil, 
Passio of St Perpetua and St Felicity 10. For the black colour of the devil see also 
Gregory the Great, HEv 1.12.7 and Rush [1941] 210-211. For the notion of the Devil as 
God’s agent or exactor see Gregory the Great, HEv 2.39.5 & Mor 4.35.69. The theme 
reoccurs in VPE at 5.6.1. 

106 ‘Rhomphaea’. This was a curved, scythe-like pole-weapon used originally by the 

107 cf Matthew 25.34. 




1 When he said this and straightaway felt his entire body give way, his 
limbs losing their strength as the disease fell upon them, he ordered that 
he be taken to the basilica of the most holy virgin Eulalia. 2 There he 
first wept for his sins, gaining satisfaction in floods of tears. Then he 
gave large sums of alms to prisoners and the needy. Finally he remitted 
everyone’s debts, returning their pledges to them. 3 When he had 
returned these to one and all, there remained the notice of a certain 
widow which had not yet been returned. He waited for the widow to 
return it to her, but, like the feeble woman she was, she was unable to 
approach him because he was surrounded by a dense crowd. 4 When she 
had come for several days and had been unable to find a place, she 
panicked, her mind making her sorrowful, and, achieving nothing, she 
returned grief-stricken to her lodgings. Then one night the most holy 
martyrs Cyprian 108 and Laurence appeared before her in a dream and 
said, ‘Do you know why you cannot get a place?’, and she replied, ‘I 
know not.’ They then said to her, ‘Why do you often hurry to the 
basilicas of the rest of our brethren and yet spurn to come to us?’ 6 She 
rose at once and hurried to their basilicas and weeping poured out her 
prayers, begging pardon for the neglect she had showed in the past. She 
then went to the basilica of saint Eulalia and with wondrous speed 
found a place and received her notice without any difficulty. She gave 
great thanks to God, for she had not only found her appointed place as 
she entered, but also because it had been so devised by the saints of 
God that when she had entered the holy bishop had been holding her 
notice in his hand waiting for the individual to whom he should return 
it. 8 And it came to pass that after he had in his good will returned it 
and she had joyfully received what she had long longed for, shortly 
afterwards the holy man, preceded by the hosts of saints and expectant 
angelic choruses, passed exultantly to the celestial realms, and joining 
the heavenly hosts with everlasting joy earned the right, at Lord Jesus’ 
command, to be gathered into the heavenly mansions. 109 9 His body was 

108 Bishop of Carthage and martyred in AD 258. See Prudentius, Peristephanon 
Martyrorum 13. 

109 cf John 14.2. 



placed by that of his most holy predecessor in one and the same tomb 
and buried with honour in, so to speak, the same bed. 110 

5. The Life and Virtues of the Holy Bishop Masona 

1 When that gentle man of whom we have spoken passed to his 
homeland above, the providence of the Divine Godhead chose as his 
successor an Orthodox man named Masona, who was his equal in all his 
virtues. And so a blessed man succeeded a blessed man, a holy man a 
holy man, a pious man a pious man, a good man outstanding for his 
kindness and every form of grace succeeded in the line of bishops one 
who had shone forth with his enormous virtue - in short Masona 
succeeded Fidel. 111 2 When his predecessor had been enrolled among the 
starry citizens in the heavens, his manna-like sweetness and outstanding 
merits assuaged the grief of all the citizens here on earth so that not 
only did he dispel the grief of all at the death of so great a bishop 3 but, 
as once happened with the fathers of old, Elijah and Elisha, the two-fold 
grace 112 of the Comforting Spirit possessed by the holy bishop Fidel 
seemed to all who looked on to have settled on the Holy bishop 
Masona. 4 The result was that the people in no way were afflicted by 
grief when their shepherd was taken from them, but rejoiced with a 
twofold joy that God in his mercy had sent one man to heaven for their 
salvation and had most graciously replaced him with a man of 
outstanding virtue here on earth. 

110 For an inscription referring to Fidel see S£enz de Buruaga [1970]. The crypt where 
the bishops of Merida were interred is to be found inside the basilica of Sta Eulalia 
beneath the southern end of the iconostasis, see Caballero Zoreda & Mateos Cruz [1992] 
and [1993]. 

111 Mentioned by John of Biclarum, Chron. 30, as bishop in AD 573 when he was ‘held 
in high esteem as an exponent of our doctrine’. There is no indication that this was the 
first year of his incumbency. Masona was the first of the bishops listed as signing the acts 
of 3 Toledo and of those listed at a synod held in Toledo in AD 597 (PL 84, 358). A 
letter of Isidore addressed to Masona (PL 83 899-902) is dated to 28th February of the 
2nd or 3rd year of Witteric, i.e. AD 605-606; however its authenticity is disputed. A 
general though basic account of Masona’s life is found in Orlandis [1992] ch.2 For the 
later cult of Masona see de Smedt [1885]. 

1,2 cf 2 Kings 2.9ff. ‘Two-fold’ refers to the ancient Hebrew practice of dividing an 
inheritance by one more than the number of inheritors and awarding two portions to the 
eldest son. 




1 The holy bishop Masona was sprung of what counts as noble stock on 
this earth, but showed himself more noble still through the good deeds 
of his life. 113 Although he was a Goth, 114 his mind was completely 
dedicated to God and manfully steeped in the virtues of the Most High. 
He was adorned by his holy way of life and handsome with a most 
noble bearing 15 2 He had been clothed from birth in the gleaming stole 
of charity 116 and humility, was stoutly girt with the belt of faith, 
famously protected by prudence and justice, and greatly honoured by the 
love of both God most high and his neighbour. 117 For beloved of God 
and men, the wonder and glory of his age, a lover of his brethren, he 
prayed greatly for his people, and his name, resplendent from the many 
miracles he performed, became known throughout all the land. 3 In his 
time through his prayers the Lord kept disease, plague, and famine far 
from the city of Merida and indeed from all Lusitania, driving them far 
away because of the merits of the most holy virgin Eulalia. 118 Moreover, 
he deemed it worthy to impart such health and such a bounty of every 
delight to all the people 4 that no one, not even a poor man, was seen 
to be in need or to be wearied by want, but the poor just like the 
wealthy had an abundance of all good things and all the people on earth 
were joyful, as if they were rejoicing in heaven, at the virtue of so great 
a bishop. 5 Joy entered into all, peace came upon everyone, no one was 
a stranger to happiness, perfect charity flourished in every heart. The 
peace that brings joy prevailed so strongly on the passions of everyone 
that the Ancient Enemy was conquered and the Serpent of olden times 
overthrown. 119 6 No-one was troubled by grief or afflicted by sorrow, 

113 cf Potamia in VSA 7. 

114 There is nothing to commend the theory of Teillet, referred to approvingly by Alonso 
Campos [1986], that ‘Goth’ here is an indication of religious affiliation, i.e. Arianism, 
rather than nationality. 

115 cf II Maccabees 15.13 of Onias. The remark about Masona’s race may reflect the 
hagiographer’s personal dislike of the Goths or alternatively be intended to emphasise that 
it was unusual at this period for a Goth to be an Orthodox Christian. It suggests that the 
hagiographer himself was a Hispano-Roman. 

1.6 For the stole as the clothing of the elect see Revelation 7.14, 22.14. 

1.7 cf Ephesians 6.13ff. 

1.8 cf VSD 11 and Fidel and the collapsing episcopal palace at 4.6.1 above. 

119 cf Revelation 12.9, Augustine, Ad CatechAA. 



nor was anyone struck by terror or affected by jealousy or envy so that 
he shook with the virulent pangs of that cunning reptile, but all were 
filled with perfect charity. Rejoicing with God’s aid through the grace 
of their pious father and unperturbed, they all continued in constancy 
with their praise of God free from any fear or dread. 7 And this great 
love of Masona did not only bum in the innermost hearts of all the 
faithful, but through his wondrous sweet affection he drew minds of all 
the Jews 120 and pagans 121 to the grace of Christ. 


1 Our lack of skill cannot recount in every detail how great and glorious 
he was; but although we may be silent about his greatest deeds, we shall 
at least tell of the very greatest of these. 122 2 Even before he was 
ordained bishop, this man is said to have lived with the greatest 
devotion in the basilica of the most holy virgin Eulalia and there served 
God without reproach for many years. 3 After he was taken by the will 
of God from that place where he had been spoken of by everyone and 
had been admired by, and been an inspiration to them all, and ordained 
bishop, at the very beginning of his incumbency he founded and richly 
endowed many monasteries, built a even larger number of basilicas of 
wondrous appearance, and consecrated in these places many souls to 
God. 4 Then he built a xenodocium, enriching it with a large patrimony 
and appointing ministers and doctors to serve travellers and the sick, 123 

120 For the condition of the Jews in Visigothic Spain see Katz [1937], Rabello [1976], and 
Garda Moreno [1993]. A Latin tombstone found at Merida and referring to a Rabbi 
Samuel and a Rabbi Jacob (= IHE 289) has been dated to the Visigothic period by Roth 
[1948], see also Mill£s Vallicrosa [1945]. 

121 This is the only mention of pagans in VPE. Paganism certainly survived in this period 
in the Basque country and from St Martin of Braga’s (/7.C.AD 520-580) De Castigatione 
Rusticorum appears to have been present in other northern parts of Spain. 

The pagans have vanished in section 5.3.5 below, which suggests that their inclusion here 
is merely rhetorical or that they were excluded from the xenodocium. 

122 A common topos, see VS A 13. 

123 Isidore, Etymologiae 15.3.13 lists the first xenodocium as being founded by the Jew 
Hyrcanus as a lodging house for poor travellers. The notion of hospitality is as old as 
classical civilisation, ‘xenodocus’ appears in the Odyssey .543, 15.55). The custom was 
easily incorporated into the Christian tradition. Jerome (Ep. 66.11) praises the senator 
Pammachius for establishing a xenodocium in Rome by the Portus Romanus in the late 
fourth century AD. Similarly Gregory the Great (£p.l3.6) approves of Queen Brunhilda’s 
foundation of one in Autun. Masona’s xenodocium is probably to be identified with a 
building excavated in the barriada de Sta Catalina, see Mateos Cruz [1992] and Caballero 
Zoreda and Mateos Cruz [1993]. It takes the form of a small central apsed chamber 



giving them this command: 5 that the doctors should go through the 
entire city without ceasing and whosoever they found that was sick, be 
they slave or free, Christian or Jew, they were to carry in their arms to 
the xenodocium, and having prepared there a well-made bed set the sick 
man on it and give him light and pleasant food until, with God’s help, 
they returned their patient to his former health. 6 And although an 
abundance of delicacies were to be had from the many estates which 
had been given to the xenodocium , this still seemed too little to the holy 
man. So adding to all these great benefits still greater ones, he ordered 
the doctors to ensure with the uttermost care that they should receive 
half of all the revenues brought into the palace by all the actuaries from 
the entire patrimony of the church in order that they could give this to 
the sick. 124 7 Whenever one of the townsmen or a countryman from the 
rural districts came out of need to the palace to ask the dispensers for 
a measure of wine or oil or honey and held out a small vessel into 
which it could be poured, if the holy man saw him, with a kindly face 
and a happy smile, he always ordered the vessel to be broken and a 
larger one be brought out. 8 How generous he was in giving alms to the 
poor has been left for God alone to know. However let us speak a little 
of this too. 9 So great was his concern for the tribulations of all the 
poor that he gave two thousand solidi 125 to that venerable man, the 
deacon Redemptus who was in charge of the basilica of St Eulalia, so 

flanked at right angles by two much larger aisled rooms. It would have lain outside the 
walls of the city, the normal location for such buildings, Hubert [1959]. Many of the 
travellers are likely to have been pilgrims to Eulalia’s shrine. 

124 cf 3 Toledo 3 (AD 589) which forbids the alienation of church property. An exception 
is made for provision for strangers, travellers, clerics, and the needy, but only as long as 
the church suffered no capital loss. 

125 The solidus was the standard gold coin of the Byzantine empire. Solidi were not struck 
by the Visigoths so the reference here is to a notional sum of money. The standard 
Visigothic coin was the tremiss , a gold coin worth one third of a solidus. The standard 
work on Visigothic coinage is Miles [1952], see also in Spanish M-.I & R Chaves [1984]. 
Leovigild was the first king to break with the single currency of the Byzantines; prior to 
this Visigothic kings had only issued imitation Byzantine pieces. 

Leovigild’s act of national self-assertion is rightly described as an epoch in the history 
of the coinage of Western Europe’ by Miles [1952] ix. Over 80 Visigothic mints are 
known, though four, Merida, Toledo, Seville, and Cordoba, account for 60% of the coins 
found. The nature of the coins is highly controversial. For two articles arguing that they 
both circulated widely and were commonly used for financial transactions see Metcalf 
[1986] and [1988]. Until recently only gold Visigothic coinage had been found, but there 
is now evidence for the striking of copper coin, Crusafont 1 Sabater [1988]. An idea of 
the value of the solidus can be gained from the Visigothic Lawcode which assumes that 
a child’s maintenance costs one solidus a year (LV 4.4.3). 



that if anyone came oppressed by want, after drafting a notice, he might 
draw as much as he wanted from this sum without any delay or 
difficulty in order to deal with his troubles. 126 10 Nor do I think I 
should be silent about how generous he was in giving gifts. For he was 
as generous with his own possessions as he was careful of those of 
others and excelled in the magnanimous virtue of giving rather than in 
receiving. 11 For he was more eager to give away his wealth than to 
seek more, and had learnt that it is a greater good fortune to give than 
to receive. 127 He gave away much and took nothing away himself, but 
willingly granted everyone’s request. He gave many gifts, more 
endowments, enriched all through the munificence of his gifts and by 
that munificence was held to be a great man. 128 All had their possessions 
increased by his gifts and were enriched by his generosity. He gave gifts 
which were too large to be believed not only to his brethren and friends, 
but even to the church slaves. 129 12 Indeed, in his day they were so 
wealthy that on the most holy day of Easter he set out for the church 
surrounded by many boys wearing silk cloaks as if they were in 
attendance on a king, and wearing this apparel, something that in those 
days no one had been able or presumed to do, they went before him and 
paid him due homage. 130 13 The Almighty Lord showered many great 
gifts on this deserving man whose heart never became swollen or puffed 
in the midst of such great opulence and grandeur of his transitory 

126 Masona’s fund appears to be a continuation of the policy of his predecessor, see VPE 
4.10.2. As usury was forbidden, we should assume that these loans were interest free. The 
fund would have posed a strong threat to local secular nobles to whom the poor would 
have been forced to turn for loans with interest prior to its creation. No doubt its primary 
purpose was that of relief; however it would also have had the effect of establishing the 
church as a rival to secular patronage. 

127 cf Acts 20.35. 

128 Again, this would have made Masona a rival to secular patrons. 

129 Ownership of slaves by the Visigothic Church was widespread. Merida 18 (AD 666) 
requires parish priests to make suitable slaves curates and the tomus of 16 Toledo (AD 
693) describes any church with only 10 slaves as ‘very poor’. For a clerical justification 
of slavery see Isidore, Sententiae 3.47.1-3. See Claude [1980] for a modern commentary 
on ecclesiastical slaves and freedmen. 

130 The hagiographer seems here to assert that the church has almost taken the place of 
the King in terms of splendour. It is significant in this respect that we are told by Isidore 
that the king of the day, Leovigild, had also increased the splendour of his appearance 
being the first Visigothic monarch to employ royal robes and a throne (HG 51). The new 
silk vestments suggest continuing trade with the Greek East; see Isidore, Etymologiae 



wealth. 14 His most humble soul was built upon the solidest of rocks, 131 
was of unstained conscience, of honest thought which knows nothing of 
trickery, and while meek in times of prosperity, showed itself of great 
strength in adversity. Nor did it become arrogant in prosperity, but 
neither loss nor increase changed his constancy. 15 For he was steadfast 
in all things and well prepared for any circumstance. A man of 
endurance and great physical strength, he persevered: constant in every 
adversity and unperturbed in times of trouble. He never changed his 
countenance through joy or sorrow, but his ever cheerful face did not 
change whatever his circumstances. 16 Nor did pride which is the 
enemy of every virtue carry him off, 132 but he preserved a sincere 
humility in everything through the sincere and holy nature of his heart. 


1 When through divine favour he grew strong in these virtues, 133 his 
fame, as reports grew, spread news of his goodness abroad and brought 
to light throughout the regions those works of light which had been 
given to him by the true light. 134 2 Whence it came to pass that through 
his reputation his deeds came to the notice of Leovigild, the savage, 
cruel king of the Visigoths. Then vile serpent of his envy, always 
envious of good works, 135 pricked him with its sharp goads, struck at the 
heart of the prince with its viper’s venom and poured its poisoned 
chalice into his innermost soul. 136 3 At once having drunk of this deadly 
cup, armed with a diabolical scheme and driven on by his envy, he sent 
messengers back and forth time and again to the holy man Masona and 
commanded him to abandon the Catholic faith and turn to the Arian 
heresy along with all the people in his charge. 137 4 But he, dedicated to 

131 cf Matthew 7.25. 

152 cf VSD 2. 

133 cf VSD 2. 

134 cf VSD 2. 

135 A conflation of Christian vice with the hallmarks of a typical classical tyrant. 

136 This hostility of the hagiographer here contrasts sharply with the neutral account of 
Leovigild in section 3. The account is taken from VSD 4. 

137 Leovigild was determined to establish a single religious confession as the state religion 
of a unified and unitary kingdom. Hence his concern here is not just with the Goth 
Masona as an 'apostate’ from Gothic Arianism, as has sometimes been asserted (e.g. 
GOrres [1873]), but with the conversion of the entire Catholic population of Merida. In 



God as he was, made a steadfast response, sending back to the king his 
messengers twice, nay, three times telling him that he would never 
abandon the true faith which he had needed to learn but once. Moreover 
he rebuked the Arian king as was his duty and repudiated his heresy 
with telling proofs. 5 When the messengers returned to him, Leovigild 
began to work on his soul with various temptations, in the hope that 
perhaps in somewise he might bend him to the pleasures of his 
superstition. 6 Masona, however, spumed these many cunning 
temptations, cast out his gifts and prizes as if they were so much filth, 138 
and manfully defended the Catholic faith. Nor did he choose to keep 
silent about the heresy lest he should seem to give assent by his silence, 
but striving against the king’s madness with all his might, he sounded 
out the trumpet blast of truth. 139 7 When the King saw himself failing 
and his labour brought to nought, seized by fury, he began to use terror 
against him, thinking that he would be able to strike down with his 
threats a man whom he had been unable to overcome with his 
blandishments. 8 But the holy man was neither broken by his threats nor 
persuaded by his blandishments, but striving in fierce fight against the 
vile tyrant persisted unvanquished in his defence of truth. 140 


1 When that most cruel tyrant learnt that he could not either by threats 
or gifts make the soul of the man of God apostatise from the true faith 
to his heresy, as he was wholly a vessel of wrath, a fomenter of vice, 
and the fruit of damnation, the Enemy possessed his breast the more 
fiercely and the cunning Serpent held him captive in his sway so that he 
brought to his people bitterness not joy, brutality instead of gentleness 

fact the form of Christianity preferred by Leovigild was a form of Macedonianism rather 
than Arianism proper, for a discussion of the king’s religious policy see the introduction 
to this volume. 

138 cf l Corinthians 4.13. 

139 cf VSD 15. Biblical parallels can be found at Isaiah 18.3, 58.1 and with the seven 
angels of Revelation 8. 

140 Leovigild’s treatment of Masona falls into a traditional pattern of martyr acts: 
inveiglement is followed by violence - see the analysis by Maya [1994]. 



and in place of health salves that brought death. 141 2 In order to stir up 
sedition and cause trouble for the holy man and all his people, he 
appointed a bishop of the Arian faction called Sunna in the city of 
Merida, a bringer of death who supported the Arian heresy in all its 
parts. 142 3 A thorough supporter of this perverse doctrine he was an ill- 
omened man, vile to look upon with a troubled brow, brutal eyes, 
hateful in appearance, and horrible in his movements. 143 He possessed 
an evil mind, was depraved in his habits, had a lying tongue, was foul- 
mouthed, swollen without yet empty within, outwardly grandiose yet 
inwardly spiritless, 144 seen from the outside he was puffed up yet inside 
he had been purged of every virtue, deformed both without and within, 
he was wanting in goodness but rich in vice, guilty of crime and 
doomed of his own free will to eternal death. 145 4 When this deviser of 
perfidy came to the city of Merida, he took for himself on the order of 
the king certain basilicas with all their privileges, rashly snatching them 
from their rightful bishop. 146 5 Bound all the tighter in the death¬ 
bringing Bandit’s chains and stricken with his fatal poison, he began to 
bark out rabid sermons against the servant of God and spew forth filthy 
language mingling it with raucous threats. 147 6 But this hangman’s 
threats did not break the loyal servant of God nor did the turbulent 
wrath of this noxious man weaken him, nor the rage of this raving 

141 This passage is almost entirely taken from VSD 15. The hagiographer is attempting to 
show that Leovigild was not a true king according to the standards of his day: see the 
words of Leovigild’s son and successor, Reccared, that ‘Almighty God has granted us to 
reach the height of kingship for the well-being of our peoples’, 3 Toledo tomus. Similar 
sentiments were expressed by Isidore, Sententiae 3.49.3 For a general discussion of 
Visigothic ideology on kingship see King [1972] ch.2. 

142 It seems inconceivable that an Arian See did not already exist in Merida prior to this 
appointment. If, as is likely, this passage refers to the aftermath of Hermenegild’s 
rebellion, Leovigild was probably re-establishing an Arian ecclesiastical structure in the 
town after its destruction by Hermenegild and his followers. If Merida was a centre of 
Orthodox sentiment - see the introduction to this volume - and had been a centre of 
support for Hermenegild, winning it over would have been crucial to Leovigild’s plan to 
create a unitary religion in his kingdom. Sunna’s convictions were as strong as those of 
Masona’s as can be seen from his refusal to convert to Trinitarianism when Reccared 
came to the throne. 

143 Hence like Masona, his exterior appearance mirrors his internal worth. 

144 cf Matthew 23.27-28 on the Scribes and Pharisees. 

145 This description of Sunna is taken mutatis mutandis from that of Theuderic and 
Brunhilda’s men at VSD 18. 

146 Alternatively this passage may reflect in Orthodox terms the repossession of Arian 
churches handed over to the Orthodox by Hermenegild in his rebellion. 

147 taken from VSD 15. 



damned soul turn him from his purpose, but like a stout wall he 
remained steadfast in his defence of the holy faith against all storms. 148 
7 When this infidel had tried with all his might to trouble the servant 
of God and all the faithful by his cunning devices and had failed, 
relying on royal favour he continually tried to seize the basilica of the 
most holy Eulalia, so that having snatched it from its rightful bishop he 
might dedicate it to the Arian heresy. 149 8 The holy bishop Masona and 
all the people with him resisted and fought vigorously against him, so 
the false bishop 150 Sunna wrote a long indictment against the holy man 
to Leovigild and suggested to him that the holy basilica which he 
longed to enter be taken from the possession of the Catholics and put 
under his own control by royal decree. 9 In response to this the 
following judgement was made: judges were to sit in the episcopal 
palace and both bishops be summoned and appear before them. Then 
they were to engage in debate in judges’ presence, each setting forth in 
turn a defence of their position. 151 And so debating one after the other, 
they were to construct or adduce support for their case from the books 
of Holy Scripture, wherever there these things might be written and 
whichever side won the prize of victory, they too would win for 
themselves the church of St Eulalia. 10 When this decree, as the rumour 
grew, came to the hearing of the gentle Masona, straightaway he hurried 
to the basilica of the holy virgin Eulalia, and for three days and as many 

148 taken from VSD 15. 

149 See above. The strength of the Cult of Eulalia was such that control of her shrine 
would have been a key factor in winning the dispute between Orthodox and Arian. 

150 ‘Pseudoepiscopus.’ This was a longstanding term of ecclesiastical abuse, Psuedo- 
Priscillian (Tract 2 p.41 = PLS 2 1439) commented ‘There is no one who does not feel 
hatred when he hears about psuedobishops and Manichees\ Similarly at 5.6.29 the 
Orthodox collaborator with Leovigild, Nepopis, is called a false priest, ‘psuedosacerdos’. 

151 Gregory of Tours records two rather bad tempered debates he had with Agila, an Arian 
clergyman from Spain, HF 5.43, 6.40. Clearly the Arians thought they could argue their 
case successfully. The tradition of such contests has its roots in scripture, see for example, 
Elijah’s showdown with the priests of Ba’al on Mt Carmel, / Kings 18.16-45, and St 
Stephen and St Paul’s expounding the faith to hostile audiences (Acts 7, 17, and 22). In 
the more recent past St Augustine had engaged in public debate in the Baths of Sosius in 
Hippo with the Manichee Fortunatus (in AD 392) and then in AD 404 in his own church 
against another Manichee, Felix (Augustine, Retractationes 2.7-8 = PL 32 632-634) 
emerging victorious on both occasions. Bishop Fulgentius of Ruspe held an inconclusive 
debate with the Vandal King and Arian, Thrasimund, at Carthage in the early sixth 
century. Some of Fulgentius’ anti-Arian writings have survived, notably his Reply to the 
Arians and Against Thrasimund ’ King of the Vandals ; PL 65 205-304. 



nights 152 fasted and wept before the altar beneath which the venerable 
body of the martyr lay, prostrating himself on the flags. 11 Finally on 
the third day he returned to his palace which was built inside the city 
walls, coming back with such mental sharpness and constancy that none 
of the faithful doubted that He Who said: 1 Take no thought beforehand 
what ye shall speak: but whatsoever shall be given to you in that hour, 
that speak ye, for it is not ye that speak but the Holy Ghost'' 53 was 
coming to help him. 12 When he came to the city, had entered the 
palace and sat down, his expression took away the sorrow of all the 
faithful by its cheerfulness and he told them to have no doubts about his 
victory. 13 Then waiting for the cursed Arian bishop and the judges, he 
tarried there a long time. Finally the Arian bishop together with the 
judges and surrounded by a host of men made his entry swollen with 
arrogant pride. 154 Then the bishops sat down, as did the judges who in 
the main were supporters of the Arian sect and of the impious king. 14 
When they were seated, the holy bishop Masona as he possessed the 
utmost gravity and wisdom for a long time kept silent, looking intently 
towards heaven. As he was silent, Sunna, the bishop of the heretics, rose 
up to speak first and began to shriek disgraceful things, bawling out 
jarring words, which were both scabrous and obscene. 15 When the man 
of God patiently, calmly, and persuasively made his reply and set forth 
the whole truth in outstanding fashion, Sunna, as if he had a serpent’s 
mouth, hissed out even more disgraceful words and a great debate began 
between them. 16 But in no wise could the forces of the flesh prevail 
against the wisdom of God or the Holy Spirit who spoke through His 
servant Masona. 17 What more is there to say? Defeated in every 
argument, the vanquished heretic fell silent and blushed in his great 
shame and the wicked judges who had supported him all in vain were 
no more able to sustain their case than he: 18 not only did they blush 
in their confusion, but on hearing the homily on the most glorious faith 
which came from his mouth in honeyed words, they were astounded and 
entirely at a loss and praised with great admiration the man whom 
shortly before they had wanted to defeat. 19 For the Lord had deemed 
it worthy to grant so much grace to his lips that day that no one had 

152 cf Tobit 3.10-15. 

153 Mark 13.11. 

154 cf Gregory the Great, Dial. 3.1. 



ever heard him speak so clearly and eloquently before, and although he 
always spoke well, that day he showed himself more eloquent than in 
all days gone by. 20 Then the righteous saw what had happened and 
rejoiced and all evil held its tongue for God had closed the mouths of 
those preaching iniquity. 155 And all the faithful were greatly astonished 
because although they had known beforehand that Masona was a most 
eloquent man they could not remember when he had ever preached such 
a learned discourse so elegantly and illuminatingly. 21 Then, their foes 
laid low in defeat, all the Orthodox and Catholic people cried out in 
praise, ‘Among the Gods there is none like unto thee, O Lord; neither 
are there any works like unto your works' 156 22 All of one accord they 
went to the basilica of the glorious virgin Eulalia together with their 
triumphant bishop Masona. Loudly exulting in their praise of God they 
came and rejoicing with much shouting they entered his most holy 
church and gave countless thanks to the almighty Lord who had exulted 
His servants on high for the sake of the church of His holy virgin and 
reduced His enemies to nothing. 


1 However this heretic bishop Sunna, although he had been defeated in 
all his arguments concerning the truth, obstinately persisted in his old 
beliefs and was unable to hasten with willing steps to the gateway of 
salvation. 157 For with God’s permission the Old Enemy had hardened his 
heart to stone, as he had done to Pharoah’s. 158 2 After the confrontation, 
on seeing himself utterly defeated he began in his madness to fabricate 
ever more accusations against the servant of God, adding to them 
cunningly devised falsehoods. And armed with every kind of weapon he 
set out to fight the stronger against the soldier of Christ, 159 secretly 
accusing that most blessed man, bishop Masona, of many crimes to the 

155 cf Psalm 107.42. 

156 Psalm 86.8, cf Psalm 71.19. 

157 taken from VSD 15. 

158 cf Exodus 4.21. However here it is God, not the devil who hardens Pharoah’s heart. 
God’s use of the devil is reminiscent of the book of Job. The notion of the devil as God’s 
exactor was current when VPE was written, see Gregory the Great, HEv 2.39.5, Mor 
4.35.69. See also Revelation 22.11 where evil-doers are to persist in evil-doing. 

159 cf VSD 4. 



Arian king, Leovigild. 3 But the cunning of the Enemy availed for 
nothing, his dreadful wickedness did no harm to the man of God whom 
the grace of the Redeemer armed with weapons of the spirit. 160 4 Finally 
the evil spirit compelled the oft-mentioned King of the Arians to 
remove the holy man from his see and bring him into his presence. His 
ministers sharing in his crime swiftly obeyed his command 161 and 
coming to Merida forced the blessed man to travel in all haste to the 
city of Toledo where the king held court. 162 5 When the most holy 
bishop Masona was suddenly snatched away and carried off from the 
bosom of his holy church, and, though innocent, taken into exile like a 
condemned man, the voice of all the citizens of Merida cried out 
moaning in unbearable grief, lamenting with great groaning and wailing 
that the aid of so goodly a shepherd was being taken from them and 
shouting out at the top of their voices, 6 ‘Why are you abandoning your 
sheep, good shepherd? Why are you leaving your flock to perish? Do 
not, we beg of you, entrust us to the jaws of wolves, lest your sheep fed 
until now on flowers and nectar, without their bishop to take care of 
them should be ripped apart by ravening wolves.’ 163 7 Moved by so 
much grief and ever full in his innermost soul of piety in the Lord, he 
is said to have broken out weeping. 164 Then addressing them at great 
length, he took time to console them with his profound arguments. 65 8 
After this, bidding them all farewell, he set off with God to guide him 
in his customary manner: with a calm mind, a constant soul, and a 
cheerful face. 9 When he came to the city of Toledo and stood in the 
presence of the vile tyrant, the king provoking him with all manner of 
insults and pressing him with many threats, strove with all the force of 
his depraved plan to drag him into the Arian heresy. 10 But when the 
man of God had willing put up with all the insults directed at him and 
bore everything with equanimity, he began to answer without delay but 

16(1 cf Sword of the Spirit, 2 Corinthians 10.4 and Ephesians 6.13tT. 

161 taken from VSD 15. 

162 Relatively unimportant in Roman times, the town was established by Leovigild as the 
permanent capital of his kingdom. 

163 Taken from VSD 17. 

164 cf Sulpicius Severus Ep. 3.11. The strength of Masona’s emotion is underlined by the 
fact that we have been previously told that he always kept a cheerful appearance in 
adversity, 5.3.15. 

165 In VSD 17 Desiderius does indeed argue with his flock, here the arguments and the 
threat of violence by the crowd towards the bishop’s captors are omitted. 



with all gentleness, the things that the rabid dog snarled at him, and, 
while paying no heed to the insults directed at himself, aggrieved at the 
injury done to the Catholic faith, boldly resisted the tyrant. 11 The mad 
king was tormented more and more by his constancy and so redoubled 
the rabid yelpings of his foaming mouth against the servant of God. 12 
He began to threaten him in terrible ways to hand over the tunic of the 
most holy virgin Eulalia in order that he might hang it in the basilica 
dedicated to Arian depravity there in Toledo. 166 13 To this the man of 
God replied, ‘Know that I shall never soil my heart with the filth of 
Arian superstition, that I shall never befuddle my wits with its perverted 
dogma, and that I shall never hand over the tunic of my lady Eulalia to 
be polluted by the hands or even the finger tips of heretics. You shall 
never have it however long you try.’ 14 On hearing this, the profane 
tyrant flew into a rage of madness and in all haste swiftly sent to the 
city of Merida, instructing his men to look diligently everywhere for the 
holy tunic, and search with care both the treasury of the church of 
Eulalia and that of the senior church which is called Holy Jerusalem 
until they should find it and bring it to him. 15 When they arrived 
there, they searched with diligence everywhere, but did not find it and 
so returned empty-handed to their king. When they told him of their 
failure, the devil gnashing his teeth raged all the more fiercely against 
the man of God. 16 When Masona was brought into his presence, 
Leovigild said to him, ‘Tell me where the thing which I seeks lies, and 
know that if you do not speak, you shall be severely tortured and then 
exiled to a far-away place, where afflicted with many tribulations and 
suffering a lack of every necessity you shall die a cruel death.’ 17 To 
this the man of the Lord is said to have replied as follows: ‘Do you 
threaten me with exile?’ Know that 1 do not fear your threats and am 
in no way troubled by the prospect of exile and so I beg you that if you 

166 Possibly the Church of Sta Marfa. This is recorded as being rededicated to Catholicism 
in AD 587 under Reccared, ICERV 302. The cult of relics was extremely powerful in this 
period. Gregory of Tours ascribed the conversion of the Sueves to Catholicism to the 
arrival of relics of St Martin of Tours in their territory (De Virtutibus Sancti Martini 1.11) 
and notes that a Frankish army lifted the siege of Saragossa when its defenders paraded 
the tunic of St Vincent from the battlements (HF 3.29). 

Braulio of Saragossa received a letter from the priest lactatus specifically asking him 
to supply him with martyrs’ relics ( Ep. 9) for his church. Braulio declined the request. 



know any land where God is not present, command that I be exiled 
there.’ The king replied, ‘And where is God not present, living 
corpse?’ 167 To which the man of God responded, ‘If you already see that 
God is everywhere, why do you threaten me with exile? For wherever 
you send me, I know that the piety of the Lord will not abandon me. 
This too I know full well, that the more you cruelly rave against me, the 
more will His mercy follow me and His clemency bring me comfort. 158 
19 Because of Masona’s constancy the mad tyrant was inwardly stricken 
with a great seizure of his wicked mind and moved by gall and great 
bitterness said to him, ‘Either give me the tunic which you have 
deceitfully stolen or, if you do not, I shall have your limbs torn apart 
by diverse tortures.’ 20 The soldier of God fearlessly replied, ‘I have 
already told you time and again that I do not fear your threats. Let your 
twisted mind devise yet more threats against me to the limits of its 
ability. I shall not fear you nor overcome by fright give you what you 
seek. Know this, that I have burnt the tunic, ground it to ashes, and 
mixing its ashes with water have drunk them down.’ 21 And rubbing his 
stomach with his hands he said, ‘Let it be known to all that I reduced 
it to ashes and drank it and, lo, here it is within my belly, I shall never 
give it to you.’ He spoke thus because unknown to all he had folded it 
up and was wearing it round his stomach beneath his clothes wrapped 
in linen clothes and so he wore it, as God alone knew. But God so 
blinded the eyes of the king and all his court that no one discovered the 
man of God’s ploy. 22 While these and similar exchanges were going 
on, the heavens were completely clear, then suddenly the Divine 
Majesty thundered on high, letting forth a great crash so that king 
Leovigild leapt trembling from his throne to the ground in terror. 169 
Then the man of God stoutly said with great exultation ‘If we are to 
fear a king, behold the king we ought to fear who is not as you are.’ 23 
Then the Evil Spirit opened the sacrilegious mouth of the tyrant ever 
armed as it was with abuse, with these vile words and at once he barked 
out the infamous sentence devised by his impiety. ‘Masona, ever 

167 Isidore, Etymologiae 10.31, in an astounding misreading of Greek, glosses this word 
(biothanatos) as ‘twice dead’, ‘bis mortuus’. 

168 cf Psalm 23.6. 

169 cf I Samuel 7.10 (where the Philistines are terrified by thunder as Samuel sacrifices 
to God). 



opposed to our way of life, enemy of our faith, and opponent of 
religion, we order you to be taken swiftly from our sight and sent into 
exile’. 170 24 When the evil, impious king had pronounced this wicked 
sentence on an innocent man, 171 his ministers who shared in his crime 
instantly took him from his sight and on the king’s instructions got 
ready to mount him on an unbroken horse, in order that it might throw 
him and so falling and breaking his neck he should suffer a cruel death. 
Indeed this horse was so wild that no rider dared to mount it for it had 
already flung many men headlong. 25 As it was prepared for the man 
of God to mount it, the cruel King looked out from the palace window 
above, hoping that the man of God would fall from the horse and 
provide him with a great spectacle. 172 26 But the holy priest making the 
sign of the cross in the Lord’s name, mounted the wild horse which 
God made as tame as the gentlest lamb for him. Then the creature 
which but shortly before with great snorting, whinnying, and continually 
bucking with all its body had refused to carry another as if it despised 
its would-be riders, set off to take him on his way with the utmost 
gentleness and care. 173 27 All who saw this miracle were astounded and 
greatly amazed, even the king was moved to great admiration. But what 
help could the glorious radiance of the sun be to a blind man whose 
heart the savage Enemy had completely darkened? 174 28 Therefore 
Masona, the holy bishop of God, accompanied merely by three of his 
serving boys, came to the place assigned to him along with the men 
who were to punish him and had been sent by the king to place him in 
exile in a monastery. His exile took him to sublime heights, the insult 
dealt him produced outstanding sanctity, his journey great happiness. 175 
29 After this a false priest called Nepopis was set up in his place and 

170 Taken from VSD 16. 

171 taken from VSD 4. 

172 There is a slight parallel with Gregory the Great, Dial. 3.11 where Totila baits a 
bishop with a bear to no avail. 

173 There is a strong resemblance to Alexander’s first encounter with Bucephalus here. 
The story would have been known to the hagiographer’s audience from Solinus 
Collectanea Rerum Memorabilium 45 and Aulus Gellius, NA 5.2. The comparison links 
to Christian stories of holy men taming wild beasts, leading back as far as the Old 
Testament account of Daniel in the Lion’s Den (Daniel 6.12-22) and also carries 
overtones of Masona as a soldier for Christ through its allusion to Alexander. 

174 cf Pharoah’s reaction to the plagues in Egypt and Revelation 22.11. This attitude 
may have been a later Visigothic topos about Leovigild, cf Isidore, HG 49. 

175 Taken from VSD 4. 



made the man of God’s replacement in the city of Merida. He was a 
profane man, a true servant of the Devil, an angel of Satan, a harbinger 
of the Antichrist, and a bishop of another town. 176 And just as the man 
of God flourished with his many virtues, so this man in contrast 
besmirched himself with his vile deeds. 177 


1 In these three years or more of exile the blessed Masona led his 
blessed life and showed himself an outstanding man there through his 
many virtues. Every necessity which he succeeded in obtaining for his 
and his servants’ use he gave to the poor. 2 When there was almost 
nothing left for him to give, a certain poor widow afflicted by many 
troubles came to him asking for alms. 3 The man of God, who had 
given away everything in works of this sort, searched diligently for 
something to give her and when he found nothing asked the servants 
who were with him if any of them had something that they could in 
good faith give to him to present to the woman. 4 One of them called 
Sagatus, who was in charge of the others, said, T have a single solidus , 
but if I give you this we will have nothing at all with which to buy food 
for ourselves and our mule.’ 5 The man of God told him to hand all of 
it over without hesitation and keep nothing back for himself and to have 
no doubt that the Lord would be with him and see to his every need. 6 
But, though chastened by his command he had given the solidus to the 
woman, a little later this Sagatus ran after the woman and begged her 
as he had nothing with which to buy food for himself to give back at 
least a tremiss of the sum which she had received that he might see to 
his own needs. She gave him one tremiss without any sadness and took 

176 Nepopis must have been an Orthodox believer. The phrase appears to be an ascending 
tricolon emphasising the insult dealt to Merida. The comment that Nepopis was a bishop 
of another town suggests that Merida lost its status as an episcopal see at this time (see, 
however, 4 Toledo 34 (AD 633) which allows a bishop to keep possession of another 
diocese if he has held it for over 30 years and it is in the same province). Nepopis’ rank, 
possible seniority, and collaboration with Leovigild indicates that the king’s religious 
policy was not completely opposed by the Orthodox in Spain. His name is Egyptian in 
origin and it is possible that he was a refugee from the Byzantine Empire, his flight 
perhaps being provoked by the controversy over the Three Chapters, see n.50 above. 

177 taken from VSD 4. 



the other two off with her, glad at heart. 7 Then, lo, all of a sudden, 
two hundred loaded asses carrying a variety of foods which some men 
of the Catholic faith had sent to Masona were found standing by the 
monastery gates. When this was announced to the man of God and those 
who had come had made their gift, giving great thanks to the almighty 
Lord straightaway he ordered that Sagatus be summoned. When he 
came, the man of the Lord said to him, ‘How much did you give to 
woman who asked for alms?’ and he replied, ‘I gave her the whole 
solidus that I had as you commanded, but as necessity pressed on us, 
afterwards 1 took a single tremiss back from her’. Then the man of God 
said, ‘May the Lord forgive you brother, for you have shown yourself 
weak in faith and despaired of the mercy of the Lord and worse you 
have sinned against the many poor folk. You gave two tremisses and, 
behold, you have obtained two thousand solidi and two hundred asses 
loaded with many foodstuffs. I have no doubt that had you not taken 
that third tremiss you would have received three hundred loaded asses.’ 
10 Thanking them and giving his blessing in return for the blessing that 
they had brought him, he strengthened all who asked him with blessed 
homilies and epistles. Then straightaway he gave almost all that he had 
been given to the poor. 


1 Some days later when he had gone into the church of the monastery 
to pray, the most holy virgin Eulalia suddenly appeared above the altar 
of that holy basilica in the form of a snow white dove 178 and addressing 
him gently like a caring mistress, saw fit to console her faithful servant. 
Then she said to him, ‘Behold it is time for you to return to your city 
and resume your former service to me.’ And when she had said this she 
swiftly flew from his sight. 2 The man of God exulted that he had been 
granted so great a vision and consolation yet began to weep deeply 
because he was to lose the tranquillity of his poverty and exile and be 
returned to the storms and tempests of the world. 179 For he had no doubt 
that what he had heard would swiftly come to pass. 3 Then, without any 

178 This is the form in which Eulalia's soul ascended to heaven in Prudentius, 
Peristephanon Martyrorum 3.161-165. 

179 For this topos see VSA 12. 



delay, this glorious virgin wrought retribution with stern vengeance for 
the wrongs done to her servant. One night she stood by the impious 
tyrant Leovigild as he lay on his bed and scourging him at length on 
both flanks said, ‘Restore my servant to me. And know that if you 
delay, I shall put you to death in ways worse than this.’ 4 The wretch 
was so fiercely flogged that he woke and with much weeping showed 
his weals to all his attendants, crying out that he had been scourged 
because he had done harm to the holy bishop. For he revealed who had 
whipped him, her name, her dress, and her beautiful countenance, 
making everything clear and all the while letting forth great wails of 
grief. 5 Then, fearing lest he suffer more from the judgement of God, 
as he was ever a schemer in all his affairs and a deviser of falsehoods, 
feigning piety he ordered that the man of God who had been taken from 
his town in vain, should return to rule over his church once again. 180 6 
When the most holy Masona in no way assented to the mad king’s 
request and said that he would remain where he had been exiled, he 
besought him time and again to deign to return to his city. Finally the 
piety of God most high softened his sincere heart and through its 
abundant benevolence opened the way for his servant. 7 When he with 
God’s help returned, the cruel king tried by his entreaties and gifts to 
win the favour of a man he had just before condemned by false 
judgement to exile. He spumed his favours, rejected his gifts, but with 
a forgiving spirit pardoned the crime he had perpetrated and in 
accordance with the will of God was not mindful of the trespasses of 
those who had trespassed against him but forgave them. 181 8 Then 
accompanied by an enormous retinue he returned from his place of exile 
to the city of Merida. 1 !<2 When his replacement Nepopis heard of his 
return, petrified by divinely-inspired terror he prepared in haste to flee 
to the city where he had previously been bishop. 9 But before he left, 
he criminally despatched to his own city by night and in secret in an 
enormous number of wagons using men of the Meridan church a great 
amount of silver, ornaments, and anything else he saw of beauty in the 
churches in Merida. 10 Then Nepopis driven in disgrace from Merida 

180 Taken from VSD 10. 

181 cf Matthew 6.12. Virtually all of sections 5-7 are taken from VSD 10. 

182 A parallel with the adventus processions of triumphant kings is probably intended here. 



by all its clergy and people, 183 hurried towards his own city and made 
haste to leave lest the man of God, Masona, should find him in his 
church and drive him out in the greatest ignominy. 11 And so he fled, 
leaving the city in disgrace with a few helpers who all belonged to his 
household and followed behind him. 184 Then scattered, at a loss, and 
wandering all over the countryside, they made for their own city. 12 
While this was happening, it came about through the will of God and 
the merits of St Eulalia that on this day holy Masona was returning to 
the city of Merida with a great host on the self-same road along which 
the wagons loaded with his goods were hastening away. 13 When he 
met them on the way not far from the city, the holy man asked to be 
told to whom all these wagons belonged. And they recognising their 
true Lord were filled with great joy and replied, ‘We are your servants, 
Lord.’ Then he asked them once more what they were carrying in their 
wagons and they replied, ‘Holy things which belong to St Eulalia and 
yourself and which our enemy, the bandit Nepopis, has stolen. We 
wretches are going into captivity separated from our goods, our sons, 
and our wives, driven out from the country in which we were born’. 15 
When the man of God heard this, he was filled with great joy and said, 
‘I thank you, good Lord Jesus, because the plenitude of your kindness 
is so great 185 that you deem it worthy to take such great care of your 
servants in all things, unworthy though they are, so that now you have 
restored us, freeing us from all evil and do not hand over your goods 
into the power of your enemy.’ 16 And on saying this, he ordered that 
they all be taken back to their own city and so he came to the city with 
all rejoicing in great joy. 17 Just as a thirsty man in the heat of a fire 
longs for springs of water, 186 so he because of his ardent soul and 
burning spirit earned the right to come with God’s aid to the basilica of 
St Eulalia. There when he had with his whole heart sated his desire, he 
entered the city exulting in the Lord and with all his people rejoicing. 
18 And so the church of Merida exulted and received back its helmsman 
with utmost joy. For they rejoiced that the sick had found a cure, the 

183 cf VSD 11. 

184 The hagiographer is anxious to assert that Nepopis enjoyed no support among the 
citizens of Merida, hence his labouring the point that those who went willingly with 
Nepopis were members of his household. It is possible that he protests too much. 

185 cf Psalm 31.19. 

186 cf Psalm 42.1, a text used in the baptism service at this period, see Puech [1949]. 



oppressed a consolation, and that the needy would not lack food 19 
What more is there to say? Many blessings were restored by the Lord 
to the church at Merida and the presence of the holy man bringing 
God’s mercy put an end to the disastrous famines, the frequent plagues, 
and the cruel storms which had swept the whole city and had 
indubitably been caused by the absence of their exiled pastor. 187 


1 Now Leovigild, who hindered rather than helped the land of Spain 
and was its destroyer rather than its ruler, for whom there was no crime 
or evil deed that he could not justly claim his own, 188 abandoning God 
altogether, nay being abandoned by God, wretch that he was, he lost at 
one and the same time both his kingdom and his life. 189 2 Through the 
judgement of God he was seized by a fatal disease, lost his vile life and 
obtained eternal death for himself. His soul cruelly wrenched from his 
body, subject to perpetual torments and eternally enslaved in the depths 
of hell, is rightly bound down there to bum for ever amongst the ever- 
rolling waves of pitch. 190 3 After his most horrible death, that venerable 
man prince Reccared, his son, came, as is the law, to administer the 
kingdom and by his merits was deservedly elevated to the heights of 
sovereignty. 191 Through his great virtues he reached the monarch’s post 
with God’s aid by the solemn due process of law. 192 4 Above all he was 

187 Sections 18-19 are taken from VSD 11. 

188 Taken from VSD 15. 

189 Leovigild died in AD 586. The attack on him once again concentrates on showing he 
was a bad king by the standards of the day. This savage account of the king contrasts 
sharply with that of Gregory the Great, which would have been known to the author. 
According to Gregory, Leovigild in the end saw the truth of the Catholic faith and was 
converted (Dial. 3.31). This version was also known to Gregory of Tours, who is inclined 
however to doubt its veracity (HF 8.46). The hostility shown by the hagiographer runs 
contrary with to the general quiet pride taken in Leovigild’s achievements by Orthodox 
Spaniards, see, for example, John of Biclarum’s account of his reign. 

190 cf VSD 21 where this is the fate of Brunhilda. 

191 Cf the account of Reccared given by Gregory the Great (Dial. 3 .31). The parallelism 
with VSD would also be apparent to VPE’s readers here as the rule of Theuderic and 
Brunhilda was replaced by that of the highly-regarded Chlotar II. 

192 Garvin [1946] 485 is inclined to think that this insistence on legality indicates that 
Reccared was elected king. Be this as it may, the purpose here is to emphasise the 
illegality of the rebellion described in following sections. Again the reader might wonder 
whether our author protests too much. 



an Orthodox believer, a Catholic in all things unlike his treacherous 
father, and, following Christ the Lord, 193 turned from the depravity of 
the Arian heresy and through his wondrous guidance brought the entire 
nation of the Visigoths to the true faith. 194 5 For he was champion of 
our divine religion, a herald of true glory, in all things a defender of the 
Catholic faith, preaching the coetemal Holy Trinity of one virtue and 
substance, distinguishing its proper persons, affirming that its nature was 
that of one God, declaring that there was the unbegotten Father, adding 
to him the Son begotten of the Father and believing that the Holy Spirit 
proceeded from both alike. 195 6 Adorned with these virtues, he came to 
love all who loved God and utterly loathe and curse all whom he knew 
were hateful to God and so condemned the errors of the heretics’ gross 
impiety. 7 While this policy was carried out with a will and through 

193 Here the hagiographer, while closely following Gregory the Great's account of these 
events {Dial. 3.31), has substituted ‘Christ the Lord’ for Gregory s ‘Martyred Brother’. 
This is a reference to Hermenegild, Reccared’s half-brother and leader of an unsuccessful 
rebellion (AD 579-584) against Leovigild which took on, if it did not have from the 
beginning, religious overtones. Horror of rebellion against lawful authority was common 
in Visigothic writers and here while our hagiographer is happy to attack Leovigild as a 
bad king, he is not prepared to exalt a rebel against regal authority. Significantly Gregory 
of Tours, despite his intense dislike of the Goths, is equally hostile to regarding 
Hermenegild as a martyr for the true faith, and simply sees him as a rebel against duly 
constituted authority (HF 6.43). Some unconvincing attempts were made in the early 
twentieth century to deny that he was technically in rebellion against his father, see 
Guillermo Antolfn [1901] and Rochel [1903]. Reccared’s view of the matter is unclear. 
However we are told that Sisebert, the assassin of Hermenegild, who was killed while in 
exile at Tarragona in AD 585 (John of Biclarum, Chron. 74; (see Rochel [1902] for a 
weak argument that Hermenegild was in fact murdered in Seville), died a ‘most shameful 
death’ two years after carrying out his act (John of Biclarum, ChronM , AD 587) which 
may suggest that Reccared made some attempt to rehabilitate his half-brother’s reputation. 
Valerius of El Bierzo, De vana saeculi sapientia 6 (= PL 87 426D) lists Hermenegild as 
a royal saint. Nevertheless it was only in AD 1586 that Pope Sixtus V gave formal 
backing to a cult of Hermenegild, his feast day being established as 13th April. 
Hermenegild enjoyed great veneration from Philip II of Spain; see Manuel de Estal 
[1961]; and the counter reformation painter Juan de las Roelas painted a heroised version 
of his death which hangs in the Cardinal’s Hospital in Seville. For a modern discussion 
of the rebellion and its problems see Hillgarth [1985]. 

194 Reccared I ruled from AD 586-601. According to John of Biclarum he became a 
personal convert to Catholicism within a year of assuming the throne. In AD 589 he called 
3 Toledo at which Arianism was formally renounced and Catholicism adopted as the 
religion of the Goths and hence all the population of the kingdom. Fredegar Chron. 4.8 
tells us that Arian liturgical works were gathered together and burnt after the conversion. 

195 This insistence on the dual procession of the Spirit which was to cause so much 
trouble for Christendom may have been an innovation of the Visigothic Church. The 
doctrine is found in the preamble of 3 Toledo of AD 589 {PL 84 343) and those who 
refuse to accept it are duly anathematised (3rd anathema, PL 84 346). Isidore, HG 53 also 
mentions the doctrine being adopted at this council. It is included in the description of the 
true faith at 4 Toledo 1 (AD 633) = PL 84 365. 



God’s favour great peace was restored to the Catholic church and the 
calamitous error of Arianism was driven from almost everybody’s mind 
and after all its troubles had been ended, the city of Merida along with 
its bishop, holy Masona, rejoiced in the grace of such great peace, 
giving thanks to the Lord without ceasing, once again the Old Enemy 
roused up anew as his accustomed envy broke forth afresh, brought 
strife to the servants of God through his ministers. 


1 Sunna, the Gothic bishop of whom we have made mention above, 
goaded by the devil won over by a devilish plan certain noble Goths 
who were most distinguished by birth and wealth, and not a few of 
whom had been appointed Counts in various cities by the king. 2 He 
separated these with a countless host of the common people from the 
ranks of Catholics and the bosom of the Catholic church, devising 
deceitful plans against the servant of God, bishop Masona - plans 
designed to kill him. 196 3 Then he sent some serving boys to him and 
feigning affection asked him to come to his house with them, with the 
intention of doing to death there the man of God in the cruellest of 
ways. When they came and made this suggestion, the blessed man, filled 
with the Holy Spirit, divined their treachery and said without delay, ‘I 
am in no wise able to go thither, for there is a matter concerning the 
interests of the Catholic Church which I must see to. But if he wishes 
to see me, let him come here to the bishop’s palace and see me on 
whatever matter concerns him.’ 4 Then the envoys sent by Sunna 
returned and announced what they had heard. When he heard this, he 
straightaway summoned to his house the counts I have mentioned with 
whom he intended to kill the holy man and told them to go together 
with him to Masona’s house. 5 First, he arranged with them that when 
they entered the palace, one of them named Witteric, who afterwards 
was King of the Goths, should draw his sword and strike down the 

196 John of Biclarum, Chron. 88, dates this conspiracy to AD 588. John’s account names 
a secular ring-leader, Segga, as well as Sunna and the conspiracy is said to have been 
directed against the King Reccared himself rather than just Masona as our hagiographer 



blessed man with a blow so violent that a second would not be 
required. 197 6 When he had told Witteric of this plan, with one accord 
and intent they all went to the holy bishop’s palace. When they arrived, 
they wished to enter at once, but were stopped from doing so and told 
to wait outside for a short time until the holy Masona sent for the 
nobleman Claudius, the Duke of the city of Merida, so that they might 
see each other face to face in his presence. 7 Claudius was of noble 
birth and Roman stock, a strict Catholic, firmly bound to the tenants of 
the faith, bold in battle, most devout in his fear of the Lord, learned in 
the theories of warfare and in no way inexperienced in its practice. 198 8 
When the news was brought to him, as his house was adjacent to the 
palace, he soon hurried there with a great multitude of men. 199 9 When 
the noble Claudius entered the palace, those 1 have mentioned above 
also went in with great crowds of people and, after greeting the holy 
man in the customary fashion, took their seats. 10 When they had been 
seated for a long time debating with one another, Witteric, a strong 
youth, stood behind the noble Duke Claudius’s shoulder, as if as a 
young man he was paying an older man or his patron his due, 11 and 
tried with all his might to draw his sword from its scabbard to hack 
down both holy Masona and Claudius in accordance with what had been 
planned. But through God’s will the sword stuck so fast in the scabbard 
that he thought it had been fixed to it with nails of iron. 12 While he 
tried at length to draw his sword, but was completely unable to do so, 
the authors of this vile plot silently began to wonder why Witteric was 
not carrying out what he had promised to do. Giving him sideways 
glances they urged him on more and more to perpetrate this utterly 
unholy, ghastly, impious deed at once and not to fear to slay these two 
men with his sword. 13 In response to their wicked encouragements, he 

197 King Witteric AD 603-610. Witteric became king after the assassination of Reccared’s 
son Liuva II. A hostile summary of his reign is given by Isidore, HG 58. 

198 For a general account of Claudius' life see Orlandis [1992] ch.5. Despite his rank of 
Duke, Claudius was not a Goth but a Hispano-Roman. He led the Visigoths to a notable 
victory over the Franks in AD 589 near Carcassonne; see note 220 below. He remained 
an important force in the Kingdom, Gregory the Great (£/?. 9.230) asking him to chaperon 
one of his envoys to Spain, the abbot Cyriacus. 

199 Various suggestions have been made for Claudius’ house. The two most commonly 
suggested are on the site of the Convent of San Francisco (the present day Parador) and 
on that of the later Arabic fortress, the Alcazaba. However no firm evidence for an 
identification exists at either site. 



tried again and again with all his might to draw his sword from its 
scabbard, but to no avail. 200 When this happened to Witteric he realised 
that his sword was stayed by the power of God so that he was no way 
able draw the blade which had ever lain ready for his use, thereupon he 
was terrified and grew pale. 14 But the authors of this great crime when 
they saw that the machinations of their vile plan had been frustrated by 
the judgement of God, immediately got up and making their farewells 
returned bitterly to their homes. 


1 When they left Witteric did not go with them, but, trembling, flung 
himself at the feet of the most holy bishop Masona, revealed their entire 
plan, and told with all sincerity how though he had wished to strike him 
he had been unable to draw his sword. 2 Then weeping he said, T 
confess my sin, I wished to carry out this evil deed, knowing full well 
what I was doing, but God did not allow me to do it.’ adding, ‘They 
have devised another plot against you so that if the plot failed in the 
palace today they might succeed in their aims on Easter Day. This is 
their scheme. When at Easter you have celebrated mass as usual in the 
Senior Church and after the mass, as is the custom, go in procession 
singing psalms with all the Catholic people to the basilica of Saint 
Eulalia, 3 their men will be standing at the gates of the city cunningly 
disguised as com merchants with many wagons loaded with swords and 
staves. 201 Suddenly the whole mass of them will fall on you with drawn 
swords and staves and cruelly slay everyone, men and women, old and 
young alike. 4 I, a wretch that has implicated myself in this deed, seek 
pardon from you, my most pious Lord, and beg that through your 
prayers the Lord grant me mercy. All that I know I have carefully told 

20(1 The word used here is spata. Femandis in Men6ndez Pidal [1940] argues that this term 
shows the sword is a mark of rank. Although the existence of bodyguards named Spatarii 
gives superficial plausibility to this argument, it falls on two counts. First, spata is not 
used consistently in this context, Witteric’s sword is also referred to as a gladius and an 
ensis\ hence the hagiographer is merely employing literary variatio here. Second, LV9.2.9 
which deals with the number of slaves which nobles had to contribute to the army, states 
that the majority of these slaves had to be armed with spatae, showing that no rank can 
be intended by the use of the word. 

201 Matthew 26.47, Luke 22.52 - these weapons are the ones carried by those who arrest 
Christ in the garden of Gethsemane. 



and laid open to you. 5 Behold 1 am in your hand: do with me as 
seemth good and meet unto you} 01 Lest by chance your holiness thinks 
me a liar or deceiver, keep me in the palace and hold me under guard 
as you see fit, until you have closely inquired into all I have said and 
see it to be true. If you find things otherwise and that I am a liar, I shall 
have no wish to live.’ 203 6 On hearing this, bishop Masona, a man of the 
Lord who had always been marked by the virtue of piety, told him in 
a kindly fashion not at all to be afraid, gave thanks to the Lord who had 
freed his servants from such great perils, and then summoned Duke 
Claudius and told him everything. 7 When he heard how things stood, 
he advised that they should remain silent about the matter for a while 
in order that the conspirators should not accidentally discover that their 
plan was betrayed and flee. But then when he investigated the affair 
closely, he found that what he had been told was clearly true. 8 When 
these Arian counts tried to bring to fruition what they had previously 
planned and came to meet the bishop in the customary fashion, a great 
crowd was set around them in ambush and suddenly Duke Claudius fell 
upon them. Some of them were taken prisoner, others who wished to 
indulge in sword-play were killed on the spot. 204 9 Then Duke Claudius 
went to the house of the Arian bishop, Sunna, with a great multitude of 
men and took in the same way that heretical bishop, who knew nothing 
of what had happened, and sent him to the holy bishop Masona to be 
placed under close guard. 10 At the same time he gave over all Sunna’s 
colleagues into Masona’s custody, but gave instructions that Witteric 
who had brought to light the plans of these wicked men be set free. 11 
Duke Claudius informed the Orthodox King Reccared of all these events 
and advised him to decree sentence at once and tell him what he was to 
do with these enemies of the Lord Jesus Christ. 12 The King took his 
advice and gave the following sentence: that they should all be deprived 
of all their patrimony and honours, loaded with iron chains, and exiled; 
that the false bishop Sunna be exhorted to convert to the Catholic faith, 
and if he should convert, be told to do penance and weep for his sins 
with a befitting number of tears so that when he had performed his 

202 Jeremiah 26.14 - Words of Jeremiah to the princes and people of Judah. 

203 Perhaps an official sanitation of Witteric’s participation in the conspiracy. 

204 cf Matthew 26.52, Revelation 13.10. See also Isidore’s remarks on Witteric’s demise, 

HG 58. 



penance and they knew him to be a good Catholic, they might ordain 
him bishop in some other town. 205 13 But although they often told him 
to do penance for his great sins and appease the fury of the Lord which 
he had roused up by his evil deeds, he declined to do so and persisting 
in his old tyrannical fashion replied, 206 ‘I have no knowledge of what 
penance is, so know that I not understand what your penance is and that 
I shall never be a Catholic, but shall either live by the rite which I have 
lived by or most willingly die for that religion of which 1 am a member 
and have been since my earliest days’. 14 When they saw the obstinacy 
of his mind and that he persisted in his evil ways, they banished him 
forthwith in ignominy and the greatest shame from the land of Spain 
lest he should infect others with his pestilential disease. They set him 
ignominiously in a small boat and threatened him that though he was 
free to go to whatever place, people, or land he saw fit, if he was ever 
found again in the land of Spain he would find himself given a heavier 
sentence. 15 Then sailing to Mauretania he put in to shore and staying 
there sometime he soiled many through the deceit of his wicked 
beliefs. 207 Finally condemned by divine judgement he ended his life by 
a horrible death. 16 Holy Masona, by decree of that most clement prince 
Reccared, rightly recovered with all their privileges those basilicas 
which he had unjustly lost and the entire patrimony of this heretic. 208 17 
The rest of those wicked men we mentioned above were exiled in 
accordance with the king’s decree. 209 One of them called Vagrila 
escaped from their hands and fled to the basilica of St Eulalia to obtain 
sanctuary. When that Claudius whom we have often mentioned already 

205 A precedent for the problem of converted Arian clergy could be found in 1 Orleans 
10 (AD 511) where bishops are allowed to appoint converted clergy of ‘good repute’ to 
any function they wish. 2 Saragossa 1 (AD 592) = PL 84 317 states that Arians unless 
they are ‘holy’ should be deposed; however the rest could be restored to the priesthood. 
A similar procedure appears to be provided for in this passage. 

206 i.e. Sunna refused to lay down his bishopric. 

207 Collins [1989] 21 speaks of Sunna’s exile as ‘Arian missionary activity’ in Mauretania. 
However the text implies that Sunna’s mission was in no way a voluntary act. Deportation 
to Mauretania, at this time held by the Byzantines, may have been an attempt to stir up 
trouble there in the wake of the Three Chapters controversy. 

208 III Toledo 9 decreed that all Arian churches and their contents be handed over to the 
Catholic church, see also Isidore HG 55. John of Biclarum, Chron. 87, states that 
Reccared returned confiscated land to those persecuted by Leovigild. 

209 According to John of Biclarum, Chron. 88, Segga had his hands cut off and was exiled 
to Galicia. 



reported this to Prince Reccared he is said to have remarked, 18 ‘I am 
amazed at the effrontery with which an enemy of God most High has 
presumed to enter His sacred halls and now flees in hope of finding 
safety to Him Whom just now he in his madness attacked in vain. But 
as we know God to have great mercy 210 and have no doubt that He 
despises no one who turns to Him, not even a sinner, we decree as 
follows: 19 that Vagrila along with his wife, children, and all his 
patrimony should serve the most holy virgin Eulalia for ever. 211 And we 
add this sanction to our decree, just as the lowliest serving boys are 
accustomed to walk before the horse of their Lords riding on no beast 
whatsoever, 212 so he shall walk before the horse of his master, the priest 
in charge of the cells of St Eulalia, and putting aside his honour and 
pride, carry out in all humility every servile task which the lowest slave 
is wont to perform.’ 213 20 Therefore the holy Masona on receiving this 
command at once summoned Vagrila to come from the basilica into his 
presence and, as his innermost soul was always full of piety, told him 
to be afraid no longer. But obeying the king’s orders, he ordered him 
to comply with his command and come from the basilica of St Eulalia 
to the palace which lies within the walls of the city walking before the 
horse of deacon Redemptus. 21 When he had taken hold of the deacon’s 
staff and holding it in his hands arrived at the palace, the holy man at 
once absolved him from his punishment along with his wife, sons, and 
all his goods and let him go free. 214 He laid this one condition on him: 
that in all his doings he was to keep to the whole and complete Catholic 
faith for the rest of his days. 

210 cf Numbers 14.18. 

211 i.e. that they become slaves owned by the church. 

212 Or possibly ‘in no form of carriage’. The Latin vehiculum has both meanings in 
Visigothic texts. However here ‘beast’ seems the more likely implying that Vagrila was 
not even allowed to ride on a donkey. 

213 cf VI Toledo 12 (AD 638) where it is decreed that traitors who flee to churches should 
receive mercy tempered with justice. Vagrila’s fate, though grim, was much better than 

214 i.e. they became ffeedmen of the Church. As the church could not die they had no way 
of escaping from this condition as had a ffeedman with a secular patron, see 4 Toledo 70 
(AD 633). For a modem account of freedmen in the Visigothic Kingdom see Claude 




1 At this time the devil roused up a rebellion against the Catholic faith 
in the famous city of Narbonne in the Gallic provinces. 215 It would take 
too long to relate its causes here. If we wished to narrate these events 
in order, it would seem that we were composing a tragedy rather than 
a history, but let us briefly give a summary of a small part of what 
happened. 2 Two counts, famed for their wealth and noble birth but 
with profane minds and ignoble habits, namely Granista and Vildigem, 
together with an Arian bishop called Athaloc 216 and many others who 
shared their errors caused a serious disturbance in that district. 3 Rising 
up against the Catholic faith they brought a huge host of Franks into the 
Gallic provinces to restore to power the depraved Arian faction, and, if 
possible, wrest the kingdom from the Catholic Reccared. 217 4 In their 
attempt they slaughtered an innumerable host of clerics, monks, and 
Catholics of every kind. Their souls, purer than refined gold 218 and more 
precious than any precious stone, 219 were received as a burnt offering by 
our Saviour, the Lord Jesus and set among the companies of martyrs in 
the treasury of heaven. 5 After this, sublime Almighty God did not 
delay to fight back against his enemies with his celestial power, 
avenging through the prayers of the most excellent prince Reccared the 
blood of the innocents, and exacting a wondrous immediate retribution 
on his enemies with his avenging scythe. 220 6 When all the enemies of 

i.e. Septimania. 

216 Athaloc had attempted to stop the conversion of the Goths at 3 Toledo and died of a 
broken heart when he failed (Gregory of Tours, HF 9.15). 

217 For contemporary readers the horror of rebellion would be compounded by the alliance 
formed with the Goths’ traditional enemies, the Franks. We learn from John of Biclarum, 
Chron. 91 (AD 589), that these invaders were despatched by King Guntrum of Burgundy 
under the command of Count Boso. The Franks clearly wished to take advantage of the 
turmoil caused by the conflict of religious belief in the Visigothic Kingdom: John 
mentions another invasion led by Duke Desiderius which had been defeated in AD 587 
{Chron.%6)\ this is placed at the very end of Leovigild’s reign by Gregory of Tours, HF 

218 cf Psalm 19.10. 

219 An impassioned reference to Revelation 21.11? 

220 A reference to the victory of Duke Claudius over the Franks in AD 589. According 
to John of Biclarum {Chronicle 91) who likens the victory to that of Gideon over the 
Midianites {Judges 7) almost 60,000 Franks were put to flight and the greater part of these 
subsequently killed. Isidore {HG 54) remarks of it, ‘No victory of the Goths in Spain was 
greater or even comparable’. The effect of the victory can be seen from the fact that the 
Franks never again invaded the Kingdom. However Claudius’ victory may have been won 



the Catholic faith had been cast down or had been put to flight, the 
Holy bishop Masona and all his flock reciting the psalms sang mystic 
praises to the Lord. He then went to the hall of the gentle virgin Eulalia 
with all the people clapping their hands and singing hymns. 221 7 
Afterwards at the solemn feast of Easter all the citizens celebrated Mass 
with him in great joy, rejoicing after the fashion of the ancients, 222 
celebrating with loud cries in the streets, praising the Lord, and saying, 
‘We shall sing unto to the Lord, for he has been honoured gloriously’, 223 
and again, ‘ Thy right hand, O Lord, is become glorious in power; thy 
right hand, O Lord, hath dashed in pieces the enemy. And in the 
greatness of thy excellency thou hast overthrown those that rose up 
against thee.' 224 8 After this the storms cleared from all the land, the 
Lord thinking it right to lavish a lasting peace on his Catholic people. 225 


1 The holy Masona when he had ruled the church at Merida with divine 
aid for many years, tired by his great old age was possessed by a violent 
fever and suddenly began to lose his strength in all his body. 2 Then 
calling his archdeacon whose name was Eleutherius he said to him, 
‘Know, my son, that the time of my departure is at hand 226 and so I beg 
and ask you to care diligently for the holy church and all her holy 
congregation, so that you leave me feeling secure in all matters and 
make it possible for me to weep for my sins in a secret place where 
sorrow can be consoled before I die.’ 3 When he heard this, his 
archdeacon did not have pity on his sickness and old age nor did he 
grieve that he would be left without the comfort of so great a father, but 
rather rejoiced with great joy that his bishop was to about die. His heart 

with Austrasian assistance and the concession of at least two towns in Septimania to 
Theuderic and Brunhilda, see Bulgar, Ep. 3 = PL 80 112. 

221 cf Psalm 47.1. 

222 A reference to the Israelites. 

223 cf Exodus 15.1: Moses’ song after the Red Sea has closed on Pharaoh’s troops. 

224 Exodus 15.6-7. 

225 Reccared in fact suffered another conspiracy against his life in AD 590 led by Duke 
Argimund (John of Biclarum, Chron. 94). On his capture the Duke was scalped, had his 
right hand amputated, and was led through the streets of Toledo on an ass, 

cf Brunhilda’s fate, VSD 21. 

226 2 Timothy 4.6. 



was so puffed up in his joy of possessing this fleeting power that he 
proudly bustled hither and thither on horseback accompanied by a great 
entourage of servant boys. 4 After a few days had passed, holy Masona 
wrote a writ of freedom for those slaves who had served him 
faithfully, 227 gave them a small sum of money to establish them in their 
freedom and gave them a few small possessions. 228 5 When Eleutherius 
was told of this, he at once went to the bishop’s palace and asked after 
the health of the holy bishop. When he was told that the sickness was 
getting worse and that even now he was close to death he immediately 
summoned these slaves, and asked them what the holy bishop had in 
fact given them. 6 When they told him the truth, he was roused to fury 
and menaced them in his rage, threatening them and saying, ‘Behold, 
guard well what you have been given, for if you do not give me back 
all of it untouched when I ask for it, know that you will be subjected 
to the worst kinds of torture.’ After saying this he returned to his home 
in fury. 7 Then the slaves entered the small cell where the holy bishop 
Masona lay sick on his bed and began to weep bitterly before him, 
saying, ‘In your piety you have had pity on us, unworthy though we are, 
but it would have been better for us had you not done so. Behold, even 
while you yet live they hold out great threats against us, when you are 
dead which of us will be able to free himself from their clutches? They 
told him this and many similar things as they wept. 8 The bishop on 
hearing this found it hard to believe, and first of all as befitted his 
serious nature he made a careful inquiry as to whether what he had 
heard was true. When he found that it was indeed true, he wept and 

227 This writ was to be presented to each new bishop within a year of his consecration or 
it would become void, 6 Toledo 9 (AD 638). Ecclesiastical freedmen could not escape the 
patrocinium of their previous master as the church was not a mortal individual like secular 
masters and thus could not be said to die, 4 Toledo 70 (AD 633). 

228 Technically speaking Masona’s actions were probably illegal. While freeing slaves was 
regarded as a worthy act, Formulae Wisigothicae , ed. Gil [1974], 2 ‘This deed rouses us 
that we may be worthy to find some grace before God’, the freeing of church slaves was 
regarded as an excess of zeal. Canon law provided that to free ecclesiastical slaves a 
bishop had to recompense the church by paying their value to it. Our first evidence for 
this principle is the local council / Seville 1-2 (AD 590). The principle was established 
as valid for all of Spain by 4 Toledo 67-70 (AD 633). Masona’s actions would have fallen 
between these two decrees and so if not illegal would have been contrary to established 
good practice. Later legislation became even harsher, Merida 20 (AD 666) requires each 
new bishop to conduct an enquiry into the circumstances of all the ecclesiastical freedmen 
under his charge. If any are found to have been freed irregularly they along with their 
families and possessions, even those acquired after the manumission, are to become the 
property of the church. 



straight away ordered that he be placed in a litter and taken to the 
basilica of the most holy virgin Eulalia whom he had ever served with 
devotion. 9 When the holy old man arrived there, raising his hands 
before the sacred altar and lifting his venerable eyes which were full of 
tears to heaven, with a great groan he prostrated himself on the ground 
and for a long time poured forth his prayers in the sight of God. 10 
When he finished his prayer, speaking in a loud voice which all heard 
he said: ‘I thank you, Lord, that you have heard me. May You be 
blessed through all ages for You have not ignored my prayer nor taken 
Your mercy from me’. 229 When he had said this, he returned to the 
episcopal palace restored to his previous health to such a degree that 
you would not have thought him sick or elderly, but to have gained a 
renewed vigour and sturdy youthfulness. 11 When he wished to go to 
Vespers in the normal fashion, all rejoiced greatly. However, the 
archdeacon on hearing of this was astounded and overcome by guilt 
when he heard that the man he thought was going to die that very day 
was going to Vespers. Confused and shamefaced, knowing not what to 
do, he stood before the bishop along with all the clergy as is the normal 
practice and offered him the customary incense. 12 The man of God 
said to him, ‘As my soul lives, you shall go before me.’ He heard, but 
did not understand plainly and asked the other deacons what the holy 
bishop had meant when he said ‘You are going before me’. They being 
ignorant of the reason replied, ‘What he said to you must mean that you 
go before him to the church.’ 13 When they were coming to the end of 
the office of Vespers, the archdeacon was struck down by a most violent 
pain in the choir of singers and went home gravely ill. 14 When his 
mother, a most holy woman, saw him, she rushed straightaway to the 
venerable Masona as quickly as she could and, weeping and wailing, 
began to beg him to pray to the Lord for her son. To which he merely 
replied, ‘What I have prayed for, 1 have prayed for.’ 230 Three days later 
the archdeacon died. 231 15 Then the holy bishop Masona in the many 

229 cf John 11.41, Psalm 66.19-20. 

230 cf Pilate’s words to the Jews asking for the inscription on Christ’s cross to be changed, 
John 19.22. 

231 Excavations in the church of Sta Eulalia have revealed the tomb of an Archdeacon 
Eleutherius who died on the 28th December AD 604. This must be the same Eleutherius 
and shows that the archdeacon clearly commanded enough support to be buried in the 
church, see Caballero Zoreda and Mateos Cruz [1992]. 



days which remained to him gave a great amount of alms to the needy 
and giving larger tokens of his gratitude to his faithful servants saw fit 
to give them greater gifts than before. Then an old man and in the 
decrepitude of old age he breathed out the last breath of his long life at 
peace while at prayer. 232 


1 After him a holy man of the utmost sanctity and honesty was elected 
bishop. He was called Innocent and his worth was shown by his name. 
Innocent and honest, he judged no-one, harmed no-one, he showed 
himself an inoffensive and pious man all the days of his life. It is said 
that at the same time as he was ordained he was considered the lowliest 
of the deacons. 233 2 He is said to have possessed so much sanctity and 
to have been so conscientious that when the rain failed and a long 
drought had burnt up the land, the citizens of the town gathered as one 
body and went with him round the basilicas of the martyrs calling on 
the Lord in prayer. And whenever they went before him straightaway 
rain sufficient to water the land well would fall in abundance from the 
heavens. 234 3 Whence there was no doubt that they had been able to 
obtain this and greater benefits from almighty God through his tears 
springing as they did from a man of humble and honest mind. 4 On his 
death, the holy Renovatus, adorned with all virtues, not undeservedly 
reached the heights of the bishopric. He was a Goth of noble stock, 
famed for his glorious descent. Tall of stature, handsome to behold, of 
noble presence, pleasing to look upon, having an attractive expression 
on his handsome face: he was altogether admirable in appearance. 5 But 
although his external presence was a glory for him, enlightened by the 
Holy Spirit 235 he showed himself more handsome within. He was 
learned in many disciplines and adorned with all the many virtues. 6 
Indeed he gained fame in all his works for he was most equitable and 
just, possessed a sharp mind, and was deeply steeped in all the 

212 The exact time date of Masona’s death is unknown, but, given the date of Eleutherius’ 
death, it is most likely to have occurred in AD 605. 

233 cf Mark 10.31 ‘But many that are first shall be last; and the last first’, and similar texts 
at Matthew 19.30 & Luke 13.30. 

234 cf Gregory the Great, Dial. 3.15 and VSF 5. 

235 cf John 14.26. 



disciplines of the church and well read in holy writings. 7 While he 
showed forth his glory with these many virtues, he taught many 
disciples our sacred faith giving them a most hallowed example in his 
own life and through his prudence, sanctity, patience, gentleness, and 
compassion he fashioned a host of men the same as himself using as his 
tools the file of justice and his preaching of the holy faith. The church 
still gleams and shines like the sun and moon from his teaching. 8 Then 
when he had ruled his church beyond reproach for many years, he was 
added to the throngs of Angels and made part of the heavenly legions 
above. 236 Leaving his body in wondrous wise when his limbs lost their 
strength, he won the right to enter the halls of the heavenly kingdom 
and to stay and rule there forever with Christ. 


1 The bodies of all these saints I have mentioned lie at rest buried with 
honour in one and the same cell close to the altar of the most holy 
virgin Eulalia. 237 2 By their venerable tombs Christ daily grants the 
grace of holiness in abundance so that whosoever was brought here 
suffering from any disease, even though he had been long afflicted by 
his illness, as soon as he had called upon the name of God with all his 
heart there, he would find and discover that all the disease had been 
driven from him and every illness thrust aside, and so hale and hearty 
he came by his desired health through the grace of God. 238 


1 My rude story has told to the best of its ability of the number of 
miracles performed by the soldiers of Christ and of their deaths. Though 
in its lack of learning it may in its wretchedness displease the greatly 
learned, eschewing pompous wording it ennobles the humble believer 
and gathers together something of profit for those who read or listen to 

236 cf Matthew 26.53. 

237 See note 109 above. Burial within a church was forbidden by / Braga 18 AD 561, but 
this canon was frequently ignored; see DVI 13 for a further example. 

238 cf VSD 22. 



it. 239 2 I, the lowliest of all men, beg my fastidious readers to read this 
little work first and then to belittle it. Let them not be seen to be moved 
by hatred rather than good judgement and damn something of which 
they have no knowledge. Above all, let them know that driven to write 
through the love of Christ and devotion to the most holy Eulalia, I have 
expounded well-known events and set down in truthfulness truths which 
cannot be doubted. Glory, honour, power, thanks, strength, might, praise 
and blessing be to the Three in One, Ever-Lord who rules without end, 
now and for evermore. Amen 

239 cf VSD 19. 

St Ildefonsus of Toledo 



It can be said without fear of contradiction that the blessed and learned 
presbyter Jerome made a list, starting from the apostles soon after 
Christ’s ascension, of those famous men by whose decrees and teachings 
the Holy Church, spread throughout all the world, gained prestige 
among good men and was defended from her enemies. Writing in a 
simple style in order to preserve their praiseworthy and essential 
memory, he listed the names of each of them individually, the course 
of their lives, and their books and diverse tracts, concluding with his 
own life; revealing them by his record and commending them to 
posterity through his retelling of their stories. 1 He was followed by 
Gennadius who continued these narrations in a similar style. 2 Finally 
that wisest of men, Isidore, bishop of the See of Seville, following the 
same path, added to the list the best men he knew. 3 But he departed this 
life without having looked into this matter fully. After him negligence 
has so overtaken everyone in our lands that some deeds have been 
obscured by their great antiquity and neglect has also buried in oblivion 
very many recent ones. Therefore I, who am certainly no equal to those 
whose names the record has preserved nor to those to whom its 
recounting has given pleasure, certainly unworthy of the task and 
lacking in the substance of any good work, the successor of Eugene II 

1 Jerome’s De Viris Illustribus (= PL 23 607-720) was written in AD 392-393 at the 
request of Nummius Aemilianus Dexter, son of the bishop of Barcelona. Heavily 
dependent on Eusebius, it is 135 paragraphs long and begins with the life of St Peter, 
ending with that of Jerome himself. The best edition is that by EC Richardson [1896]. 

2 A presbyter of Marseilles and author of several heresiological works, now lost, and a 
treatise on Church dogmatics (= PL 58 979-1000). Gennadius’ De Viris Illustribus (=PL 
58 1059-1120) was a continuation of that of Jerome and circulated along with it; see 
Isidore, Etymologiae 6.6. It contains 101 paragraphs ending again with an account of the 
author. Gennadius is known to have been alive in the reign of Pope Gelasius (AD 492- 

3 Isidore’s De Viris Illustribus (= PL 83 1031-1106) was written c.AD 610 and deals with 
46 individuals. 




of blessed memory in the glorious See of the city of Toledo, (which I 
call glorious not so much from its immense throng of people since it is 
the presence of our glorious princes that gives it glory, but for this 
reason: that among those who fear God it is considered both a terrible 
place for the unjust and a place worthy of all veneration for the just 4 ) 
have tried if not in an elegant work, at least by an act of good intent, 
to add to their glorious memory lest I should be condemned for my 
silence and for covering the gleaming light of the memory of so 
glorious a See and such glorious men in murky darkness of silence. 

Tales of distant antiquity have been handed down to us which can be 
seen to have happened from analogy with our present times. For 
Montanus, the most blessed incumbent of this see, in order to disprove 
slanders that he was living with a woman, is said to have held glowing 
coals in his vestments for all the time that he was consecrating the 
sacrifice to the Lord and while he completed the entire celebration of 
the mass. After the service was finished, the fire from the living coals 
had so become one with the adornment of his vestments that the 
vestments did not extinguish the flames nor did their force harm the 
vestments. 5 

Again when Justus the deacon had insulted Helladius, the bishop of 
this See, with his haughty arrogance and after the death of his bishop 
lived on as the bishop himself, 6 he became ill and mad with the result 
that he died - he was strangled in his sleep by those who helped him at 
his own altar because of the intemperance of his ways. 

In the same way the presbyter Gerontius, a favourite of the king who 
treated his successor, Justus, in a contemptuous and hostile fashion, all 
of a sudden lost his wits with the result that all the attentions of the 
doctors brought about something in his bones which merely served to 
make the disease worse. His madness reached such a pitch that until his 
dying day it was a horrific thing to see or to speak to him. 

4 Udefonsus here is attempting to assert the religious supremacy of Toledo. His technique 
is to state that the importance of the town lies more in its religious leadership than the fact 
that it is the secular capital of the kingdom. 

5 For a similar use of fire to prove chastity see Gregory of Tours, GC 75 and HF 2.1. 2 
Saragossa 2 (AD 592) orders the testing by fire of relics held in formerly Arian churches. 

6 There is much controversy as to whether Ildefonsus is referring to Helladius’ successor, 
i.e. Bishop Justus of chapter 3, or an entirely separate individual. The overall context of 
Ildefonsus’ passage makes the former the more likely option. 



Then when the deacon Lucidius had extorted by violence and the 
intrigues of worldly friendships the honour of the priesthood and various 
goods from the next bishop of Toledo, Eugene I, 7 his wits were so 
befuddled and he fell into such a degree of paralysis that when he 
wished to live no longer his death was no different to the life he had 
possessed, just as his life had been a wish to die. 

I, spurred on by the works of these good men, have set down in the 
best literary fashion of which I am capable those things that I have 
found related of the men of old and those which I have discovered by 
seeing them myself in our present day and age in order that I may 
become part of the kindly recollection of those with whom through my 
sinful life I have no affinity. 1, who do not bring along with them a 
wealth of learning into the Temple of God, shall commend to posterity 
the memory of those who did so in this faithful act of homage, begging 
all of them to intercede for me before the pious Godhead. For this 
reason I have made every effort to keep them present in mens’ minds 
from which they could have slipped into oblivion. 

[Indeed Isidore had written on the most blessed Gregory of blessed 
memory, but as he did not say as much as we have learned about his 
works, we shall remove his account and add what we have learnt about 
him in a more complete account] 8 

1 Asturius was the successor of Audentius in the metropolitan See of 
the city of Toledo in the province of Carthaginiensis. An outstanding 
man, he displayed his virtues more through the example of his life than 
by the works he wrote. Blessed in his ministry and deemed worthy of 

7 Lucidius is probably the individual discussed by Braulio and Eugene II after the latter 
became bishop of Toledo. Eugene’s problems arose from his predecessor, Eugene I, 
confessing that after he had been forced to make the man a priest, he had not laid hands 
upon him at his ordination and, as the clergy were chanting loudly, had pronounced a 
malediction rather than a benediction over him. The status of Lucidius was therefore 
questionable. Braulio’s reply was that as Eugene I had acted deceitfully and had not 
repudiated the priest’s status in public Lucidius’ orders ought to be regarded as valid; see 
Braulio, Ep. 35-6. 

8 This is a late interpolation into the manuscript as is the account of Gregory at the end 
of DVI. They have been left in here for the sake of completeness. See the discussion in 
Codofter Merino [1972]. 



performing a miracle, he earned the right to have an earthly burial by 
those with whom he would be united in heaven. For while bishop of his 
See, it is said that he was told by divine revelation to seek out the 
tombs of the martyrs of God in the town of Alcala de Henares, 9 which 
lies some sixty miles from Toledo. Swiftly hastening there, he 
encountered the remains of men whom the weight of earth and the 
passage of time had consigned to oblivion and who ought to be brought 
to the light and the glory of being remembered by men. On discovering 
them, he declined to return to his See and, binding himself to the 
continual service of these saints, there ended his days. No-one while he 
lived, acceded to his seat. For this reason, as the ancients tell us, he is 
known as the ninth bishop of Toledo and the first bishop of Alcala de 
Henares. 10 

2 After Celsus, Montanus took charge of the cathedral of the city of 
Toledo, the foremost see of the province of Carthaginiensis. He was a 
man outstanding in the virtue of his soul and adorned with the gift of 
being able to speak as the occasion demanded. He held and laid it down 
his office in a manner worthy of it and the law of heaven. He wrote two 
helpful epistles dealing with ecclesiastical discipline. One he sent to the 
inhabitants of Palencia in which it is said that using his great authority, 
he forbade presbyters to consecrate chrism 11 or bishops to consecrate 
churches in dioceses other than their own, asserting with proofs from 
the Scriptures that it was in no way permitted to do these things. 12 He 

9 The ancient Complutum. The martyrs are the boy martyrs Sts Justus and Pastor who 
were executed under Diocletian in c.AD 302; their feast day is 6th August. Relics of the 
two saints are preserved in the Collegiate church of the town. 

10 Asturius’ bishopric should date to the second half of the fourth century AD. The cult 
of Justus and Pastor was certainly known by AD 392, when Paulinus of Nola buried his 
son Celsus beside the martyrs’ tomb, Carm. 31 610-610. The two martyrs are also 
mentioned by Prudentius a few years later, Peristephanon Martyrorum 4.41-44. Asturius 
has been assigned authorship of the hymn, ‘O Dei perenne verbum’ = PL 86 1176 in 
honour of Sts Justus and Pastor. However this attribution is normally rejected, see PLS 
4 1878. 

11 A mixture of olive oil and balsam used for anointing. 

12 The text of Montanus’ letters is printed in PL 65 54-60. 



condemned and rebuked sympathisers of the Priscillian sect 13 
because although they did not practice their beliefs, they cherished 
Priscillian’s memory; recalling that in the works of the most blessed 
bishop Turibius 14 which he had sent to Pope Leo 15 this self-same heresy 
of the Priscillians had been exposed and refuted and ought rightly to 
remain condemned. He wrote another epistle to the devout Turibius in 
which he praised him for having put an end to the worship of idols and 
granted him the authority of a bishop through which he might with all 
vigour put an end to priests consecrating chrism and to bishops 
consecrating churches in dioceses other than their own. 16 A very old and 
reliable tale relates that Montanus carried glowing hot coals in his 
vestments before the altar in his own cathedral until he had completed 
the entire celebration of the mass in order to absolve himself from 
slander. When the solemn rites had been completed, it was found that 
the coals had not lost their fire nor his vestments their beauty. In this 
way, having given thanks to God, the detestable falsehood of his accuser 
and the innocence of the blessed priest were brought to light through the 
pure nature of fire. He led his glorious life in the reign of king 
Amalaric 17 and held the honour of the bishopric for nine years. 

3 Donatus, a monk both in his profession and his deeds, is said to have 
been a disciple of a hermit in Africa. On seeing the threat of violence 
from barbarian peoples and fearing that his sheep would be scattered 

13 Priscillian, a extreme ascetic, was the first Christian to be executed by a Christian 
emperor. Put to death by in AD 395 by Magnus Maximus despite intercessions on his 
behalf from St Martin of Tours, he remains a controversial figure, see Chadwick [1976]. 
Braulio when writing to Fructuosus (EpA4) warns him of the dangers of Priscillianism, 
but by this time the word may simply have been a general pejorative term; see Cronin 

14 Bishop of Astorga in the mid fifth century AD, dying c.AD 460. By the thirteenth 
century a myth of Turibius travelling to the Holy Land and returning to Spain with a 
mysterious trunk of relics had come into being; see Walsh [1992]. There appear to have 
been three separate saints of this name in Spain whose lives were often conflated; see 
Gaiffier [1941]. 

15 Pope Leo the Great, pope from c.AD 440 until his death in AD 461. 

16 = PL 65 54-60, repeated PL 84 340-342. 

17 Amalaric ruled from AD 511-531. Gregory of Tours (HF 3.10) approved of him, but 
Isidore {HG 40) says he died 'hated and despised by all’ after his defeat by the Frankish 
King Childebert at Narbonne. 



and the dangers to his flock of monks, he crossed the sea to Spain with 
around seventy monks and a great collection of books. 18 He was given 
food and aid by a noble and devout woman, Minicea, and appears to 
have built the monastery at Servitanum. 19 He is said to have been the 
first man to have brought a rule for monastic observance to Spain. 20 He 
was as distinguished in life by his virtuous example as he was exulted 
in death through the glory of his memory. Both while living in this 
world and now at rest in the grave, his glory is said to have shone forth 
through certain miraculous acts of healing and because of this the 
inhabitants of the region are said to give honour to his tomb. 21 

18 The ‘barbarian peoples’ are the Berbers. The mid-sixth century saw much warfare 
between the Berbers and the Byzantines in Africa. It was presumably this that provoked 
Donatus’ flight from his homeland. 

19 No trace of this monastery survives. Donatus’s successor, Eutropius, wrote a defence 
of his monastery’s regime to Bishop Peter of Ercavica (= PL 80 15-20) which implies that 
the monastery was located in Peter’s diocese. Some would identify it with the site at 
Cabeza del Griego (Cuenca). For a description of this site see Fontaine [1978] 391-2 and 
Schlunk [1945]. Eutropius went on to become bishop of Valencia (Isidore, DVI 32) and 
along with Leander of Seville played a leading role at III Toledo in 589 AD (John of 
Biclarum, Chron. 92). 

20 This statement as it stands is simply false. / Saragossa 6 (AD 380) refers to monks in 
the peninsula, as does a letter from Pope Siricius to Eumerius, the bishop of Tarragona, 
written soon afterwards (PL 84 632-633). In AD 398, Augustine wrote to abbot Eudoxius 
who presided over a monastery on Capraria, one of the Balearic islands (PL 33 187-189). 
Baquarius of Braga writing to a deacon consumed with lust in AD 410, advises him to 
take himself off to a monastery as a cure (PL 20 1054). 

It is possible that Ildefonsus was simply ignorant of the early history of monasticism 
in the peninsula. Two alternatives present themselves. One, proposed by Fernandez Alonso 
[1955] 458, is that these early references to monks and monasticism refer to hermits rather 
than organised monastic communities. It is the case that Isidore (De Officiiis Ecclesiasticis 
2.16.11) remarks that a monasterium can exist for one monk only, in other words mean 
what we would understand by ‘hermitage’ and ‘hermit’. But as Linage Conde [1973] 219 
points out it is unreasonable to assume that all early references to monks are of this kind. 
The other alternative is that Ildefonsus means that Donatus introduced a rule which had 
not been used in Spain until his arrival. The Augustinian rule from Africa would seem the 
best candidate, see Diaz y Diaz [1958] 9-19. However given the early contact between 
Augustine and Spanish monks this too seems unlikely. 

21 See Jo.Biclar., Chron. 18 - ‘Donatus the abbot of the monastery of Servitanum, was 
held in high esteem as a worker of miracles’. 



4 Aurasius, bishop of the church of Toledo, a metropolitan city, was 
elected to his ministry after Adelphius. 22 A good man, famous for the 
authority of his guidance, well suited to set the affairs of the church in 
order and its stout defender against stubborn adversities, the more he 
showed himself in a kindly light towards the meek, the more courageous 
he was found to be against the church’s enemies. In him was to be 
found more eagerness to defend the truth than to write books, whence 
he is considered to be the equal of the holiest saints because the seed 
that was sown by their words was guarded by his protective custody. He 
lived as bishop in the times of Witteric, Gundemar, and the beginning 
of Sisebut’s reign, holding office for almost twelve years. 23 

5 John 24 acceded to the seat of the church of Saragossa following the 
bishopric of Maximus. 25 At first he was a father of monks, he was then 
made a bishop to guide the common people. A man learned in Scripture, 
he was eager to teach more by words than through written works and 
was as generous and jovial in giving as he was jovial in appearance. He 
so esteemed the blessing of the Spirit of God which nourished him 
within through the generosity of his gifts as through his cheerful 
disposition that its Grace made dear what he gave and excused what he 
had not given. He composed some hymns for church offices which are 
elegant in both their music and their words. Amongst his works he 
devised a method of discovering the date of the solemn feast of Easter 
which was so subtle and useful that both its great brevity and its 

22 died c. AD 603. 

23 Aurasius was elected bishop c.AD 603 and died c.AD 615. Three of his letters survive: 
an Epistula Apologetica , PLS 4 1593-5, a letter to Bishop Agapius, PLS 4 1595-6 and a 
letter rebuking Count Froga of Toledo for his Judaising tendencies, PLS 4 1596. 

24 John was probably the son of Bishop Gregory of Osma, a signatory of // Carthage in 
AD 610. Eugene II wrote a metrical epitaph for him, Carm. 21, and mentions him in two 
other poems {Carm. 8, 70). 

25 See Isidore, DV1 33. Maximus was present at 2 Barcelona in AD 599 and Egara in 
AD 614. His letter to Bishop Argebatus, PL 80 617-620, is a sixteenth-century forgery, 
see PLS 4 1662. Blume [1897] attributed to him the hymn, ‘Nardus Columbae Floruit’ (= 
PL 86 1310) in honour of St Columba of Meaux. 



obvious correctness give pleasure to the reader. 26 He held his seat of 
office for twelve years, leading his life in joy and breathing it out in 
ardent prayer. He was bishop in the reigns of Sisebut and Suinthila. 

6 After the death of Aurasius, Helladius occupied his seat. This man 
while he showed himself a most distinguished member of the royal 
court and overseer of state affairs, equally fulfilled the profession and 
life of a monk in a secular habit. 27 For when he came, as he often did, 
brought by the course of his varied duties, to my monastery (I mean the 
monastery of Agali into whose safekeeping I was received as a monk 
and which through God’s gifts and the glory of its perennial and clear 
holiness has renown manifest to one and all), 28 setting aside his 
entourage and the pomp of worldly glory, he would devote himself to 
the duties of a monk to the extent that he joined their ranks and carried 
bundles of straw to the bakery. When amidst the glamour and arrogance 
of this world he began to love and seek out the secrets of solitude, with 
a rapid flight and leaving behind everything which he had known, he 
came to that holy monastery which he had often visited because of his 
vocation in order to remain there and lead the life for which he 
longed. 29 There he was made abbot and by his merits and holy 

26 The time of Easter was a problem which plagued the church. Roger of Wendover, 
writing in the thirteenth century, records in his Flores Historiarum a typical dispute for 
AD 573 when the Spanish and Gallican churches celebrated Easter at completely different 
times. Roger is clear that the Gallican celebration, not the Arian Spanish feast, was the 
one held at the correct date, and cites as proof the fact that spring water was forthcoming 
for baptism on the Gallican date but not the Spanish one. 

27 Helladius’ secular career was probably under Reccared. His title is obscure: he was 
possibly a Duke of a province. 

28 The location of this monastery is unknown save that it lay near to Toledo (it is 
normally identified with the church of St Cosmas and St Damian mentioned as lying ‘in 
suburbio Toletano’ in the Beati lldefonsi Gesta written by Pseudo-Cixila in the tenth 
century AD). One suggested location from linguistic grounds is the Palacio de Galiana; 
for others see Codofler Merino [1972] 49 n.l 10. An unsubstantiated tradition states that 
it was founded in the reign of the Arian Athanagild. Though it may have been dedicated 
to Cosmas and Damian who were Eastern saints, Codofler Merino [1972] 49 n.l 12 is 
correct to point out that Braegelmann [1942] is wrong in assuming that it was probably 
an Eastern foundation. 

29 Codofler Merino [1972] 53 sees Helladius’ retreat to the monastery as resulting from 
a change of regal policy under Witteric. 



endeavours ruled over the monks as was proper: increasing the status of 
the monastery and the wealth of the entire community. Then, when his 
limbs were tiring as old age drew on, he was called to the heights of a 
bishopric and as he had been summoned both by force and without any 
say in the matter, he showed in this office greater proofs of his virtue 
than when he had been a monk. For through his virtue he is said to have 
ruled with great wisdom over the worldly matters which he despised and 
to have given such comfort and lavish amounts of alms to the needy 
that you would have thought that both the body and soul of the poor 
were dependent on his good will. He declined to write as he 
demonstrated things that ought to be written through the pages of his 
daily life. Returning to the monastery I have mentioned at the end of his 
life, he made me a deacon. He died an old man, having held office for 
eighteen years. The blessed man was a bishop during the reigns of 
Sisebut and Suinthila and in the first years of Sisenand’s reign and after 
a long old age of goodness earned the more blessed glory of the 
celestial kingdom. 30 

7 After Helladius, Justus, his disciple, was made his successor: a man 
who from his physical appearance and sharpness of his mind was both 
handsome and clever. A monk from his infancy, he had been well 
educated and instructed by Helladius in the virtues of the monastic life, 
and was made the third abbot after him. 31 Soon too he was made his 
successor as bishop. A man of sharp wits and no mean speaker, he 
would have lived in hope of great things had not his final day cut his 
life short. 32 He wrote a letter in a fitting and appropriate style to 
Rechila, the abbot of the monastery of Agali, in which he forcefully 
urged him that it would not at all be right to abandon the flock of which 
he had taken charge. 33 He was a bishop for three years and died in the 
reign of King Sisenand, who died and departed this life nineteen days 
after him. 

30 Helladius was probably bishop c.AD 615-633. 

31 Is this the Justus of the preface who insulted Helladius? 

32 This is quite possibly a euphemism for the violent death recorded in the preface. 

33 This letter is lost. The short tract ‘On the Enigmas of Solomon’ was assigned to Justus 
by Heine [1848], but this has been strongly challenged by Diaz y Diaz [1957] and the 
tract is now normally assigned to Taio of Saragossa, see Vega [1957]. 



8 Isidore took charge of the Cathedral of the See of Seville in province 
of Baetica after his brother Leander. 34 A man distinguished both by his 
looks and intellect. 35 His ability in speaking reached such a pitch of 
fluency and delight that his wondrous richness of expression left his 
audience enraptured to such a degree that a man who had heard him 
would not remember what he had said unless it was repeated many 
times. He wrote famous works and no small number of them, namely: 36 
a book on the nature of church offices, 37 a book of prooemia, 38 a book 
on the rise and fall of the prophets, 39 a book of lamentations which he 
himself called the Synonima, 40 two short works for his sister on the 
iniquities of the Jews, 41 a work of natural history dedicated to king 
Sisebut, 42 a book of Differentiae , 43 and a book of Sententiae , 44 Moreover 
he collected together from various authors a work which he called the 
Explanations of the secrets of the sacraments , 45 which gathered into one 
book is called the Book of Questions. Finally he wrote at the request of 

34 See Isidore, DVI 41. The elder brother of Isidore, Leander was born c.AD 545 in 
Cartagena. His family fled from Cartagena at the time of the Byzantine Invasion during 
Athanagild’s rebellion against Agila. His later support for the Catholic rebel Hermenegild 
led to his exile to Constantinople by Leovigild where he met the future Pope Gregory the 
Great. Recalled by Leovigild, he became bishop of Seville and presided over 3 Toledo 
(AD 589) where Leovigild’s son, Reccared, announced his and the kingdom’s conversion 
to Catholicism. Most of his extensive works are lost and only his address to 3 Toledo and 
a monastic rule for nuns survive. It is possible, however, that he is the author of the Liber 
Orationum Psalmographus, ed. Pinell [1972]. 

35 8 Toledo (AD 653) refers to Isidore as the doctor of the church, a title officially 
conferred on him by the Roman Catholic church in AD 1722. 

36 Braulio provides a much better summary of Isidore’s works in his preface to them: PL 
82 65. 

37 = PL 83 757-826. 

38 = PL 83 155-180. This outlines the contents of the individual books of the Bible. 

39 = PL 83 129-156. 

4(1 A two part work where Reason appears and comforts the Soul giving it the hope of 
obtaining forgiveness. = PL 83 825-868. 

41 = PL 83 449-538. 

42 = PL 83 963-1018, Fontaine [I960]. 

43 This work, in fact written in 2 books, explained the differences between near 
homonyms such as ‘amnia’ and ‘animus’ = PL 83 9-98 

44 In fact a work of theology in 3 books. The first book deals with dogmatics, the 
remaining two with personal and social ethics. The work draws heavily on St Augustine 
and the Moralia of Gregory the Great. = PL 83 537-738. 

45 = PL 83 207-444. The work’s alternative title is ‘Questions on the Old Testament’. 



Braulio, the bishop of Saragossa, a book of Etymologies which he tried 
to finish for many years and appears to have spent his last day working 
on it. 46 He lived in the times of kings Reccared, Liuva, Witteric, 
Gundemar, Sisebut, Suinthila, and Sisenand, holding the office of bishop 
for almost forty years, an outstanding glory and ornament of the Holy 
Faith. 47 

9 After John, 48 Nonnitus acceded as bishop to the See of Gerona. A 
monk by profession, outstanding in his honesty, holy in his deeds, he 
was elected to his bishopric not through the long deliberation of men, 
but by a swift decree of God enacted through men. He dedicated himself 
at once to the cult of tomb of the holy martyr Felix. 49 He ruled the 
church of God by the example of his meritorious life rather than 
through written edicts. Both while in his mortal body and at rest in the 
tomb he is said to have worked miracles of healing. 50 He was bishop in 
the times of kings Suinthila and Sisenand. 

46 = PL 82 73-1054. For a partial English translation with somewhat unsympathetic 
commentary, see Brauhert [1912]. A full Spanish bi-lingual edition edited by Oroz Reta 
& Marcos Casquero [1982] is available. 

47 Isidore was bom c.AD 560, became bishop of Seville c.600 AD and died most 
probably in AD 636. 

48 i.e. the Chronicler John of Biclarum, so called after the monastery he founded (see 
Isidore, DVI 44), who was exiled to Barcelona by Leovigild and became bishop of Gerona 
between AD 589-592 on the death of Bishop Alicius, a post which he held to his death. 
This must have occurred after Egara in AD 614 to which he was a signatory. For John 
see Wolf [1990]. 

49 This is where Reccared dedicated the votive crown which Count Paul later used to 
crown himself with in his rebellion against Wamba, Julian of Toledo, Hist Wamba 26 (= 
PL 96 791-792). The cult of the martyr Felix (feast day 1st August) was centred on 
Gerona, see Prudentius, Peristephanon Martyrorum 4.29-30, and Gregory of Tours, GC 
91. FAbrega [1953] attributes the hymn dedicated to Felix, ‘Fons Deus vitae perennis’ (= 
PL 86 1171-1173) to Nonnitus. The two masses for the saint’s feast day (Ferotin [1904] 
380ff and 583ff) have also been attributed to him by some commentators. 

50 Nonnitus’ death is mentioned by Braulio in his letter to the abbess Pomponia, Ep. 18. 
He was present at 4 Toledo (AD 633) but must have died before AD 636. 


10 After Murilas, Conantius acceded to the seat of Palencia. 51 A serious 
man in the gravity of his thought as much as in appearance, he was 
eloquent and popular for his simple way of speaking. An enthusiast for 
and attentive to the rituals of church services, he composed many noble 
melodies. He also wrote a good short work on the correct use of all the 
Psalms. He lived as bishop for more than 30 years, holding the office 
in the last years of Witteric, and in the times of Kings Gundemar, 
Sisebut, Suinthila, Sisenand and Chintila. 52 

11 Braulio, the brother of John, acceded to his place in Saragossa after 
his death. As he was bound to him in kinship, so he was no less close 
to him in his great intellectual ability. He is known for his hymns and 
some minor works. 53 He wrote a life of a certain monk, Aemilian, which 
both preserves his memory and praises this holy man in its own style. 
He held his bishopric for almost twenty years, which when complete 
closed the span of his mortal life. He was bishop in the time of kings 
Sisenand, Chintila, Tulga, and Chindasvinth. 

12 Eugene, the pupil of Helladius, and a fellow-reader and colleague of 
Justus became bishop after Justus. 54 He had been educated by Helladius 
along with Justus from infancy in holy monastic disciplines, and when 
Helladius was summoned to his bishopric he took Eugene from the 
monastery with him. Taught by him once again in ecclesiastical orders, 
he became the third rector of his seat after him. This was the great merit 

51 The mentor of Fructuous see VSF 2. Murilas was an Arian bishop who abjured his 
faith at 3 Toledo. 

52 c.AD 609-c.AD 639. 

53 All that survives today are VSM, a poem (whose authorship is disputed, see Barlow 
[1969]) in honour of Aemilian incorporated into Mozarabic liturgy, and a collection of 44 

54 Eugene the first is occasionally known as Eugene II. This is due to the rise of a later 
cult of a mythical first-century bishop Eugene of Toledo which took root at Deuil near 
Paris in the twelfth century. Gaiffier [1935, 1965, 1966] believes that the cult was 
engendered by a confusion of hagiographic traditions; contra Rivera Recio [1963 & 1964] 
who believes, less plausibly, that the confusion arose from the translation of Eugene IPs 
(i.e. Eugene III with the inclusion of the mythical Eugene) remains to France for safety 
in the eighth century (see review by Gaiffier [1966a]). The confusion persisted for 
centuries. Philip II escorted the remains of ‘Eugene F back to Toledo from Paris in the 
sixteenth century. 



of the old man - that he managed to leave as his legacy to the church 
of God two disciples and saintly sons by whom she could be governed. 
Eugene was stem in the manner of his life and gait, and sharp in mind. 
He knew with such wisdom the phases, stations, waxings and wanings, 
cycles and epicycles of the moon that the exposition of his arguments 
would astound the hearer and lead him to correct belief. He was bishop 
for almost eleven years during the reigns of kings Chintila, Tulga, and 

13 After Eugene, Eugene II was elected bishop. He, although he had 
been a famous cleric at the royal church, took pleasure in the life of a 
monk. Seeking the city of Saragossa by a wise flight, he dedicated 
himself there to the tombs of the martyrs and cultivated, as was proper, 
the study of wisdom and the life of a monk. Through the violence of the 
king he was brought back from Saragossa and made bishop. 55 He spent 
his life more by displaying his merits than by being active. For he had 
a slight body and little physical strength, but his spirit was on fire with 
virtue and pursued the strength which is to be had from goodly studies. 56 
Through his knowledge of music he corrected songs which had been 
corrupted by continual use, and took care to restore the lost orders of 
church offices. He wrote a small work on the Holy Trinity which shines 
with eloquence and is profound in its exposition of truth. This would 
have been despatched to Africa and the East, had not the straits 
resounding with storms made the journey perilous for the panic-stricken 
travellers. 57 He wrote two other short works, one in verse composed of 
a variety of different sorts of poetry, the other in prose on a number of 
distinct topics, which have served to ensure a firm memory of this holy 

55 AD 646, see Braulio, Ep. 31-33. The King involved is Chindasvinth. 

56 Eugene alludes to his precarious health in several of his poems, Vollmer [1905] n M s 
13,14 and in a letter to Braulio (Braulio Ep. 35). He also appears to have disliked hot 
weather, Vollmer [1905] n°101. 

57 Now lost. Ndjera fragment 18 in the library of Santo Domingo de Silos is possibly a 
fragment of this work which Collins [1989] believes was a Spanish contribution to the 
Monothelite controversy. 



man and been a spur for the work of many others. 58 He took the works 
of Dracontius concerning the creation of the world, which antiquity had 
handed down to us in a corrupt fashion and finding the errors in them 
by removing these or correcting them or adding improvements, brought 
them into an acceptable form, so that their beauties seem to be due more 
to the skill of their correction than the hand of the original author. 59 
Since Dracontius appears to have left the work half-finished as he is 
altogether silent about the seventh day, Eugene added a summary of the 
six days in six individual lines of verse and then added an elegant 
discussion of what seemed appropriate to him concerning the seventh 
day. 60 He held the honour and glory of his priestly office for some 
twelve years in the reigns of Kings Chindasvinth and Reccesvinth. After 

58 The extant works of Eugene are edited by Vollmer [1905] and can also be found at PL 
87 359-368 & 389-400. Messina [1983] believes that the corpus of over 100 poems 
includes a collection of 40 composed not by Eugene, but an unknown secular poet. The 
main influence on Eugene’s work is Virgil, though echoes of Lucilius, Ovid, Catullus, 
Juvenal, Perseus, Petronius, and Valerius Soranus can also be found along with those of 
Christian poets from Prudentius and Juvencus to Venantius Fortunatus. Eugene may have 
known many of these poets from excerpts in florilegia rather than being conversant with 
their entire works. The judgement of posterity on Eugene’s poetry has generally been 
negative. Raby [1927] ‘His verses with their metrical faults, their barbarism of phrase, 
their poverty of contents, their characteristics of acrostic, telestich, and epanalepsis 
illustrate the declining culture of the seventh century’ is a typical example. However 
Codofier [1981] presents a spirited case for the defence. 

In addition, a variety of hymns have been assigned to Eugene such as PL 86 913 ‘Ecce 
Christe tibi cara’ for the consecration of churches; PL 86 1123 ‘Hierusalem gloriosa’ for 
the feast of St Hadrian and St Natalia (17th June); and PL 1183 ‘Adsunt, o populi festa 
celebria’ for the feast of St Hippolytus (13th Augustus, see Gaiffier [1949]). P6rez de 
Urbel [1926] believes that the three hymni pro varia clade = PL 86 919-921 are also by 
Eugene; however, see contra PLS 4 1876 which argues for a fifth century date and an 
Italian author. For a group of prayers attributed to Eugene see PLS 4 2012-2016 and 
Vives [1946] 372. 

59 Blossius Aemilius Dracontius was bom c.AD 450 to Senatorial parents in Campania. 
Transplanted to Africa, he pursued a legal career while writing poetry. Excessive praise 
of an unknown individual led to him being arrested by the Vandal king Guthamund, 
though he was freed in c.AD 496 by Guthamund’s successor Thrasamund. His poetry 
edited by Vollmer [1905] (for a poorer edition see PL 60 679-932) is wide ranging in 
style. Eugene’s Metrical Preface to the Works of Dracontius can be found at PL 87 369- 

60 Monos ticha recapitulationis septem Die rum = PL 87 388. 



passing from this mortal light, he lies in his tomb in the Basilica of Sta 

[Pope Gregory, head of the apostolic see of Rome, full of the fear of 
God and outstanding in his humility, was so endowed through the grace 
of Holy Spirit with the light of knowledge that not only is no-one of 
these present times, but neither was anyone of times gone by his equal. 
For sublime and shining forth in the perfection of every kind of good 
deed, setting aside all comparisons with famous men, antiquity can show 
us nothing similar to him. 

For he was Antony’s superior in holiness, Cyprian’s in eloquence, and 
Augustine’s in wisdom. When he took up his bishopric, he wrote a book 
of pastoral guidance to send to John, bishop of the see of 
Constantinople, in which he taught which and what kind of man should 
come to office, and how, when he held office, he ought to strive to live 
and teach his flock. 61 This most excellent teacher wrote moreover, apart 
from the small works which Isidore of blessed memory has made 
mentioned, other books on Morals: namely twenty two homilies on the 
prophet Ezekiel bound into two books in which he discusses many 
things concerning the divine scriptures in a brilliant fashion. These 
works are mystic and moral, but at the same time readable. 62 

On the book of Solomon, whose name is the Song of Songs, how 
wondrously he writes, going through the whole work and expounding 
its moral import. 63 He wrote four books preserving the memory of the 
church fathers of Italy, which he gathered into one volume, which he 
preferred to be called the Dialogues . In these books the conscious reader 
is easily able to learn for himself how great a quantity of divine 
mysteries lie hidden there and what wonderful testaments they are to his 
love of his divine homeland. 64 

There are also extant a great number of his letters to various 
correspondents, which are edited and written in a clear style, which, if 
a man reads them, he will clearly see that in Gregory was a goodly 
longing after God and that he was studious in his care and vigilance for 

61 = PL 77 13-128. 

62 = PL 76 785-1312. In fact the two books contain 52 homilies. 

63 = PjL 79 471-548. 

64 = PL 77 149-430. 



the well-being of the souls of others. Gathering these together into one 
volume, he divided them into twelve books and gave them the name of 
the Register . 65 It is said that he wrote other famous works, but they have 
not yet come into our possession. Most fortunate is he, exceeding 
fortunate to whom God has granted the opportunity to study his works 
in their entirety. This glorious man and most blessed teacher and bishop 
lived in the reign of the Emperor Maurice. 66 ] 

65 = PL 77 441-1328. 

66 AD 582-602. 

[Valerius of El Bierzoj 


1 After the new brightness of heavenly truth flooded in upon the 
ancient darkness of the world, the grandeur of the teachings of the 
Catholic faith shone forth from the seat of Rome, the foremost seat of 
the Holy Church, and most excellent examples of sacred religion blazed 
out from Egypt, the province of the East, and the edge of this slender 
Western shore began to shed forth light, divine piety lit two glorious 
lamps of outstanding brightness, 1 namely Isidore, a most reverend man, 
bishop of Seville 2 and the most blessed Fructuosus, a man who from his 
birth was just and beyond reproach. The former was famous for his 
oratory, 3 outstanding in his labours, and, steeped in the arts of learning, 
was foremost in renewing the tenets of the Roman church. 4 The latter, 
set alight by the flame of the Holy Spirit in his most sacred vocation of 
a religious life, excelled so perfectly in every spiritual discipline and all 
his holy works that he easily made himself equal in merit to the Theban 
Fathers. 5 Isidore through the industry of an active life educated all Spain 
in worldly affairs, 6 Fructuosus aflame with shimmering brightness from 
his living of the contemplative life, illuminated the innermost secrets of 
the heart. Isidore, shining out through his outstanding eloquence, 
obtained fame through his learned books, while Fructuosus, gleaming at 
the peak of virtue, left us an example of religious living and followed 
with innocent step the footprints of his master who had gone before 
him: our Lord and Saviour. 7 So wondrous are the signs of his virtues 
that our ineptitude is unable to bear witness to them. But from as much 

1 cf Genesis 1.12 - the creation of the sun and moon, cf VPE 5.14.7. 

2 See DVI 9. 

3 cf DVI 8. 

4 Literally ‘the Church of the Romans’, possibly drawing a contrast with the Church of 
the Goths, i.e. the Arian Church. ‘Renewal’ probably refers to the fact that Isidore’s 
activity took place soon after the conversion of the Goths to Orthodoxy under Reccared 
in AD 590. 

5 i.e. the Desert Fathers of Egypt. 

6 Perhaps a reference to Isidore’s Etymologiae. 

7 cf / Peter 2.21. 




as I have learnt from trustworthy reports, 1 shall write of and inquire 
into a few matters from the beginning and end of his life. 

2 This blessed man was sprung from most glorious royal stock, the son 
of a man of highest rank, a Duke of the Spanish Army. 8 While he was 
still a little boy living with his parents, it happened one day that his 
father took him along with him among the mountain valleys of El 
Bierzo to receive the accounts of his flocks. 9 While his father recorded 
the flocks and discussed the accounts of the shepherds, the young boy, 
inspired by the Lord, was thinking that this was a suitable place to 
found a monastery. He kept this thought to himself and revealed it to no 
one. After the death of his parents, casting aside the trappings of this 
world and shaving his head since he had undertaken a religious life, he 
gave himself up to that most holy man the bishop Conantius ,0 to be 
taught in the disciplines of the spirit. After he had lived under his 
regime for some time, it happened one day that his fellow monks went 
on before him and on arriving at a possession of the church had 
prepared a room for him to stay in. One of the stewards of the place 
then came up and asked them, ‘Who is going to occupy this room’, and 
they replied ‘Fructuosus’. Immediately, overcome with mad temerity, he 
ordered Fructuosus’ small pack to be thrown out and the room to be 
prepared for himself. Fructuosus bore this with patient silence. When all 
lay at rest in the still silence of the night, suddenly a flame from the 
anger of the fury of the Lord set light to the dormitory. Since this room 
did not possess the customary fireplace, 11 it is clear that it was through 

8 While Dukes could be of either Hispano-Roman or Gothic descent, the reference to 
royal stock means that Fructuosus must have been at least half and probably fully a Goth 
as royalty was reserved to those of Gothic race (5 Toledo 3 and 6 Toledo 17). A poem 
reputed to have been written by Fructuosus (Diaz y Diaz [1974] 123 = PL 87 1129) links 
his family to that of King Sisenand (AD 631-636), Sclua, metropolitan bishop of 
Narbonne, and bishop Peter of B6ziers, see Diaz y Diaz [1967]. We have no way of 
determining his date of birth, but given our one fixed reference point, 10 Toledo (AD 
656), the early years of the seventh century seems the most plausible time. The title of 
‘Duke of the Spanish Army’ is not found elsewhere. It may refer to a provincial army or 
possibly the entire army of the Kingdom which would have made Fructuosus’ father 
second only to the king himself in the military chain of command. 

9 For an extant account of this sort see Velazquez Soriano [1989] n‘.97. 

10 Probably to be identified with Conantius of Palencia (AD 610-640), see DV1 11. 

11 Diaz y Diaz [1974] 83 believes that this is a reference to a hypocaust. 



the righteous anger of the Lord brought on through the prayers of the 
holy youth that this wretch bloated with arrogance was forced, in fear 
of great danger and terrified that he might come to harm and lose his 
possessions, to abandon the room which he had usurped. 12 

3 After this, returning to the place of solitude I previously mentioned, 
now a grown man he brought to completion the vow he had made as a 
small child. For he built the monastery of Compludo according to divine 
precepts, and keeping nothing for himself, but spending all his wealth 
on it, he richly endowed it and filled it to overflowing with an army of 
monks who came both from his own household and from the converts 
who eagerly hurried here from all over Spain. 13 As it is written that ‘the 
envy of the Enemy always pursues sanctity and evil fights against 
good’, 14 straightaway a wicked man, his sister’s husband, 15 was roused 
up by the goads of the Old Enemy, prostrated himself before the king, 16 
and on rising took away his wits so that he decreed that half of the 
inheritance should be taken from the holy monastery and given to him 
on the pretext of leading a campaign. 17 When this became known to the 
most blessed man, he at once took down the trappings of the church, 

12 cf Sulpicius Severus, Ep. 1 10-14. For another incident of localised fire bringing divine 
punishment see Gregory of Tours, GC 80. 

13 Diaz y Dfaz [1967] places the date of the foundation of Compludo at AD c.640. The 
site is probably that of an hermitage near the village of Compludo, see Perez de Urbel 
[1944] & F16rez Manjarin [1967]. The monastery appears to have been dedicated to Justus 
and Pastor, the martyrs of Alcald de Henares (ancient Complutum, see Prudentius 
Peristephanon Martyrorum 4.41-43) hence its name. The Rule of Compludo , ch.18, 
requires the monks to fast during the 40 days leading up to the martyrs’ feast day, 6th 

14 This phrase is taken from the Passion of St Eugenia , ch.28. 

15 According a poem attributed to Fructuosus his name was Visinand. See Diaz y Diaz 
[1974] 123. 

16 Probably King Chindasvinth AD 642-653. A foundation document for Compludo dated 
18th November AD 646 and bearing the names of Chindasvinth and his wife, Reciberga, 
exists which lists the patron saints of the abbey as Justus, Pastor, Mary, and Martin. Its 
authenticity was accepted by P6rez de Urbel [1944] 388, but it is normally regarded as 
a forgery. 

17 The grant of land would have been made in stipendio , i.e. in return for service (see 13 
Toledo 1). This has been seen by some commentators as the embryonic beginnings of 
feudalism, however see contra Linehan [1992]. Such grants could be revoked on the 
accession of a new ruler but in practice this rarely occurred, see King [1972] 62. 



laid bare the holy altars and clothed them in hair-cloth, 18 and wrote to 
his brother-in-law to confound him, rebuke him, and threaten him in the 
Lord’s name. He himself turned to fasting, grief, tears, and fulsome 
prayer. And so it came to pass that this envier of holy men and enemy 
of good deeds was at once struck down by divine vengeance and swiftly 
ended his life. Thus it came about that a man who had wished to take 
away the offerings of holy men, himself cruelly passed from this world, 
leaving no children and handing his wealth on to strangers, taking only 
his perdition with him. 

4 The most holy man established a complete rule and chose an abbot 
known for his great firmness of discipline for the monastery. 19 Then, 
because he was suffering frequent disturbances from the host of people 
who came to him from all parts since reports of his wondrous sanctity 
had spread to all regions, fleeing mortal praise and favour, he set out 
from his congregation and with unshod feet buried himself in the 
forests, places full of briars, rough, harsh country 20 and spent his time 
in caves and among the rocks in threefold fasts, ever more vigils, and 
prayer. 21 

18 Cilicium , so named from its country of origin Cilicia, but by this period simply 
indicating hair-cloth. 

19 The harsh rule devised for the monastery by Fructuosus has survived (PL 87 1099- 
1110). The influence of the rules of St Benedict, Isidore (see Campos [1971] 130-132), 
and Augustine are clear, but its largest debt is to Cassian (see de VogU6 [1985]). 
Fructuosus’ interest in Cassian can be seen from the fact that he asked Braulio for parts 
of his work (Braulio, Ep. 43) and that his first disciple was named Cassian, see chapter 

19 below. For an English translation of the rule, see Barlow [1969] 154ff. 

Two other monastic documents have been associated with Fructuosus: the so-called 
Common Rule (- PL 87 1109-1127) which was attributed to the saint by Benedict of 
Aniane (d.AD 821) and the Monastic Pact (= PL 87 1127-1130). The former is in fact 
not a rule at all, but a collection of decisions on various monastic problems apparently 
taken by a conclave of abbots. The abbots involved were probably those from monasteries 
founded by Fructuosus. The Pact is an agreement between the monks of a monastic 
foundation and the abbot which limits the abbot’s powers. It is normally assumed to 
reflect Germanic ideals of authority. For ‘Pactual’ monasticism see Bishko [1951]. 

20 ‘argis’ a near hapax, see Diaz y Diaz [1948]. 

21 Fructuosus does however appear to have had a servant, Baldarius with him; see 
Valerius of El Bierzo, De Coelestu Revelatione = PL 87 435-6. 



5 Once, while clothed in a cloak made of goat skins, he was struggling 
in prayer on the crags of a certain rock, 22 an archer came and lay in 
wait for his prey. When he saw him on the crag prostrate in prayer, 
thinking that he was his rock-dwelling quarry, he bent his bow. 23 When 
he was about to release the string to send forth the arrow, Fructuosus, 
inspired by divine providence, raised his hands in prayer to the sky. The 
archer perceiving that his target was a man, held his fire. Afterwards 
when he came to Fructuosus and told him all about the incident, the 
blessed man asked him not to reveal it to anyone. 24 
[As he traversed back and forth across this wilderness without ceasing, 
the harsh terrain tore the soles of the holy man’s feet so that the feet of 
this innocent man were covered in blisters. Because of this he was for 
some time unable to rise from where he lay. During these days a harsh 
drought afflicted the land with the threatening wrath of divine anger. At 
the most blessed man’s command, all the congregations of monks sallied 
forth with their holy relics to supplicate the Lord at the holy places. 
After some days they returned to him, worn out by their ordeal, but 
having obtained no answer to their prayer. He, weeping and groaning, 
said to them, ‘Lift up my hand and support the weakness of my limbs. 
Great is the mercy of the Lord, perhaps in his own good time he will 
grant that it shall rain.’ Then he set forth with the monks going with 
him and holding up his right hand. They had gone but a small distance 
when rain fell in such abundance that they were scarce able to return 
home. Then all of one accord they glorified the Lord for his mercy, 
wondering at the merits of his most faithful and holy servant.] 25 

22 The standard dress for monks in the rule of Pachomius which would have been known 
in Jerome’s translation to Fructuosus and his biographer. 

23 i.e. an Ibex, still hunted in Spain today. The ibex is mentioned by Isidore, Etymologiae 
12.1.16 who derives its name from ‘avis’ or ‘bird’ because of its habit of living in high 
inaccessible places; cf Gregory the Great, Dial.2. \ where Benedict is thought to be a wild 
beast because of his dishevelled state; similarly Cassian remarks that the abbot Paphnutius 
resembled a wild cow, PL 49 559ab. 

24 Possibly in imitation of Christ not wishing his miracles to be known but more likely 
because he did not want his hermitage to be revealed for fear of the consequences - see 
chapter 9. 

25 This interpolation is found in Manuscript O of the life = Biblioteca Universitaria de 
Salamanca, ms.2537. The manuscript dates from the late thirteenth or early fourteenth 
century and is the work of three copyists; it in turn is a transcription of a manuscript of 
written in AD 1142. For a full discussion of its history see Diaz y Diaz [1974] 51-52. The 



6 After this in a vast, deserted ravine far from this world, he built the 
monastery of Rufianum 26 in the bosom of the towering mountains, and 
hid himself in a small, narrow cell by the holy altar. 27 [While one night 
he lay prostrate in prayer, that envious foe, the Old Enemy, cast a huge 
stone through the window in order to strike him. Straightaway Fructuous 
reproved him fiercely, making the sign of the cross, and at once the 
devil was heard rushing into the depths of the mountains howling and 
screaming so that everyone knew that he had been put to flight, 
vanquished by the stratagems of the servant of God] 28 When Fructuosus 
had passed some time in this place in quietness, the whole congregation 
of the monastery of Compludo sallied forth and this multitude of monks 
cast him out of his cloister there with pious violence and brought him 
back to his old home. Finally setting out from here, he founded the 
monastery of Visunia in the territory of Bierzo in the province of 
Gallaecia. 29 

passage’s chronology is clearly awry in that it assumes that Fructuosus is an old man and 
has already founded many monasteries, neither of which is the case in the narrative of the 
life up to this point 

26 The modem San Pedro de Los Montes (Astorga). The site is near the source of the 
river Oza in the Aguiana Mountains. Valerius of El Bierzo who stayed here describes the 
site as ‘surrounded by high mountains like the Alps of Gaul’, adding that as there was 
only one tortuous footpath leading to the monastery along which men had to walk in 
single file there was no need for the foundation to have a wall to keep out intruders. Near 
the monastery was a high rock with an oratory cut from the stone used by Fructuosus. See 
Valerius, Residuum 1. The path to the monastery appears to have been constructed by 
Fructuosus’ servant Baldarius, see Valerius of El Bierzo, De Coelestu Revelatione = PL 
87 435-6. 

27 An ergastulum , a word also used to mean a punishment cell, cf. VPE 2.5. These rooms 
were frequently found near the altar for meditative purposes and were often too narrow 
to allow the inmate to turn round in, see Pdrez de Urbel [1944] t.2 67. This particular cell 
was later used by Valerius of El Bierzo, Ordo 7.169. 

28 Addition found in manuscript O. 

29 Gallaecia was one of the provinces of Late Roman Spain created out of the older and 
much larger province of Hispania Tarraconensis in AD 298. Its capital was Braga. 
Fructuosus’ foundation is normally identified with the monastery dedicated to St Felix at 
San Fiz de Visufla in the province of Lugo; see L6pez Valcarcel [1968]. Valerius of El 
Bierzo states that a church was established here after pagan shrines had been destroyed, 
which may indicate the lingering of pagan belief in this area of Spain, Replicatio 1. He 
further notes that Fructuosus used to pray on a rock below the monastery where later his 
disciple Satuminus built a church dedicated to the Holy Cross, St Pantaleon, and ‘the 
other martyrs’, Replicatio 9. The dangers of the area are well illustrated by the fact that 



7 Afterwards he built the monastery of Peonense in the other part of 
Galicia by the sea [next to the Port of Foro.] 30 [and with a lively desire 
to go on pilgrimage he embarked in the midst of the crashing waves on 
a ship which would take him to the land of the Franks and thence with 
the Lord’s guidance to the East. Betrayed by his own servants, many 
Franks who were in the country carrying on their business were arrested 
by Dogila, the Duke of Lugo, and held as hostages until the man of God 
returned from the high sea to his monastery] 31 While he was there, he 
conceived a great wish to sail on the sea and discovered a small island 
far out in the ocean. 32 He formed the idea of founding a monastery there 
with God’s help. When they landed, the sailors on disembarking 
carelessly left the boat in which they had crossed over unmoored. 
Fructuosus prayed intensely with his disciples beneath a rock that fresh 
water might come forth. 33 On finishing their prayers, they wished to 
return to the mainland. They then saw their ship far off in the middle 
of the sea, cast about among the waves by blustering storms at the 
instigation of the Enemy. While all his disciples, made desperate by 
their peril, gave themselves up to great grief, Fructuosus prayed and 
then cast himself alone into the depths of the sea. His disciples cried out 
most pitiably in twofold lamentation: fearing for his danger and grieving 
over their own destruction. Because of the great distance, he was hidden 
from their eyes and they gave themselves up to renewed despair. Then, 

one of Valerius’ disciples, John, was beheaded by a local peasant while he lay prostrate 
before the altar at Visunia, Replicatio 14. 

30 The port of Foro is found in manuscript L of the life = National Library of Portugal, 
ms.Alcobaga 283/454 which dates from the late thirteenth century. For a full discussion 
see Diaz y Diaz [1974] 49-50. If‘Forensem’ is a miscopying of ‘farensem’, the port of 
the lighthouse, the site of the monastery could be plausibly located at Corunna where a 
Roman Lighthouse has survived to the present day, incorporated into the ‘Tower of 
Hercules’. However, no remains of a monastic foundation have been found in or near the 
town. The monastery has been traditionally identified with San Pedro de Calago near San 
Juan de Poyo close to Pontevedra; see, for example. Nock [1946]. Puertas Tricas [1975] 
is somewhat sceptical of this identification. 

31 Addition found in manuscript O. It has been misplaced from chapter 17. 

32 The phrase ‘far out in the ocean’ is difficult to interpret as the hagiographer also uses 
‘ocean’ to mean ‘river’ -see chapter 13. The island remains unidentified: possible 
candidates are one of the Cies islands at the mouth of the river Vigo or Tambo, an island 
in the river Pontevedra. 

33 In order to make the island inhabitable, cf Exodus 17.6. 



after many hours had gone by, looking out into the distance, they saw 
their ship slowly coming towards them. When it had drawn nearer, they 
saw Fructuosus sitting in it, full of joy. Welcoming him with great 
rejoicing, they crossed back to the mainland in exultation. Finally 
returning to the same island where the envious and evil Enemy had tried 
to stop him beginning his holy work, he built the promised holy 
monastery with God’s aid and dedicating it according to his customary 
practice left it well fortified. 34 

8 As talk of his outstanding holiness grew ever greater, many 
distinguished and noble men, even some from the Royal Household, 35 
left the service of the king and came thirsting for his most holy 
ministry. Many of them ascended with the guidance of the Lord to the 
office of bishop amongst whom one, steeped in wisdom and learning, 
Teudisclus, built, with God’s aid and that of most blessed Fructuosus, 
a famous monastery in a secluded wilderness at the place called the 
Camp of the Lion and remained there to the end of his life. 36 And so the 
blessed Fructuosus showed himself very dear to the Lord from his birth. 
After this, finally spuming the temptations of this world, he gave all his 
extensive patrimony to holy churches, his ffeedmen, and the poor. Then 
taking himself off to the wilderness he founded very many monasteries 
where he dedicated the souls of many monks to the Lord through the 
religious life and holy discipline. When he had established a rule of 
right living for all who were following the monastic life and had lived 
there for a time, to avoid the flocks of people he took himself off to the 
remotest wilderness, and endeavoured to hide himself in the thick¬ 
leaved, secret woods, sometimes lying concealed in the high places, 
sometimes in the thickest forests, at others amid crags where only 
mountain goats can go, so that he might be seen by divine not human 



34 This is probably a metaphorical reference, though, given the dangerous nature of North 
West Spain in this period, the comment may also be intended literally. 

35 The Palatini , composed of the Dukes, Counts, and Gardingi. 

36 Castrum Leon is. The site of this monastery remains unknown. Castraveon has been held 
out as a possible site, however there is no guarantee that Theudisclus was active in the 
same region of the peninsula as his master. 

37 cf Gregory the Great, Dial. 2.3. The majority of this chapter is a recapitulation of what 
has gone before. 



9 While, with the Lord as his helper, the holy man was leading an 
irreproachable life as a hermit, many men often came and painstaking 
sought him out, but did not find him. However he was betrayed by 
some small black birds, called gragulae by the common people, which 
he used to keep in the monastery. 38 Diligently flying over all the woods 
until they found him, they betrayed his holy hideout with their 
chattering voices to all those looking for him, making its location plain 
to everyone. Then all the crowd rushed to the man in great joy. Finally, 
as we have said, he often worked many miracles with God’s help and 
shone forth by his glorious practice of virtue. Of which holy virtue we 
shall now, with God as our helper, speak a little. 

10 One day, it is said, a crowd of huntsmen were chasing a doe with 
their dogs. The little creature which was already overcome by the length 
of the chase, saw its death was nigh on the plains which extended far 
and wide in all directions. It was about to be taken by the hounds and 
tom limb from limb by their savage bites, when the man of God passed 
by unaware of the hunters. The little animal, knowing that it had no 
place to flee, as soon as it saw the holy man asked for his protection 
and straightaway, as if begging that its life be saved, went under the 
man of God’s cloak. 39 He at once defended it from all persecution by 
these unjust men, 40 ordered them to call off their dogs, and led it back 
with him of its own freewill to the monastery. The creature, so it is 
said, became so tame that from this day on wherever he went he was 
never able to separate it from his steps. If he even left it for but a short 
time, it would endlessly bleat and call out until it saw him once more. 
It was so tame that it would often come into his dormitory and lie at his 
feet. He frequently ordered it to be set loose in the wood next to the 
monastery, but it did not forget the great favour he had done it, and, 

38 Jackdaws - the Spanish ‘grajo’. Elijah was obeyed by ravens, 1 Kings 16.6 as was St 
Benedict, Gregory the Great, Dial. 2.8. 

39 See Sulpicius Severus, Dialogues 2.9 for a very similar incident involving St Martin 
and a hare. Martin however is not befriended by the hare after saving it. A further parallel 
is provided by Gregory of Tours’ account (VP 2) of St Aemilian of Pionsat’s rescue of 
a boar from the attentions of a huntsman. 

40 cf Psalm 91. Hunting held a somewhat ambiguous moral position in Visigothic Spain. 
The pastime was too popular to be condemned entirely, but it was prohibited to Clerics 
at Agade (AD 506). 



spuming the pleasant woods which had reared it, swiftly returned to the 
presence of its liberator. 41 This continued to such a degree that if he set 
off for anywhere at all it would follow his tracks for the all the length 
of the journey until it found him. When this had been going on for a 
long time, the fame of the great wonder which was occurring in this 
place began to spread far and wide. 42 But the old Enemy when he sees 
good men striving towards glory then in his envy carries the wicked off 
to punishment. 43 A certain youth filled with the sprit of madness, or 
rather inflamed with the fire of envy, killed the little beast by feeding 
it to the dogs while the holy man was away. 44 When after a few days 
the holy man had returned to the monastery, concerned he asked why 
his doe had not come to him in its accustomed manner. He was then 
told that when it had gone out and was grazing in the woods, this boy 

41 Justinian, Institutes 2.1.5 contains a reference to stags which were tame enough to come 
from the woods to ‘visit’ humans and then return. However the bond between Fructuosus 
and the doe seems much closer than what is envisaged there. 

42 Fructuosus’ befriending of the doe is a sharp contrast to the lions and other ferocious 
animals subdued by the Desert Fathers of the East. The animal was notoriously timid; see, 
e.g., Virgil, Eel. 8.28 and Apuleius, Met.SA. Isidore, Etym. 12.1.22, derives its name 
‘dammula’ from its tendency to flee from man. The creature here demonstrates the 
goodness and purity of the saint who is able to win the trust of such a creature (cf the role 
of unicorns in medieval literature). It could be argued that a degree of pagan syncretism 
is present. Sertorius was given a pet hind by his troops which was given a semi-divine 
aura by him (Plutarch, Sert. 11). In the late antique period we have a series of documents 
denouncing the Cervolus - a ceremony held at the beginning of the year when people 
dressed as stags, see Pacian (/7.360 AD), Paraenesis ch.l (= PL 13 1081-2), and his (now 
lost) Cervalus ; Ps.Augustine, Serm 123 (probably written by Caesarius of Arles; Auxerre 
(between 573-603 AD); Dict.Abbat.Primin (c.700 AD) ch.22. However the connection is 
tenuous. There seems little direct relation between the stags of the Cervolus (in fact 
occasionally the rite appears to have involved heifers and been called the betulus) and 
Fructuosus’ hind, and 700 years separate Fructuosus and Sertorius, a period which would 
make the persistence of even folk religion seem unlikely. The story is utterly Christian in 
its message so even if there are pagan antecedents it would be better to speak of the pagan 
symbolism being absorbed into a Christian context rather than of syncretism. 

43 This sentence is taken from Gregory the Great, Dial. 3.15. This tells the story of 
Florentius of Nursia who was befriended by a bear. This bear was then killed out of 
jealousy by four monks who in their turn died of leprosy after Florentius cursed them for 
what they had done. Florentius, we are told, regretted what he had done for the rest of his 

44 Whose dogs these were is not clear. The remainder of the chapter suggests they were 
hunting dogs, not ones belonging to the monastery. 



had come and killed it. On hearing this, he fell on his knees in great 
grief in the presence of the Lord, prostrating himself upon the flags. But 
it was God’s will not to delay in inflicting the punishment of the most 
severe vengeance of divine majesty. The youth was seized at once by a 
grave fever, and soon began to beg Fructuosus through intermediaries 
to pray to God on his behalf in order that he should not be struck down 
by divine vengeance and so bring his life to a cruel close because of his 
wicked temerity. Fructuosus came to him at once, implored the Lord for 
mercy, laid his hand upon him and straightaway not only restored his 
body to its previous state of health, but at the same time cured the 
sicknesses of his soul through his holy prayer. 

11 We learnt of another miracle of his great endurance from a reliable 
man who told us this story about our blessed subject. One day when 
along with the rest of his fellow travellers he was passing through the 
lands near the city of Idanha-a-Velha 45 while making for the glorious 
city of Merida in the province of Lusitania through his love of the 
famed virgin Eulalia - so that there he could might fulfil the holy vows 
of his mind with the most sacred devotions of his heart - in order that 
when he had poured out his sweet-flowing prayers in the sight of God 
and received the results of his petition through the bounteous piety of 
the Lord Jesus Christ, he might quickly reach, with the Lord’s 
assistance, the island which lies in the territory of Cadiz. 46 But, as we 
have said, when he was on that part of his journey which passed 
through the lands of Idanha-a-Velha, it happened that all the 
companions of the blessed man went ahead of him a little way, 47 while 
he stopped in a secluded place in the woods, hidden away in the thick 
forests, and prayed a short while. While he lay prostrate in prayer, the 
Ancient Enemy, ever envious of all good men, swiftly brought a boorish 
countryman possessed by madness to the place where the man of God 

45 Ancient Egitania. 

46 In fact Fructuosus seems to have gone on a pilgrimage taking in the two provincial 
capitals of Merida and Seville before moving on to Cadiz. The island in question is 
probably the town of Cadiz itself, now connected to the mainland by a sand bar. Others, 
however, believe it to be the Isla de Le6n. 

47 From the following chapter, where we hear of Fructuosus’ refusal to travel other than 
on foot, this was probably a normal occurrence. Fructuosus’ companions may also have 
kept unsuitable individuals from meeting the holy man, cf Nanctus’ entourage in VPE 3.3. 



was praying. When he had seen the man of God from afar, catching 
sight of him alone amongst the trees, dressed in poor clothes with 
unshod, naked feet, as he had a peasant’s mind he despised him for his 
poor clothing and because of his mad rashness drew closer. Thinking 
Fructuosus a runaway slave, the peasant abused him with shameless 
words and did not delay to insult him with all kinds of vile 
expressions. 48 But when the man of God replied to him with a tranquil 
mind, ‘I am clearly not a runaway’, the peasant, thinking on the 
contrary that he certainly was one, goaded by the impulse of the devil, 
struck him a blow with the staff he was carrying in his hands. The man 
of God bore this patiently, but the other did not cease from striking him, 
so soon he made the sign of the cross to him. At once the demon left 
the woodsman and passed into the earth, 49 dashing him prostrate before 
the feet of the holy man and wounding him to such a degree in its fury 
that after cruelly lacerating him it left him lying in a pool of his own 
blood. 50 However, the man of God at once prayed and restored him to 
his previous state of health without any difficulty. 

12 Now, therefore, we have learnt in truth from the account of the 
presbyter Benenatus, a venerable man, of new not ancient wonders, not 
of old, but new miracles, not ones worked in idle fables, but ones which 
can be proved by the Truth. For this reason we shall try to note them 
down briefly in this collection of pages just as they were told to us, 
paying every attention to accuracy. This most holy man spoke as 
follows: ‘While I was journeying from the province of Lusitania to the 
province of Baetica 51 with the most holy Fructuosus, the wet weather 
brought forth, as is the custom in winter, great sheets of rain for many 

48 Part of the problem might have been Fructuosus’ unkempt appearance. This probably 
involved growing his hair long, which was the sign of a slave - see LV 9.1.5 where it is 
made an offence to cut a fugitive slave’s hair. There would have been a potential reward 
of at least a tremiss for the countryman had Fructuosus been an escaped slave, LV 9.1.14. 
The problem of runaways seems to have been a persistent feature of the Visigothic 
kingdom. Leovigild legislated on this matter (IF9.1.3) as did many of his successors. See 
King [1972] 162 ff. 

49 cf the devil’s flight into the depths of the mountains in ch.6 above. 

50 Demons characteristically injure their victims when forced from their bodies. 

51 The southernmost Roman province in the Iberian peninsula roughly comprising modem 
Andalusia and southern Extremadura. 



days and the rivers had grown terribly swollen because of the amount 
of rain. It happened one day that a small boy while he was trying to 
wade across with the rest of his companions, fell along with the horse 
which was carrying the books of the man of God, into the deepest part 
of the river. For a long time he was swallowed up in the depths of the 
whirlpool along with the books. At last with the Lord’s help, he escaped 
from the peril of the waters and reached the bank, soaked but safe. 
Fructuosus came a little behind them on foot, as it was always his 
custom not to use a carriage. When he reached his colleagues, he was 
told that all his books had fallen into the river. He, however, was not 
at all greatly perturbed, but with a serene and cheerful countenance and 
showing no sign of sorrow ordered that they be taken out of their bags 
and brought to him. He found them dry as if the river water had never 
touched them and had been unable to make them even slightly damp. 52 

13 I ought not to bury in silence another wondrous deed which 1 learned 
about from Benenatus. One day the blessed Fructuosus set out by boat 
from the city of Seville to the Basilica of St Gerontius in order to fulfill 
a vow. 53 When with the aid of the Lord he had fulfilled the vows of his 

52 We learn that Fructuosus was a great bibliophile from his correspondence with Braulio 
of Saragossa (Braulio Ep. 43-44) whom he asked for copies of the Lives of Sts Honoratus 
of Arles, German of Auxerre, and Aemilian, and part of Cassian’s Collationes. An English 
translation of the letters can be found in Barlow [1969], the Latin text with Spanish 
translation in Riesco Terrero [1975]. Braulio died in 651 AD. For a similar miracles see 
Gregory of Tours, GC 22 for an incident which happened to Maximus of Chinon when 
he fell into the Saone, and Adamnan, Vita Columbani 2.9 for a book written by St 
Columban which was undamaged when it fell into a river in Leinster. A general 
discussion of such miracles can be found in Loomis [1948]. 

53 Seville lies on the Guadalquivir, which was navigable as far upstream as Cordoba in 
the classical period (Strabo 3.2.3). 

The St Gerontius mentioned here is probably the martyr-bishop of Italica for whom 
there is an office in the Mozarabic Breviary on the 26th August (PL 86 1198-1200, see 
also PL 85 835-836), this saint is also listed in ninth-century martyrology of Lfsuard, PL 
124 397-398. Gerontius is described as active in the ‘apostolic’ period in the Breviary , but 
this appears to be the pious creation of a pedigree for the church at Italica. Several 
commentators have wished to amend the name of the saint concerned; Nock [1946] 
prefers Jerome, and Vives [1941] Sta Corona, the sister of St Victor. However, as the 
manuscript tradition is unanimous in recording Gerontius, there seems little cause to 
amend the reading. Italica itself lies some 6 miles upstream of Seville, which would fit 
the description of Fructuosus’ journey found here. The identification is accepted by Gams 



desire there, as evening was drawing on he was inclined to return 
whence he had come. The sailors who had navigated the boat over a 
great tract of the river 54 were tired from the voyage and not only said 
that they did not have the strength to manage the boat, but also began 
to complain that the day was already coming to an end. He said to 
them. ‘I beg you take a little food as refreshment and since you are tired 
rest a little, while I finish my office of prayer. This 1 ask of you, take 
up the oars of the vessel and sleep a little while.’ 55 They obeyed at once 
and, taking up the oars of the boat as he had instructed, slept. The holy 
man prayed and finished the office with his brothers and then with no 
man working the boat, but with it being guided solely by the hand of 
God, he swiftly returned to where he had set out. The sailors woke 
suddenly and began to hurl empty complaints at him, saying, ‘Let us 
begin now, because we will not be able to sail safely in the darkness of 
the night.’ He said to them in turn, ‘Little children, do not weary 
yourselves for the Lord has already taken us whither we wish to be 
without your help’. When they roused themselves and saw that they 
were at the place from which they had set out, they were astounded and 
in their amazement wondered at what God had brought to pass. 56 

14 Now he told us another story which he insisted was altogether true, 
saying, ‘One Sunday, when there was no end to the storms and rain, the 
holy man set out from the city of Seville to the island which lies in the 
territory of Cadiz. Many citizens of Seville, even the bishop, wished to 
keep him there 57 and wanted him to agree to stay at least until the end 
of the mass if not longer as it was Sunday and the weather was not 
good. He replied to them as follows: ‘ Do not, 1 beg of you, hold me 
back, for the Lord has marked out my journey. If you fear that I may 
come to harm and are worried about danger brought on by the rain, you 
can rest assured that there will be no more rain today after the second 
hour’. 58 And all those who were present saw this come to pass. For after 

[1956] vol.l 280ff; Diaz y Diaz [1974] 103 is more sceptical. 

54 The word used here, ‘pelagus’, normally means ‘ocean’. 

55 The oars were taken up to prevent the theft of the boat. 

56 cf Sulpicius Severus, Dial. 3.9 & Gregory of Tours, Mir.MarA.29. 

57 Probably Bishop Antony (AD 641-655). 

58 The fears about what was merely river navigation are intriguing. 



he had embarked on a ship at the second hour, the rain stopped at once 
and it did not rain again until after three days later when he arrived at 
his destination. During those three days, as he had said, the weather 
remained fine. From this we can see that it did not rain at all during the 
time that he was sailing towards the goal of his journey.’ 

When with the Lord’s aid he reached the island of Cadiz that we have 
mentioned, he built, with the Lord’s help, a holy monastery on that part 
of it opposite to where the Eastern sun casts its light upon Spain, 59 and 
created for it through his customary monastic rule the basis of a spiritual 
life. 60 Finally in a vast, hidden wilderness far from human habitation he 
founded with God’s aid a glorious and outstanding religious house of 
remarkable size (which is called Nono as it is nine miles distant from 
the sea’s shore). 61 I shall briefly relate a tale which I learned from the 
reliable testimony of that devout man, Julian the presbyter, who grew 
up in this monastery from his youth. The example of goodness of that 
most glorious and incomparable man shining forth with gleaming 
splendour so kindled the spirits of the people with love of the faith that 
the columns of converts coming in hordes from all over the land formed 
a vast chorus. And had not the dukes of the army of that province and 
the surrounding regions cried out to the king that there should be some 
restraints imposed - for if no bounds to permission to become a monk 
had been set, there would have been no one to fight in the army - a 

59 i.e. the Western side of the island. 

60 A major town in the pre-Roman and Roman period, Cadiz had fallen into decline by 
late antiquity, see the lament of Avienus {fl. AD 400) Ora Maritima 267-274. Castro 
[1858] records no legends about the town in this period, but merely notes that a hermitess 
named Servanda lived here in the time of Egica (AD 687-700). This is presumably a 
garbled reference to the abbess Servanda whose tomb ( 1CERV 286) dated to AD 630 was 
found at Medina Sidonia and Servandus who, along with Germanus, is one of the patron 
saints of the diocese of Cadiz: see Usuard’s Martyrology, PL 123 609-610. Servandus and 
Germanus were said to have been martyred c. AD 300 by an official named Viator during 
the persecution of Diocletian in the village of Ursino which lay within the diocese of 
Cadiz. According to our account, Servandus was buried at Seville alongside the local 
martyrs Justa and Rufina and Germanus at Merida by the shrine of Eulalia. There is 
however no mention of Germanus in VPE. Cadiz was frequently used as a symbol of the 
end of the world in antiquity and it is difficult not to see Fructuosus’ planting of a 
monastery here as, at least in part, a symbolic statement that Christianity had reached the 
ends of the earth. 

61 The monastery’s location is unknown. 



countless army of monks would have gathered together. 62 For not only 
the minds of men, but even those of women had been set alight. Now, 
as there was no place for women in that sacred congregation, I shall 
relate in what way he established a congregation of women. 63 

15 A most holy maiden, Benedicta by name, sprung from noble stock 
and betrothed to a gardingus of the king, 64 set on fire by her desire for 
the faith and inflamed by the love of holy religion, secretly fled from 
her parents. Alone she came to the wilderness and wandering through 
pathless and unknown places finally with the Lord’s guidance drew near 
to the holy congregation of the monastery. Not daring to go up to them, 
she remained far off in the wilderness and begged the holy man of God 
through intermediaries that he should free a wandering sheep from the 
jaws of wolves, show her the path of salvation, set her upon it, and 
instruct with his spiritual teachings a soul seeking the Lord, in order that 
she might obtain this gift from the Lord who once brought home a 
sheep on his shoulders. 65 When he heard this, he gave manifold thanks 
to almighty God and ordered a small dwelling place be built for her in 
a wood in this same wilderness. 66 Benenatus told me, 4 As none of the 

62 A play on this world and the world to come. Monks were exempted from military 
service (LV 9.2.8, 9.2.9). Whether the flow of men did pose a potential threat to the size 
of the provincial army is a moot point, as the host of maidens mentioned later is only 80 
strong, cf The edict of the Emperor Maurice in 592 AD which forbade soldiers to become 
monks (edict 110). 

63 The Fructuosian Common Rule English translation in Barlow [1969] p.l76ff.) makes 
it clear that Monks and Nuns should not live together, (ch.15). 

64 The Gardingi were members of the king’s household or palatini. Unlike Dukes and 
Counts who ranked higher than them, the Gardingi appear to have been assigned no 
specific role in the Kingdom. They appear to have been a form of personal retinue such 
as is found throughout the Germanic world and mentioned by Tacitus under the name of 
comitatus (Tacitus, Germania 13fT). 

Benedicta could have been either a Goth or a Hispano-Roman. Diaz y Diaz [1955] 
asserts she was a Goth; however there is no firm evidence for such a view and Orlandis, 
while initially of the same view [1966], is now [1992] inclined to think that she was a 

65 cf Luke 15.4-5. The parable here has become part of Christ’s biography. 

66 In both the Rule of Compludo and the Common Rule aspirant monks are not to be 
admitted to the monastery immediately but wait outside the gates for a period of time (3 
days Common Rule , 10 days Rule of Compludo) to show their sincerity. Benedicta’s stay 
in the wilderness seems to be a variation on this principle. 



older monks dared to go near her, 67 one of us younger ones took it in 
turn to take her letters and food. 68 She insisted firmly that no food be 
brought to her until the holy man had eaten at midnight and that it 
should not be brought unless he had blessed it.’ She applied herself 
diligently to her spiritual studies and when news of her and her praise 
spread far and wide, so great a flame of desire inflamed the daughters 
of other men of all ranks that a glorious host of women swiftly gathered 
and in a short space of time the congregation was increased by eighty 
holy maidens for whom he built a monastery in his customary manner 
in a another solitary place. And so greatly did beneficent sanctity 
flourish amongst both sexes and the glorious fame of their perfections 
grow, that men along with their sons joined the congregation of monks 
and their wives along with their daughters entered the holy company of 
women. 69 But fianc£ of the lady Benedicta, despatched by the Enemy’s 
work of treacherous envy, weeping in great grief and sorrow, laid a 
petition against her before the king. 70 In this way he obtained a judge 
of the King’s presence, 71 a Count called Argalate, who was to look into 
the truth of the matter between them and who arrived at the maidens’ 

67 cf the attitude of Nanctus, VPE 3.3. 

68 The letters would have been tracts from Fructuosus. 

69 The problems caused by this are dealt with by the Common Rule , chapter 6. Parents 
and children are not to speak to one another without prior permission, though very young 
children are to be allowed to go to their parents when they wish to do so and both parents 
are to be involved in their upbringing. When the child can understand ‘a little of the Rule’ 
its family associations are to end. The women themselves are forbidden to speak to, or 
kiss (!) their former husbands, chapter 16. 

70 With good reason. Betrothal, disponsatio, in Visigothic Spain involved the payment or 
at least the pledge of a substantial bride-price which the gardingus now stood to lose (LV 
3.4.2). Unilateral withdrawal from betrothal was forbidden by law (LV 3.1.3, 3.6.3). The 
only exceptions to this rule were if the woman was betrothed to a younger man, in fact 
such a marriage even if it came about would be invalid in the eyes of the law (LV 3.1.4.), 
or if death were imminent, when it was permitted to assume a religious life, (LV 3.6.3.). 
This latter exemption may lie at the bottom of the story of Benedicta. Though our 
hagiographer represents her as simply confounding her fiancd and winning the support of 
the judge, we are told that she died soon afterwards. It may be that the judge annulled the 
betrothal because Benedicta was already close to death. For a detailed discussion see King 
[1972] 224ff. 

71 Argalate would have been a pads Adsertor, i.e. a judge appointed by the king to 
oversee a specific case, see LV 2.1.27. 



monastery girt with the King’s authority. The warden 72 of the maidens 
was compelled to separate Benedicta from the congregation and bring 
her before him to see how she would answer her fiance’s charges. When 
after a struggle she came out, lifting her eyes to the heavens, she 
absorbed herself in prayer so that she might not look on his face. When 
he pressed his case against her, by the grace of the Lord she was so 
filled with the Holy Spirit that she cut him short in a few words and he 
had nothing left to say to her. Then the judge said, ‘Leave her to serve 
the Lord and look for another wife for yourself.’ Soon after these events 
pious Godhead commanded this most holy woman to pass from this 
world. 73 And so it came about by the ineffable will of the Lord that she, 
who had preceded all the holy maidens in their conversion, went before 
them in her holy calling to the celestial glory of the heavenly kingdom 
through Him who lives and reigns for ever. Amen 

16 74 When the blessed Fructuosus, shining forth with bright-flowing 
radiance, had brought light to all of Spain through his most glorious 
example of holiness, and, by establishing congregations of monks in 
diverse regions of the country on the model of his own innocent heart, 
had nourished the ranks of perfected disciples, with the result that to 
this day those who have just recently been converted, taking up in their 
turn their place among the saints who went before, make his example 
of olden days flower as if it happened today and so the fruit of his 
labour grows until the end of the world, his glorious memory is 
perpetually renewed, and in the kingdom of heaven the burgeoning 
ranks of his flock increases daily. 

72 The criteria for such a monk are dealt with in the Common Rule. They were to be ‘few 
and perfect’ and preferably old, having lived in a monastery for most of their lives and 
to live far away from the nuns’ living quarters (chapter 16). 2 Seville 11 (AD 619) had 
already legislated on these matters providing that only one monk should oversee a 

73 This is quite possibly why the betrothal was annulled; see n.68 above. Another 
consideration is purely theological. In dying soon after conversion, Benedicta would not 
be able to imperil her soul by lapsing into sin, cf. the gluttonous monk of VPE 2. 

74 While the sense of this chapter is clear, its syntax is exceptionally convoluted and not 
complete in itself. It appears that it has been created by separating it from the following 
chapter. While this act in itself was a laudable attempt to make the account more readable, 
it has not been executed in the most workmanlike fashion. 



17 after he brought all the devotion of his sacred work to the highest 
perfection through the aid of celestial virtue, a great fire of divine desire 
inflamed him to go to the East and make a new pilgrimage. When he 
had discussed this matter in secret with a few, select disciples and had 
prepared a boat for their voyage that he might embark with all haste 75 
and cross to the East, he was apprehended through the treachery of one 
of his disciples and unable to gain permission for his journey. 76 What 
more is there to say? While the journey was being prepared, word came 
to the king of this world 77 and he, along with all his court advisers, 
fearing that such a light should abandon Spain, commanded that he 
should be arrested, though with no fear of harm being done to him, and 
brought to his presence. They say that one night, when they had brought 
him and were keeping guard over him in the utmost fear, they secured 

75 reading festinatione for praedestinatione 

76 Such travel was forbidden by Chindasvinth’s treason law (LV 2.1.8) which notes the 
number of times that the state had been forced to go to war because of the activities of 
rejugae or fugitives. See also the preface to 7 Toledo of AD 646 where any cleric of any 
rank intending to travel abroad is to be instantly deprived of his rank, made a penitent in 
perpetuity, and only given communion at the end of his life. The terms are strong - any 
cleric who gave communion to one so punished was to share his fate even if the king had 
ordered him to allow the victim to communicate. In the context of his day Fructuosus was 
intending to travel to a foreign power which been in occupation of part of Visigothic 
territory until AD 624 and with whom relations had never been good. If we are to believe 
the interpolation found in manuscript O in chapter 7 but clearly relating to this incident, 
his journey was to take him East via Frankish Gaul, another area with which relations 
were perpetually poor. While most commentators have seen Fructuosus’ motives as purely 
religious, it is easy to see why the King of the day may have been suspicious of such a 
journey - hence the need for both speed and secrecy in Fructuosus’ preparations. Nor can 
politics be entirely excluded from the equation. The king of the day, either Chindasvinth 
or Reccesvinth, belonged to a family which had come to power supported by a faction 
hostile to the family of King Sisenand to whom Fructuosus may have been related. If 
Fructuosus’ family was indeed based in Septimania a trip to Gaul would have looked even 
more suspicious as Sisenand had seized the throne with Frankish aid. Hence perhaps the 
violent action of Count Dogila recorded in the interpolation. Added to this is the fact that 
at the beginning of his reign in AD 653 Reccesvinth had been forced to put down a 
destructive rebellion led by Froia who with help from the Basques had even managed to 
lay siege to Saragossa. If this incident occurred soon after it is difficult to see how 
Reccesvinth could not have been suspicious of Fructuosus’ motives. 

77 Most probably King Reccesvinth, joint King with his father Chindasvinth from AD 649 
and sole king AD 653-672. He is described as ‘amiable but debauched’ by the continuator 
of HG ch.35. 



the door of the chamber where he was staying with chains, hawsers, and 
other stout safeguards and in addition stood guard there themselves. 
When they woke in the still silence of the night, they saw from afar the 
bars cast aside and the doors lying wide open. Meanwhile Fructuosus, 
praying for the holy churches, safely meditated in prayer on the piety 
of the Lord. 78 

18 After these things, all unwillingly, he was ordained against his will 
bishop in the metropolitan seat by the gift of God. 79 He resisted fiercely, 
but was compelled to acquiesce through fear of inactivity. 80 On taking 
up so high an office he did not lay aside his old way of life, but 
keeping to his habit and customary rigorous practice of abstinence he 
spent the rest of his life dispensing alms and in the construction of 
monasteries. 81 

19 While bishop he built the outstanding monastery which lies between 
the city of Braga and the convent of Dumio on the crest of a small hill 
where his holy body is now buried. 82 I learnt how great was his 

78 cf Acts 12. 

79 cf VSD 3. Given the severity of the penalty for treason, Fructuosus must have been 
acquitted of the charges laid against him. The See referred to here is that of Braga; the 
absence of its name in the text is curious. Fructuosus’ appointment is recorded by 10 
Toledo 1, giving us a firm date of December AD 656. He replaced the self-confessed 
fornicator Potamius. The canon also tells us that prior to this Fructuosus had been 
ordained bishop of Dumio. Our hagiographer makes no mention of this fact. The 
appointment cannot have been made prior to December AD 653, the date of 8 Toledo , as 
Bishop Ricimir held the See at this date. It has been suggested that Fructuosus’ 
appointment to the See of Dumio occurred early in AD 656 hence Potamius’ demise 
meant that Fructuosus held this position for very little time, see Diaz y Diaz [1967]. 

80 A royal threat probably lies behind this enigmatic phrase. 

81 cf VSA 12 & VPE 5.3.3. These monasteries are unknown. One may have been that of 
Samos which was restored by Ermefred, a contemporary of Fructuosus and as bishop of 
Lugo, one of his suffragan bishops; see Gonzdlez [1967]. 

82 The Monastery of Mont61ios. The church involved is Sao Fructuoso de Montdlios. Its 
cruciform structure is almost unique in the Iberian peninsula and shows strong parallels 
with Byzantine architecture; its similarity to the mausoleum of Gallia Placidia at Ravenna 
is particularly striking. For a plan and detailed description see Fontaine [ 1978a] vol. 1 163- 
167 & pl.s 46-7. The only similar structure may be the Church at Valdecebadar, Olivenza 
(Badajoz); however its remains are extremely fragmentary. Fructuosus’ relics were 
kidnapped by Bishop Diego Gelmlrez of Santiago in AD 1102, see Carro Otero [1968], 



enthusiasm for the holy task of building churches from the account that 
man of God, the abbot Cassian, who was his first disciple. He told me 
that when Fructuosus had learnt that his holy death was upon him a 
good while before its occurrence, since he had undertaken the task of 
construction and as his life in this world was coming to its close, not 
only did he work unceasingly by day, but persevered in the same task 
by lamplight at night lest he should leave this world with his holy task 
unfinished. And so with divine help all that he had begun in faith he 
diligently brought to a conclusion and happily dedicated it to the Lord. 

20 As his end drew on, he was seized by fever and when the violence 
of the disease had possessed him for several days, calculating the time 
from the day when he had been informed of his death, he discovered 
that the day upon which he was to pass from this world was nigh. He 
told this to those who were standing by him. While they all wept, he 
alone exulted because he knew without a shadow of doubt that he was 
hastening to heavenly and eternal glory. To those who asked him if he 
feared death he replied, ‘Of course not. For I know that though a sinner 
1 shall come into the presence of my Lord.’ 83 After this, he asked to be 
taken to the church. When he had put all his affairs in order, he kept 
one slave, called Dicentius, who had served him well since he was a 
small boy. He ordered him to be summoned, and placing his hand upon 
him, and ordained him as abbot of the outstanding monastery of 
Toroflo. 84 Finally having received the prescribed rites of penitence, he 
did not leave the church, but remained there lying prostrate before the 
holy altar all that day and for part of the night. A little before the light 
of dawn, stretching out his hands in prayer he commended his stainless 
and holy soul to the hands of the Lord who crowns his saints after their 
goodly life. 85 

83 Perhaps the hagiographer intends his audience to think of Matthew 5.8 at this point 

84 The form of ordination is highly irregular, cf Masona’s freeing of church slaves at the 
end of his life. Both Diaz y Dfaz [1974] and Orlandis [1968] believe that the monastery 
referred to is Montdios not Toroflo. However this emendation has no evidence to support 

85 Traditionally Fructuosus’ death day is 16 April 665. A lament for the saint by a 
contemporary anonymous disciple has survived = PL 87 1130-1132, poem ‘C\ 




Signs of his virtue came to all who came to the most holy tomb of his 
blessed corpse and to this day the sick are cured there and demons put 
to flight, and whoever in his grief calls upon Fructuosus’ indefatigable 
aid at once receives the full fruits of his petition from the Lord. 


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Index of people and places in the text 

Abundantius 39 
Adelphius 112 

Aemilian, Saint 15-45 passim, 118 
Africa 55, 111, 119 
Agali 114, 115 
Agustus 46 

Alcala de Henares 110 
Amaia 28 

Amalaric, King 111 
Anthony, Saint 25, 121 
Argalate, Count 139 
Armentarius 28 
Asellus 40 
Asturius 109 
Athaloc, Bishop 99 
Audentius 109 
Augustine 121 

Baetica 116, 134 
Banonicum 41 
Barbara 28 
Benedicta 138 

Benenatus, presbyter 134, 135, 138 
Berceo 22, 25 
Bierzo 128 
Braga 142 

Braulio, Bishop 117, 118 
Brunhilda 3,5,7,9,10,13 
Buraddn 21 
Burgundians 6 

Cadiz 113, 136 
Camp of the Lion 130 
Cantabria 38 




Cantabrian 30 
Caspiana 67 
Cassian, abbot 143 
Carthaginiensis 107-123 passim 
Cauliana 51-55 passim 
Celsus 110 

Chindasvinth, King 118, 119, 120 
Chintila, King 118, 119 
Citonatius 15, 16 
Cicero - see Tully 
Claudius, Duke 94, 96, 97 
Columba 31 
Compludo 125, 128 
Conantius, Bishop 118, 124 
Constantinople 121 
Cyprian 71, 121 

Desiderius, Saint 1-15 passim 
Dicentius, abbot 143 
Didymus, Bishop 24, 26 
Dogila, Duke 129 
Domnolus 4,7 
Donatus 111 
Dracontius 120 
Dumio 142 

Egypt 123 
El Bierzo 124 

Eleutherius, archdeacon 100 

Ethiopians 70 

Eufrasia 41 

Eugene I 109, 118 

Eugene II 107, 119 

Eugene, colleague of Braulio 17 

Eugene, Count 30 

Eulalia, Saint 46, 51, 56, 60, 64, 66, 68, 71, 73, 74, 75, 80, 84, 88, 90, 
95, 97, 100, 102, 104, 105, 133 
Eusevia 56 



Faustus, Saint 67 
Felix 21, 117 

Fidel, Bishop 62-72 passim 
Foro 129 
Franks 99, 129 
Fronimian 15 

Fructuosus, Saint 123-145 passim 

Galicia 129 
Gallaecia 128 
Gennadius 107 
Gerona 117 
Gerontius 15, 16, 20 
Gerontius, presbyter 108 
Gerontius, Saint 135 
Goths 93, 103 
Granista, Count 99 
Gregory 109 
Gregory, Bishop 45 
Gregory, Pope 121 
Guadiana 54 

Gundemar 113, 117, 118 

Helladius, Bishop 108, 114, 118 
Holy Jerusalem, church 69, 84 
Honorius 31, 35 

Idanha-a-Velha 133 

Innocent, Bishop 103 

Isidore, Bishop 107, 109, 116, 121, 123 

Jerome 107 
Jews 74, 116 
John, Bishop 15 

John, Bishop of Constantinople 121 
John, chronicler 113, 117, 118 
Julian, presbyter 137 
Julian, Saint 41 



Justa 3, 6 

Justus, deacon to Helladius 108, 115, 118 

Laurence, archdeacon 54, 71 

Leander 116 

Leo, Pope 111 

Leocadia, Saint 121 

Leovigild, King 40, 55, 57, 77, 89, 91 

Liuva 117 

Lucidius, deacon 109 
Lucretia, Saint 67 
Lugo 129 

Lusitania 45-107 passim 133, 134 

Martin, Saint 23, 34 
Mauretania 97 

Masona, Bishop 72-106 passim 
Maurice, Emperor 122 
Maximus 113 

Merida 45-107 passim, 133 
Minicea 122 
Montanus 108, 110, 111 
Mount Dircetius 23 
Murilas, Bishop 118 

Nanctus, abbot 55 
Narbonne 99 
Nepopis, priest 86, 89 
Nepotian 30 
Nonnitus, Bishop 117 
Nono 137 

Palencia 110, 118 
Paul, a Greek doctor 58 
Peonense 129 
Parpalines 31 
Potamia 15, 20 
Pratum 42 



Priscillian 111 
Proseria 30 

Quintilias 50 

Reccared, King 91, 96, 97, 98, 99, 117 
Reccesvinth, King 120 
Rechila, abbot 115 
Redemptus, deacon 56, 75, 98 
Renovatus, abbot 51, 64, 103 
Rome, 121, 123 
Rufianum 128 

Sagatus 87 

Saragossa 113, 117, 118, 119 
Sempronius 37 
Servitanum 112 

Seville 107, 116, 123, 135, 136 
Sibila 29 
Sicorius 29 

Sisebut, King 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118 
Sisenand, King 115, 117, 118 
Sofronius 15, 20 

Suinthila, King 114, 115, 117, 118 
Sunna, Bishop 79, 93 

Tarazona 24 
Teudisclus 130 
Theban Fathers 123 
Theuderic 3,5,7,9,10,12 
Thuribius 37 

Toledo 83, 107-123 passim 
Toroflo 143 
Tulga, King 118, 119 
Tully 18 

Turibius, Bishop 111 

Vagrila 97 



Veranian 50 
Vienne 2,7 
Vildigem, Count 99 
Visigoths 92 
Visunia 128 

Witteric, King 93, 113, 117, 118